Yeah Cronenberg's approach to violence has been the best out of any Hollywood director out there in the last decade. It's brutally effective I think.
HiResDes said:Agree wholeheartedly on the superiority of Eastern Promises when it comes to Viggo films. In fact I feel like rewatching it right now. Naomi Watts IMO is one of the top ten best female actors currently in the industry.
Discotheque said:She's probably my favorite female actress right now actually.
Expendable. said:ha, I'm completely indifferent towards that film. Very, very little interest.
beelzebozo said:EP includes viggo mortensen, naomi watts, and vincent cassell, all three of whom need to be in more movies more often. i didn't know cassell was in BLACK SWAN until i just checked what's upcoming for him, and the fact that he got to work with aronofsky is super cool.
Discotheque said:They're all getting their good share of work. Mortensen was in The Road and is coming in another Cronenberg movie where he plays Sigmund Freud. Cassell had some trilogy that recently came out (french films) where he plays a serial killer, and like you mentioned Black Swan.
Haven't seen much of Watts lately though sadly :/ But that Fair Game movie is coming out. Looks good.
Noshino said:huh, so was I, but I had free time yesterday..... and I loved it! This might be one of the only movies that I have paid twice to see! :lol
It sucks that reviews are calling the plot unoriginal, and comparing it to The Incredibles and Despicable Me, specially since the only thing in common with TI is the fact that there are superheroes and with DE the fact that the villain sees the error of his ways, but is done in a very different way. It makes a fun of superhero films, SPECIALLY Superman (:lol )the Jor-El immitation was hilarious
I was really surprised that I liked it so much, the preview doesn't really do it much justice.
It is one of my favorite animated movies, up there with How to Train Your Dragon and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs!
For their fifth outing together director Tony Scott pairs Denzel Washington with Star Trek star Chris Pine in this high-octane, low-impact adventure. Through his nonsensical ADD approach, he derails our characters in favor of capturing the barreling villain. We have no deranged criminal like John Travolta in his last blockbuster, Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 . Our enemy is a train with no brakes, filled with the toxic chemical molten phenol headed for a number of obstacles. Evocating Jaws on a track, this force has no intentions other than to destroy what is in its path, creating a unified motive for the audience to get involved. Our script from Mark Bomback (Live Free or Die Hard, Race to Witch Mountain) makes for a tight thriller, but it is our tired director that constantly devolves this story to the lowest common denominator.
beelzebozo said:expendable, are you daniel plainview?
I'm surprised they didn't just give it a nationwide release. It has the star power.Expendable. said:4 theaters.
speaking of: 127 Hours could possibly land the best PTA of the year this weekend - http://ow.ly/19QgDv
It doesn't necessarily have the mass appeal though. It's a hard sell concept.(._.) said:I'm surprised they didn't just give it a nationwide release. It has the star power.
beelzebozo said:expendable, are you daniel plainview?
Solo said:His GAF lineage can be traced further back then that....
Solo said:His GAF lineage can be traced further back then that....
DevelopmentArrested said:i love tony scott's style (sorry).. so I guess Unstoppable is for me? todd mccarthy gave it a nice review. no official thread?
polyh3dron said:
polyh3dron said:Saw The Fighter earlier tonight at AFI Fest and holy shit Bale was good in it.
Mark my words, Christian Bale will take home the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.
How was the rest of the movie?
StuBurns said:I know a lot of GAF are not keen, but I loved Crash. Munich and Capote were very awesome too, it was a tough year for Best Picture, I think Crash is the best of the three.
StuBurns said:I know a lot of GAF are not keen, but I loved Crash. Munich and Capote were very awesome too, it was a tough year for Best Picture, I think Crash is the best of the three.
Blader5489 said:Is The King's Speech release next weekend wide or limited?