Deadlight is a flawed game that has some frustrations you'll have to overcome to win. Some sections, particularly in the later part of the game, are frustrating trial-and-error affairs. The story is also rather plain and predictable. But it's not a bad game, it has some pretty fluid mechanics and some rather smart level design often, with a few cool collectibles in little minigames you can collect and diary pages that are interesting enough. The environments look pretty, the music is nice... It feels like it holds itself back, thought its hard to explain. But I don't regret playing it, I did in fact enjoy it. Catch it on a sale, and if the idea of a 2D Zombie game is interesting to you, I'll recommend it. But it has its rough patches of frustrations, some glitches, and sometimes feeling not very inspired.
Arent there 5 episodes? That bundle only does the first two right?
I played castlevania on the ps3, but I didn't like it very much. Too similar to god of war. I know it doesn't play exactly like it, but it's how if felt to me.
I was waiting for Castlevania. I was hoping it would be 7.50 or less but screw it. Bought.
Kind of interested in Lego LOTRO but never played any of those Lego games. Any impressions? Are they kids games?
Man jump on that Castlevania deal!!!!! Amazing game on PC! Do you need to understand the story from previous games for Splinter Cell to make any sense?
Someone has never played symphony of the night or aria of sorrow...
Castlevania, IIRC, suffers a bit of that Alice Madness Returns syndrome, where the game goes on for too long just for the sake of it.
All the lego games are good quality (some a little better than others), with your enjoyment being tied to how much you like the source material.
For playing in coop with a kid? It is a great experience. I've played through harry potter with my daughter and you can easily make progress while they learn the controls and generally have a great time. I can't recommend them highly enough when played in this style.
As a lone adult? They are somewhat limited. You will have some fun, but they are basically endless collect-a-thons with no real challenge. Because of this you will only ever really need to "play" one of them to get your fill of the style.
LOTR in particular is one of the better put together games, so if you don't have a special preference for something like marvel or star wars, you might as well grab that.
And yet it's better than every one before it.
Or people just have different tastes. . .Someone has never played symphony of the night or aria of sorrow...
Lords of Shadow is my favorite game in the franchise, yes, including the vanias. It just has the grand, somber feeling that isn't quite matched by the other games, personally. The "GoW rip-off" syndrome didn't really faze me too much. There was so much downtime to just soak in the visuals and music that I never really made the comparison other than the camera and combat.I've played Symphony and all of the ones that came after.
Arent there 5 episodes? That bundle only does the first two right?
Castlevania, IIRC, suffers a bit of that Alice Madness Returns syndrome, where the game goes on for too long just for the sake of it.
You probably thought Max Payne 3 was better than 1 & 2 aswell.
Cognition... looks pretty cool actually, and for $1 I'll try it out.
Wait? So Alice is an 7-8 hour game stretched out to 20 hours with cutscenes lavishly thrown In for trivial events? Bah I only want it for the awesome hair Physx.
And I'm going to be a right hypocrite and buy Castlevania anyway. 2 years to finish it on 360 I wonder how long the pc version will take me?
34 more chances for Guaca -_-
It's possible, but it's quite hard.
Story mode, yeah, no problem.
Also if you haven't been following it since launch, be wary of launch reviews/comments; the game has changed drastically (for the better) since then.
I have finally done it.
I bought the Groupees bundle to get 99 Spirits, activated it... EXCEPT, I forgot that 99 Spirits comes with the Japanese version of the game, Tsukumogami.
And as such...
I have now done all New Years Resolutions I set out to do this year. I am content.
Deadlight. Yay or nay?
I have finally done it.
I bought the Groupees bundle to get 99 Spirits, activated it... EXCEPT, I forgot that 99 Spirits comes with the Japanese version of the game, Tsukumogami.
And as such...
I have now done all New Years Resolutions I set out to do this year. I am content.
I have finally done it.
I bought the Groupees bundle to get 99 Spirits, activated it... EXCEPT, I forgot that 99 Spirits comes with the Japanese version of the game, Tsukumogami.
And as such...[/MG]
I have now done all New Years Resolutions I set out to do this year. I am content.[/QUOTE]
Gratz on the G. Though I'm sure you wanted to cross than mark in the only way you can. With Bad Rats.
[quote="derExperte, post: 91921225"]No gratuitous cutscenes, just levels that are too big and take too long to traverse and too many easy fights against the same enemies over and over again.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I heard the "issues" with the first were fixed in some rather bizarre ways. Prime example of style over substance.
[quote="NaM, post: 91921312"]You have at least 10 hours of solid gameplay.[/QUOTE]
Well I've never played the 2 epilogue dlcs so fingers crossed the bonkers ending might get cleared up a bit now.
Very much. It drags on and on, with long stretches of running and doing nothing, as well as many repetitive padded combats, and more than a few levels that just didn't need to be there at all. It's a decent game, but at least 10 hours could have been trimmed without losing anything good.
However, at $10 or less it's an easy recommendation. I mean, $10 is almost the cost of a ridiculous drive-thru meal nowadays.
ModBot said:I am giving away 2 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).
Rules for this Giveaway:
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Cognition Episode 1 (Desura) --![]()
MB-C5150D6BCA9FB87F- Taken by kulapik
Cognition Episode 2 (Desura) --![]()
MB-5520DE41BC25AC41- Taken by GUN-NAC
I have finally done it.
I bought the Groupees bundle to get 99 Spirits, activated it... EXCEPT, I forgot that 99 Spirits comes with the Japanese version of the game, Tsukumogami.
And as such...
I have now done all New Years Resolutions I set out to do this year. I am content.
Hmm, should I get Chivalry or not?
Hmm, should I get Chivalry or not?
Current flash sale worst than the last one.
Current flash sale worst than the last one.
Contagion 4 Pack is only $2.81 averaged out. Is anyone interested in setting this up? I would but I am in WA, which means I have to pay tax on all my Steam purchases.![]()
Could anyone in the Neogaf steam group invite me in it please?! The group is on private.
My steam ID is : acebaldwin