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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 2 – Sundays on AMC

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Good episode. Sounds like rhe Walking Dead is getting for a showdown. They way Michonne said it that it'll be tough, a main character seems destined to die. Alot of , potential fpreshadowing of who's to die, from Abraham almost getting his life chocked outta him and losing the necklace, to Glenn and Magee seeing the baby sonogram together for the first time, to even Michonne stating the fight will be tough. The producers have us crumbs so I'm kinda anticipating something surreal in the semi-final episode rathet than final for some reason. I can't wait to see how this show will progress after this season.


This episode gave me mixed feelings on Maggie, in a good way.

I love how they focused on her improving her leadership skills since that
foreshadows her eventually leading the hilltop like in the comics
but I also feel like her and Glen being back together and expecting a baby is extremely scary because
if they follow the comics at all, Glenn is a goner OR I get a feeling they might pull a Comics Laurie and kill both Maggie and the baby at the same time, or to make more sense it'll just be a pregnant Maggie, except by the hands of Negan

Great episode, I can't wait for Negan but I'm also pretty scared knowing he's coming. It's gonna be brutal when he arrives.

Also, I kind of forgot and must have missed the last time they were on screen, but where are Morgan and Carol right now?


Solid episode. Very faithful to the comic. The dude from the booth at the end is playing Gregory perfectly.

**Comic spoilers and speculation**

Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the Lucille part right after this? How are they gonna stretch this out for 5 more episodes presuming that they're gonna save that for the season finale (which they should)? Am I missing something? The kingdom was introduced after Lucille right?

And they seem to be hinting that either Daryl or Abram are gonne be the victim but if theyre gonna leave Maggie's arc unchanged from the comic (which seems to be the case) it almost has to be Glenn doesn't it?


Hunky Nostradamus
So (TV Show spoiler)
if we don't see Negan until the season finale, what is going to happen between now and then? We've got what 5 more episodes?

This is what I'm wondering as well - the show just finished up volume (comic)
16 of the comic and they meet Negan in volume 17. There's maybe 2 episodes worth of stuff from the comic that they can adapt from this point in the story, but it's going to be interesting to see what they decide to do with the rest of the season.


Solid episode. Very faithful to the comic. The dude from the booth at the end is playing Gregory perfectly.

**Comic spoilers and speculation**

Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the Lucille part right after this? How are they gonna stretch this out for 5 more episodes presuming that they're gonna save that for the season finale (which they should)? Am I missing something? The kingdom was introduced after Lucille right?

And they seem to be hinting that either Daryl or Abram are gonne be the victim but if theyre gonna leave Maggie's arc unchanged from the comic (which seems to be the case) it almost has to be Glenn doesn't it?

I think Negan is confirmed to make his first appearance
in the season finale so I'm unsure how they're gonna spread it out
, but I am excited that we're getting a Greg Nicotero directed episode next week so hopefully it's eventful. I could see at least one upcoming episode to be a character focused one too, like the earlier "Here's Not Here" Morgan one. I could also see the episodes leading up to the finale as ones where the group encounters The Saviors and are maybe brought to their camp as prisoners, which sets up for the Lucille moment but Negan is out and doesn't arrive until the finale to deliver it.

Lots of possibilities but this half of the season has been really strong so far so I'm just along for the ride without any set expectations at this point.

Side note: whenever I see photos or JDM smiling I'm like "yup that's Negan" so that makes me even more excited.

Also, the thought that Negan might have his
Lucille moment
with Daryl just made me real nervous.


How that fight scene came about was stupid. Seriously, Jesus was right there and could have easily taken both of those goons down and even if he wasn't there, the rest of the survivors were right there; that Ethan dude would have not died if somebody alone just had a weapon drawn at those two fools. And the fact Rick was just both angry yet numb despite up against someone who straight-up announced his desperation to keep his brother alive, you'd think he would relate (Does Rick have other techniques beyond punching people? I can understand against raiders but desperate people?) but apparently him saying "What?" while paved in blood is from the comics so...the writers seriously should have done a severely better job trying to justify those results.


I am curious as to how many people we are going to lose this season. I am guessing at least two big ones to show that they fucked up.

Glenn or Maggie (no way they both make it out of this) as well as either Abraham, Daryl, or Carol. I also think Eugene is going to be leaving soon. Either that, or they should have him be the one who kills Negan.

Remember soft hearted 'we dont kill the living" Rick?

Shane really was ahead of his time. :(


JTripper ^^^ Dude spoiler that whole thing come on...

**comic spoilers**
Also Hilltop and Alexandria seem to be much further away from each other than on the show (a day by horse compared to a day by car) They are gonna have to change some stuff post negan.


Wow, that one was super faithful to the comics. So cool to finally see the Hilltop appear on the show!

There was 1 major difference between the comics and this, and it bugged me. It was the lack of Carl. I don't know why they didn't have him come along.

Carl was the one who convinced Rick that Jesus wasn't a bad guy.

Carl was the one who suggested killing the Saviours to take half - "If we kill all these bad guys, will you start giving us half of your food and stuff"

The show needs to start focusing more on Carl. They better have something awesome happen in Alexandria with Carl there before the gang arrives back to make up for the lack of those two scenes from the comic.

EDIT - Question, is it considered a spoiler to discuss the comics that match with the episode we just watched or before? Should I spoiler the above?


Good episode. Best one of the mid-season thus far. I'm actually intrigued as to what's going to happen in the war to come. Comic Spoiler
A part of me wonders if it'll be Morgan that gets beaten to death by Negan instead of Glen.

"They did it again!!"


Just watched the episode thought it was really good. I really can't wait to see Negan, I just hope Negan's character isn't a re-hash of The Governor because that would just get boring.


I could've sworn I read somewhere Negan's gonna be in the season finale only. Does this mean the coming episodes are gonna be fillers?

A show like The Walking Dead would never do that, heh.

Contains some Comic Spoilers (these are my guesses)

Ep12 - gather the troops, we need to fight (+town filler)
Ep13 - Fighting to send a message (+more town filler)
Ep14 - Dwight flashback, what ever happened to him and that girl he was with?
Ep15 - Dwights back, someone takes an arrow to the knee eye socket
Ep16 - Negan is here, bow down to Lucille


its hilarious how spoiler filled this thread is even with spoiler tags. yes write a huge reply and spoiler tag two words like its going to help at all. lmao.

there's also another reply earlier in that thread without a spoiler tag at all but yeah we're just going to let it slide right?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Haha, that was episode was awesome. They're doing a great job of bringing Jesus to life. Gregory was also well done. I expected a super slow episode, but this hit all the right notes and setup a lot for the season.

I absolutely loved how blase Rick was about everything. Knifes that dude in the neck, gets covered with blood and then stands up and says "What?" This was basically Crazy Alexandria Sheriff Rick 2.0. And when the dude with the spear told him drop his weapon, he just gives a simple "I don't think I will." Haha, so good.

Also I like how consistent they are about Daryl being super awkward about sex.

As far as closest adaptation of an issue of the comic in the series, this has to be pretty high up there.

Comic Spoilers:
That "...right off the bat" line from Jesus was gold. GOLD, Jerry!
Comic spoilers/TV speculation:
I know people think Daryl may be the one to get beaten to death but I think they're still setting it up for Glenn. All this talk about building something, and his future, and all this baby/hope stuff, they're really building to something devastating with his death. They definitely have options though.


holy shit at that guy pointing a fucking spear at rick tryna make rick put down his gun....😂😂😂😂
how stupid can you be!
Comic spoilers/TV speculation:
I know people think Daryl may be the one to get beaten to death but I think they're still setting it up for Glenn. All this talk about building something, and his future, and all this baby/hope stuff, they're really building to something devastating with his death. They definitely have options though.
I mean,
Maggie's comment about how the fight is going to cost them something is a huge red flag for Glenn


yeah got to say the whole set up for them to go kill negan and shit is dumb... why not just got else were for food, walkers are easier than humans...😕


yeah got to say the whole set up for them to go kill negan and shit is dumb... why not just got else were for food, walkers are easier than humans...😕

They said that Negan is going to find their base at some point. They learned their lesson with the Governor.


Gold Member
I can't wait for Negan to appear. shit is gonna get ugly.

I think they will stick to the comics and kill off
is cool so will be upset by that but never really liked
So are they just done with the wolves? Didn't they have vans of undead and shit? It seems like there is still stuff for them before jumping to saviors
There was 1 major difference between the comics and this, and it bugged me. It was the lack of Carl. I don't know why they didn't have him come along.

Carl was the one who convinced Rick that Jesus wasn't a bad guy.

Carl was the one who suggested killing the Saviours to take half - "If we kill all these bad guys, will you start giving us half of your food and stuff"

The show needs to start focusing more on Carl. They better have something awesome happen in Alexandria with Carl there before the gang arrives back to make up for the lack of those two scenes from the comic.


I noticed this too, but also expected it.

They tend to give Carl's coolest/most badass moments to other characters. Rick killed Shane instead of him, Carol killed the crazy sibling instead of him, excluded from this whole Hiltop run.


Solid episode. Very faithful to the comic. The dude from the booth at the end is playing Gregory perfectly.

**Comic spoilers and speculation**

Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the Lucille part right after this? How are they gonna stretch this out for 5 more episodes presuming that they're gonna save that for the season finale (which they should)? Am I missing something? The kingdom was introduced after Lucille right?

And they seem to be hinting that either Daryl or Abram are gonne be the victim but if theyre gonna leave Maggie's arc unchanged from the comic (which seems to be the case) it almost has to be Glenn doesn't it?

Comic Spoiler

We still have Abraham's death before Glen's.
I mean,
Maggie's comment about how the fight is going to cost them something is a huge red flag for Glenn
Not only that, show speculation based on comic
but also having it be semi her decision that lead to his death will be a big part of her character growth as a leader.


Comic Spoiler

We still have Abraham's death before Glen's.
Comic/show spoilers
im starting to wonder if Abraham is really going to get his comic death or not. It's like too obvious at this point with all this focus on him with this relationship stuff. Now he's going to be doing his route with Eugene?? Would they really make it so obvious for comic readers? Not to mention that Kirkman regretted killing Abraham like that in the comics. Why the hell would they do the exact same thing in the show then?


This thread is so dangerous for the people that only watch the tv series... I laughed my ass off two times, the first being when a guy from the Hilltop points a spear to Rick and he pulls out his revolver and says "i don't think so" very indiana jones moment right there.


*In the RV, with maggie, glenn and the doctor*
glenn: do you have medicine for pregnant women?
doc: *looks at maggie* for you?
me: no, dumbass, for the chinese guy !!


yeah got to say the whole set up for them to go kill negan and shit is dumb... why not just got else were for food, walkers are easier than humans...😕
Because this is a step in trading between communities. Which would be a lot better then having to go search for food and honestly not find much because most stuff is probably going bad by now. They could grow food but it's going to be a while before that really gets going it seems like. So the group needs to figure out a way to get food now which the hilltop has a lot of since they have been growing for a while.

And Rick and the group are just pretty cocky all around about the whole situation. Thy figure they've dealt with the governor, terminus and the wolves so another group shouldn't be too big a deal to handle.


Don't see the problem. Nobody is gonna know who I'm talking about unless they click the tag.

You aren't the first to mention it so not much blame can be on you, but the fact that this Negan guy is the real deal and that some of our characters will die because of him has been spoiled before we even heard Negan's name in the show. It's becoming so annoying that even though I just barely started to participate in the thread, I'm considering ducking out completely which is sad to me because I always love Gaf participation. But this will probably be my last week, I'm pretty sure that I was spoiled yesterday
that Glenn was supposed to get killed due to Negan.
You can't just spoiler a name, you gotta watch the context in which you're mentioning it.


Hilltop reminded me of the manor from Assassin's Creed 3, location and everything. Solid episode, not too filler-like, and the scene between Rick and the Hilltop residents at the end was entertaining. Jesus is such a badass character. Can't wait to see Negan.


Yeah ive read the comics but if I hadn't I wouldn't be able to participate in this thread. Stuff has been spoiled like crazy. How hard is it to properly spoiler tag something?


You aren't the first to mention it so not much blame can be on you, but the fact that this Negan guy is the real deal and that some of our characters will die because of him has been spoiled before we even heard Negan's name in the show. It's becoming so annoying that even though I just barely started to participate in the thread, I'm considering ducking out completely which is sad to me because I always love Gaf participation. But this will probably be my last week, I'm pretty sure that I was spoiled yesterday
that Glenn was supposed to get killed due to Negan.
You can't just spoiler a name, you gotta watch the context in which you're mentioning it.
Ya there's some people who definitely don't seem to spoiler tag correctly but a lot of us comic book readers do it correctly for the most part. Sorry you got spoiled man that shit sucks I know the feeling. But if it helps make a difference at all then just know that the spoiler you mentioned isn't a guarantee or anything like that. No one knows what's happening. Especially since the show changes things all the time from the comic.
Yeah ive read the comics but if I hadn't I wouldn't be able to participate in this thread. Stuff has been spoiled like crazy. How hard is it to properly spoiler tag something?
I'm usually good at staying away from major spoilers, but won't lie I usually get a idea of what's going to happen from the comic readers. Many events are alluded too even with use of spoiler tags.

I personally want to read the comics myself, but yeah I don't blame ppl for staying out of here because of spoilers
Comic spoilers
Maybe the show will have both Glenn and Maggie be killed? Curious to see if they stay accurate to Glenn's murder. It's pretty brutal and not sure I can handle that on tv.


Very satisfied with this episode, after lots of BS filler and disappointment in the last handful of episodes (for me, aside from half of episode 9). Nice recovery, set things up for what's to come. I'm back in, if this is the quality we'll get. But I doubt it..
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