Seven Force
Thanks again, Metroidvania!
Quest, you still need a Chimchar?
Sure. What do you have?No, but do you want something for a swinub and scraggy?
I can't trade right now, but can you do me a favor and save me a Ditto? Pretty sure I have a spare Porygon. My FC's 5284-2206-1177.So I have a few dittos. Who still hasn't gotten one regardless of the list or not. Not asking for much in return but a porygon would be nice and if you have anything with the right nature for breeding, I'm in. Just let me know by posting. I forget to check my pms sometimes. My FC is 3024-5265-5661.
I also have a 5iv totodile spare and a 5iv noibat if someone wants to make an offer for those. Again not worries about IVs anymore but egg moves or hidden abilities are nice.
Thanks again, Metroidvania!
Time to clear a box of 2-3 egg move tepigs...wonder trade here we come...
So I have a few dittos. Who still hasn't gotten one regardless of the list or not. Not asking for much in return but a porygon would be nice and if you have anything with the right nature for breeding, I'm in. Just let me know by posting. I forget to check my pms sometimes. My FC is 3024-5265-5661.
I also have a 5iv totodile spare and a 5iv noibat if someone wants to make an offer for those. Again not worries about IVs anymore but egg moves or hidden abilities are nice.
Sure. What do you have?
A Totodile and Ninetales would be cool. Those two for Swinub and Scraggy?The dittos are your guys'. Just add me and PM me your FCs.
Dunno, whaddya want? I have whatever, I can trade you anything since I can clone right now. 6iv Ninetales or Talonflame? 5iv totodile, 5iv ferrethorn, noibat etc.
A Totodile and Ninetales would be cool. Those two for Swinub and Scraggy?
My friend code is 5155-3032-4812 and my trainer name is Cody.Deal. Are we friends? What's your FC?
Sure, NP. My FC is in profile, PM me yours and initiate trade. The moves are Curse, Body Slam, Superpower.I'll take one if you're throwing 'em!
dude I'll take a ninetales or a talonflame if you got one available. I just started I'm 10 hours in so I dunno what you're looking for.The dittos are your guys'. Just add me and PM me your FCs.
Dunno, whaddya want? I have whatever, I can trade you anything since I can clone right now. 6iv Ninetales or Talonflame? 5iv totodile, 5iv ferrethorn, noibat etc.
My friend code is 5155-3032-4812 and my trainer name is Cody.
How do I get back my pokemiles? I had like 8000 and spent it on rare candies. I wanna do that again, how do?
Just send me a pm or post in this thread when youre ready.Okay, I'll add you in a sec. This clone is being annoying.
Just send me a pm or post in this thread when youre ready.
Alright, getting on now. You want these female or male?Let's go. In game cj
By the way, I'm still confused on how the Hitmon family can get egg move parents that are outside of its family.
Wonder trade boxes of your breeding rejects is the fastest way that I've found.
hopefully the ruby/sapphire remakes (or Z) has a mass 'wonder trade box' option
I know it won't, but wishful thinking is nice
I read you could get the same amount of pokemiles back by syncing again or some shit or you can't? I gotta get a lot of rare candies lol
I think your confusing the fact that you can have your pokemiles on the global link site or the cartridge. Global link item prices are the cheapest though.
Yes, your destination is to the East of the lab.I made it to the lab with the fossils I go to the beach and the lady won't let me go through because she lost a fossil. What do I do? I'm trying to find the gliterring cave but I can't seem to find it. Do I have to backtrack pass the fossil lab?
Ok thanksYes, your destination is to the East of the lab.
This is what happened when I trained 4 Pokemon specifically for Super Doubles to reach 50; they failed miserably.Finally EV Training a doubles team.
It's going to fail so hard.
This is what happened when I trained 4 Pokemon specifically for Super Doubles to reach 50; they failed miserably.
Ive got Chimchar. You want female or male?Anyone have an extra Chimchar, Turtwig, Treecko, Chickorita, Tepig, or Oshawott?
Anyone have an extra Chimchar, Turtwig, Treecko, Chickorita, Tepig, or Oshawott?
Ive got Chimchar. You want female or male?
I got Oshawott.
3153-4948-0443 (Joe)
You got Manectric, Luxray (or their first forms)?
Ive already got about ten of those haha. You can just have it, need to get rid of them anyways. Ign is cody, sending you an inv now.Doesn't matter.I guess male. Do you want anything? How about a 5 IV Scraggy
Ive already got about ten of those haha. You can just have it, need to get rid of them anyways. Ign is cody, sending you an inv now.
Edit: nvm you just got off.
Should have egg moves and 5 ivs as well. If it doesnt have 5 ivs let me know and I can give you one that does.Thanks broski! I got off to add Jaeger.
And it has Iron Fist!![]()
Should have egg moves and 5 ivs as well. If it doesnt have 5 ivs let me know and I can give you one that does.
Tournament with commentary if anyone wants to tune in and watch:
Thanks broski! I got off to add Jaeger.
And it has Iron Fist!![]()
Ready when you are.
Yeah legendaries are a bit hard, especially the event ones.Oh god, I completely forgot that Pokemon Bank released for Japan early.
Oh god hunting through the GTS is strenuous but I know I'm going to get addicted again trying to catch them all, or at least as many as I can D; I guess the only Pokemon that will be legitimately difficult to acquire (say, through GTS) now are legendaries.