I had always assumed that it was a case of "What if this person had been a girl, and not a boy?"
This is how I took it as well, though I guess we never see either's parents to know if they're the same or not. I always assumed so.
I had always assumed that it was a case of "What if this person had been a girl, and not a boy?"
I had always assumed that it was a case of "What if this person had been a girl, and not a boy?"
She has her fanbase and that's cool but when she kinda took over Makoto's turf leaving him in her shadow in some people's eyes, you kinda feel like you have an obligation to root for him over her as a result. When you see things like "BUT SHE'S SOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER" it's like well gee... thanks? :|
Ahh, I can see that now.
In my mind it was always some kind of parallel universe scenario where Aigis sealed Death into a young girl, FeMC instead. MC died on that bridge. And vice versa for MC.
I have an overactive imagination at times.
I played lady protagonist first and it was fine.Ridiculous, even FeMC fan not gonna advise first time player just playing her route.
Most advice is playing the original route, and the FeMC served better as contrast for another playthrough.
So actually on the default is everyone know the original route is the canon. If you catching feeling over "play FeMC in your 2nd play(I repeat, 2nd play)she's better!" well I have no word.. and yet the fan must handle "she not exist" backhanded insult, despite they actually very aware of it.
I was pretty successful with a Black Frost that had Fire Amp, Mind Charge, and Agidyne. Leveling up can't hurt, though.
I played lady protagonist first and it was fine.
3 had Koromaru, 4 had Fox, it's not unlikely to be honest.You're all wrong. P5's protagonist is going to be a cat. Cats are pretty popular on the internet, haven't you heard?
Unsure of whether it will be a male cat or a female cat though. Definitely not a college-aged cat.
It means you're probably a horrible person though.
You're all wrong. P5's protagonist is going to be a cat. Cats are pretty popular on the internet, haven't you heard?
Unsure of whether it will be a male cat or a female cat though. Definitely not a college-aged cat.
No need to get so upset. It's not like female protagonist is taking away from Naoto at all.
Persona: Crisis on Infinite WaifusPersona is basically Marvel comics. Just a shitton of alternate Japans.
You're all wrong. P5's protagonist is going to be a cat. Cats are pretty popular on the internet, haven't you heard?
Unsure of whether it will be a male cat or a female cat though. Definitely not a college-aged cat.
Don't do that. Straight up grinding doesn't accomplish much in Persona since the stat gains obtained per level are relatively minor. Grinding should only be done to reach a specific fusion level / obtain skills for your characters.Hmm. I guess I could rerun some dungeons and stuff and try and get somewhere to the high 40s or so.
(Magician) Jack Frost
(Magician) Pyro Jack
(Emperor) King Frost
(Magician) Pixie
(Death) Ghoul
Having already been on board with Hasoda, I always planned to watch it, but absolutely rave impressions here on GAF and from some of you guys in particular compel me to let you know:
Wolf Children delivered and then some.
Wow. Wow wow wow wow. WOW.
Incredibly smart, relatable story, beautiful montages that bring the story forward with no words and a powerful score. The words are well-written and well-performed (the BEST Funimation dub!) when you do hear them. Someone's finally tackled the whole half-breed trope in a way that's actually relatively realistic and believable instead of the usual sensational/seinen manga/Marvel Comics-type bullshit.
This sounds really manic/disjointed because it's late and I really have no shortage of observations and good things to say, so it's difficult to try and assemble them, but just know: This is the best anime film I've seen since Spirited Away and one of the best I've ever seen, period. It's very probably right up there with Kiki's Delivery Service for me and that's the highest compliment I can pay.
Dantis-san pls.
Please, it's Dantis-kun.
Don't do that. Straight up grinding doesn't accomplish much in Persona since the stat gains obtained per level are relatively minor. Grinding should only be done to reach a specific fusion level / obtain skills for your characters.
About the void quest boss: There's a Persona that will make this boss significantly easier. It's called Black Frost, and it's a level 38 Persona that can only be fused via the special 5-way Pentagon spread. The Persona needed to fuse it are:
4/5 of those Persona should be easy enough to obtain. King Frost can be gotten via the Lilim (Devil Arcana) + Anzu (Hierophant) fusion combo.
The reason why you need to fuse this Persona is because of its Mind Charge + Agidyne combo. You probably had troublebreaking through that infuriating "knight shell." Mind Charge + Agidyne quickly takes care of that annoyance, and it massacres the boss when it's vulnerable. It also stops it from rebuilding its shell.
Other tips:
- It might be best to use Teddie over Yukiko as your designated healer in this fight. Since Teddie starts with Mediarama (Yukiko gets it at lvl 43) he's better suited at healing duty.
-Team buffs are very useful. At the level range you're in none of your party members have any, but items like Diamond Shield & Assault Signal can compensate.
-I'd refrain from using Yosuke in this fight due to his comparatively lower damage output. If you got lucky and obtained the wind vow item (+30% to Wind skills) then go ahead and use him.
-I just remembered that Yosuke gets Dekaja. Use it to prevent the boss from stacking buff after buff. Be careful about the double electric weak though >.>
Ideal party: Teddie / Yosuke / Kanji (if his S.link rank is 6 then he should have Power Charge, haha)
the Rock leaked his character's storyline for P5.
the Rock leaked his character's storyline for P5.
the Rock leaked his character's storyline for P5.
When you max out his S.Link he explores dungeons with you. Once you level him up enough he learns two skills exclusive to him. The Rock Bottom (Severe strike damage to one enemy) and The People's Elbow (Severe strike damage to all enemies).
Edit: Sorry forgot, my bad.
Yeah it's pretty stellar, one of the best movies I've ever seen.
It has some small flaws, likeHanna's life pre-wolf man encounter is largely a mystery. It's kinda weird that we never hear anything from he own parents, or any of her family period.
It's interesting contrasting Hosoda and Miyazaki. Most people think Hosoda is mimicking Miyazaki, but that's unfair to both directors. Miyazaki for example tends to idealize children to be destined for greatness, and in totally in charge of their lives. While Hosoda goes in the opposite direction, the children in his movies are fearful of their future, and are just as imperfect as the adults. Neither style is worse than the other, I just like to point out that I think it's ridiculous to say they're both the same.
The whole movie feels like a classic fairytale even though the story is completely original, very impressive indeed.
Visual representation of what the movie will do to your feels.
Anyway, more anime like this. Please. Sorry for the OT post!
"It's better to make and OT post than a post that spoils the fuck out of one of the main entries in the series."
-Sun tzu
Agreed on Ghibli's post-SA output. I thought Ponyo was pretty cute though!There's a couple weird things in there that are mostly negligible, yeah. I did think of your spoiler (how could I not?).
And yeah, I totally see what you're saying. I can't speak for everyone, but I guess for me a lot of Ghibli/Miyazaki's stuff post-Spirited Away has felt sort of milquetoast. Wolf Children really rekindled that feeling, but you're right: There's different stuff going on there thematically and that's what makes it resonate instead of just being hollow nostalgia.
Anyway, more anime like this. Please. Sorry for the OT post!
"Persona 1 and 2 are not good, the rabid fans are delusional and should just play persona 3 and 4 instead. Lisa-san sure is cute though..."-Voltaire
"Persona 3 ad 4 are laughable and should be ignored in the larger Megaten canon."- Sit Isaac Newton
"These games are crap."- Carl Jung
If you haven't beaten Persona 3, stay out of this thread until the next page
You mean thoughtful? I'd say that about film in general.
I watched Watching things like Wolf Children and Eternal Sunshine Of a Spotless Mind back to back recently, then followed up with Man Of Steel. It reminded me how much I hate most hollywood blockbusters these days.
Also actually thoughtful, not the Prometheus version of thoughtful.
Agreed on Ghibli's post-SA output. I thought Ponyo was pretty cute though!
And then everything was right again.
Except Dantis still flipped me off...
I didn't think turnip would be able to change his post in time, so I wanted to warn users in advance"Where does Marvel fit into all this megaten nonsense?"
-John F Kennedy
That seems pretty unfair, especially considering there's a rules that spoilers should be marked.
If you haven't beaten Persona 3, stay out of this thread until the next page
I didn't think turnip would be able to change his post in time, so I wanted to warn users in advance