Looking for some advice on a potential motorcycle purchase.
I recently had my car totaled in a wreck, so I'm on the hunt for a new one. I really don't want to rush into anything just because I need a car, and honestly my wife and I have been doing more or less just fine with only the one car for the last week and a half, so I'm thinking about picking up a bike as a stop-gap measure of sorts until I have the proper time to devote to a car search. I had thought of getting a bike before, to save on gas and such, but I never ended up doing it for some reason or another, so this isn't exactly a totally spur of the moment idea or anything, but I'll admit that it is sort of a rush idea.
I only really need it for getting to work and back (more accurately, driving 4 miles each way to the train station) and random other errands around town. I don't ever really plan on taking it out on a highway, because as a general rule other drivers are morons and the thought of driving one on a highway at 70 mpg terrifies me (due in no small part to me seeing a biker get totally jacked up by someone on a highway who didn't see them at all a few years back).
I figure it would just be a better idea to spend a couple grand on a used bike + a few hundred (a thousand?) on protective equipment than to rush into dropping 5 figures on a car I may not really want.
Any recommendations for a good, used beginner bike to look for? Maybe even a scooter of some sort since I'll mostly just be using it for commuting? Seems a lot of the talk in this thread (though admittedly I've mostly just scanned it at this point so I may have missed it) is on the price points of new bikes, without much talk concerning the used market (outside of things like 20 year old bikes, which I'm not particularly interested in).
This is all just me pondering the options at this point, of course, so I don't know if I'll actually follow through or not.
Mostly suburban driving, though it's fairly high traffic suburbs. Don't know how much that really matters.
How does insurance work? More or less just like a car, or is it a separate type of policy for bikes? Would make sense to be a different type, since they're so different/riskier.