Lol this is perfect
Had to cut it a little because of limitations, but someone asked for it.
There has to be some kind of endgame, because the comic arc has been dragging ever since they got to Alexandria. Just because Kirkman says he doesn't want to visit the subject of the virus itself, doesn't mean the production crew won't (and in fact, we've seen shades of this in FTWD, where it's hinted that the virus started out as some kind of airborne infection as per the Clark's neighbor).
Oh man I couldn't disagree more. I love where the comic has gone. And where it's gone should be proof that an anecdote will never be part of the story. That's not what it's about. Like, at all. It's practically antithetical to the entire point and plot.
lets face it walking dead statute of limitations has been the day of and that's it lol.Lol AMC just spoiling ppl with this new Walking Dead trailer/recap
What's the endgame? What's the point of all this bloodshed and conflict?
okay thanks, helps puts things into perspective. from the way people have been talking about it makes me think it's like 3-4 seasons or something.Considering the events of the mid season premiere and where that is in the comics, I'd say there are at least another 1.5 or 2 seasons before catching up to the current comics (issue #151)
What do you mean? Some of the storyline on the show isn't following the chronological order of the comics?Not really. Issue 150 just happened.
Edit: Talking specifically about the post Negan content so far.
What's the point of all this bloodshed and conflict?
They just didn't have the mind frame for that world. That's why people like them die. Gotta adapt or perish.
I wish the producers would hire more kid zombies , you see these huge hordes but no kids among them.
That episode was pretty much representative of that classic scene from the book. Very pleased overall-the tension was off the charts.
yeah they really need to make the guy that directed this episode do more of them...this was his first ep he directed...
No, it wasn't. Nicotero has directed a bunch of episodes, including the Season 5 and Season 6 season premieresyeah they really need to make the guy that directed this episode do more of them...this was his first ep he directed...
I believe Carl surviving over Glenn coming out unscathed from gunfire.great episode, probably one of the best ever,not really sure how carl survived though
I believe Carl surviving over Glenn coming out unscathed from gunfire.
Yeah I'm willing to suspend disbelief at the best of times but that was a little rich for my blood.
The bullet grazed him, not shot through.
The bullet grazed him, not shot through.
It grazed his eye socket, making it shatter.That doesn't really make sense though considering Coral was facing him straight on. A bullet hitting his eye would be lodged in his skull at the very least. I think they gave him a 9mm if I remember right which should have enough force for an exit wound.
I have seen far worse gun shot wounds. It's not like you couldn't survive a headshot.That doesn't really make sense though considering Coral was facing him straight on. A bullet hitting his eye would be lodged in his skull at the very least. I think they gave him a 9mm if I remember right which should have enough force for an exit wound.
Sweet fuck that episode was amazing. Best one ever I think. So much happened.
Arrival of Negan to fuck up Rick and his plans will be awesome.
When he said Tyrese I thought he was referring to T-Dog. I'm a terrible person. He died a hero, Tyrese died like a punk.Glenn forgot to give a shoutout to T-Dog in his speech. Must've forgot his lines.
I think the Wolf was already redeemed before this episode. If he really was that bad of a guy still, he would have slit the throats of Morgan and Carol after knocking them out.I just saw the episode, it was ok. I don't really understand how Daryl managed to silently take out the guy and fire and RPG without anyone noticing, or how Glenn is apparently a complete idiot and gets himself cornered for no reason, then surviving a barrage of bullets being fired in his direction, but whatever.
I'm glad that family is dead. The mom was all right, but if she had to be sacrificed to get the other 2 out of the way, then I'm all for it. The less annoying kids, the better.
I found the whole sociopathic lunatic suddenly becoming redeemable and changing within the span of maybe a couple hours to be insulting to the viewers intelligence.
Time works funny in Alexandria. Remember the season 5 finale when Rick discovered the gate was left open during the daytime and by the time he ran halfway into town it was pitch black?Only part that kind of bothered me was how long they were walking through that herd. I mean they took so long it literally got dark. That they could just hold a little conference while standing there was also a bit weird.
Alexandria is part of the twilight zone.Time works funny in Alexandria. Remember the season 5 finale when Rick discovered the gate was left open during the daytime and by the time he ran halfway into town it was pitch black?
how is he gonna connect the deaths of his people to daryl and the others ? they didnt leave anyone alive. im really curious about this one
how is he gonna connect the deaths of his people to daryl and the others ? they didnt leave anyone alive. im really curious about this one
It take about 40 minutes to an hour to go from dusk (which can still be relatively bright outside) to night. So I think it's more that it was late in the day when they began walkingTime works funny in Alexandria. Remember the season 5 finale when Rick discovered the gate was left open during the daytime and by the time he ran halfway into town it was pitch black?
okay thanks, helps puts things into perspective. from the way people have been talking about it makes me think it's like 3-4 seasons or something.
What do you mean? Some of the storyline on the show isn't following the chronological order of the comics?
If Daryl had a theme song on this show, it would be this
He's clearly proven that he's a Super Hero