Brewer got Kaman good. And I told you, NY Effect. Carmelo will never get the calls he used to as a Nugget.He barely touched him. I don't know. That was questionable. Melo's been pushed and bumped from the back all night.
jesus the thunder shoot a lot of fts
gg dude,Kyle Lowry said:There's 70-something games left. It's a marathon not a sprint.
Damn, what a game for CP3 to have an awful night.
What's with T-Dougs closing games over Lin?
the real Knicks are back.
glad they decided to show up early. Would have been disappointing if they kept up this facade until the playoffs.
You should've seen him on the Kaman ""timeout".Hahahaha Woodson cursing like a motherfucker. LMAO
new thread titles
when I saw durant's stat line I was like wtf, more than half his points are from free throws.That's pretty much how they score.
I didn't even realize the thread had nearly that many posts. We're all fiends.
? For what? What is so lolworthy?lmao mavericks
? For what? What is so lolworthy?