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2012 Major League Soccer |OT| THIS LEAGUE IS RELEVANT!

Aww yeah! This will be my first full season of following, so I am pretty hyped. I'll be at the March 7th TFC-Galaxy CCL match :O~

I heard that it's sold out! At around 45,000 people, it will be the biggest attendance for a TFC game by far since BMO Field only holds 21,000.
I hope they put in a good performance because a lot of new people will be checking the team out. However, LA Galaxy are ridiculously stacked so I'm not sure it's looking so good for us.


I heard that it's sold out! At around 45,000 people, it will be the biggest attendance for a TFC game by far since BMO Field only holds 21,000.
I hope they put in a good performance because a lot of new people will be checking the team out. However, LA Galaxy are ridiculously stacked so I'm not sure it's looking so good for us.

I think they capped it at 42,000/43,000ish, but yeah they sold out apparently.

I'm hoping that the atmosphere is going to be great, because I'm feeling ecstatic. I've seen some games where the stadium is sold out (not MLS in particular) where the place sounds more dead than a cemetery, so I hope the fans come out and get real loud. I'm not a fan of supporters groups and their flares and chants with profanity (because it sounds extremely forced), but I'm happy I'm sitting with/near them.

I admit I haven't seen much of TFC soccer with the exception of a few games last season, but they look like they've improved a lot this off-season. So, I hope the team comes out strong or at least puts up a good match, because LA is completely stacked. I haven't heard much from this during this off-season, but based off what I saw in a couple of games last season and some off-season acquisitions, their mid-field and forwards are pretty damn good.

But anyways, IT'S GONNA BE EPIC!


You guys think there's a possibility of adding a relegation system to the MLS in the future?

I guess it's possible, but I can't see it working. I don't think North American sports culture has ever embraced a relegation/promotion system. Fans will stop showing up once their team gets promoted. Fans here love the fact that they have a chance year in and your out -- basically, every season is a fresh start. Plus, teams that get relegated will lose a lot of money from loss of ticket sales, concession stand/beer money, merchandise, media rights, etc...

I can't see a league this big (geographically) being able to support "new" teams every season.

All this and the fact that the MLS is being built around parity and not dynasties is what leads me to believe that a relegation/promotion system will not work nor will it be introduced.

Wow the Revs have $99 season tickets for college students

That's insane! If I had the opportunity to do something like this, I definitely would.
my Union are in midseason form

our preseason friendly in Costa Rica against Belen F.C. got ended prematurely by the refs after a little fracas broke out on the field

so much for having enough veteran leadership...



I think this year is going to be a train wreck.

I am/was a huge Le Toux supporter, so, this team is already on egg shells with me.


Unconfirmed Member
Lee Nguyen got picked up on waivers by the Revs. It'll be interesting to see if he can revitalize his career. George John is returning to FC Dallas. It's too bad he didn't get to play with West Ham but I see him getting bought in the summer for cheap or leaving in the winter after his contract expires.


Is there a planned release for the MLS Fantasy. Theres only 8 days left. Would be nice to get in and get a feel for it


Bring them back!
Vancouver and Toronto tonight. Though TFC doesn't even care enough to leave any starters there. Would be embarassing for Vancouver not to win this.


You guys think there's a possibility of adding a relegation system to the MLS in the future?

Given the North American sports culture, I don't think will ever accept it. Fans love the fact that every year is a fresh start with a chance at the championship. Support for most teams will decrease substantially if their team were to be relegated. Plus, from an economical POV, the only way to have a system like that is to have, what, 30+ teams or so across all of North America? Those are huge costs associated with travel for every team, including the small/relegated teams. But ultimately, I don't see how this league can support such a system.


Got my Union STH package in the mail yesterday. Sad at the losses during the off-season but a little excited at what could be.
Got my Union STH package in the mail yesterday. Sad at the losses during the off-season but a little excited at what could be.

nice, we got a good number of Union supporters on GAF and a few STH's

where are you sitting? I've had tickets in 103 since PPL opened


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
What's the most interesting team on the west coast to watch? I'm buying MLS Live and will be watching late usually. There is no team within 500 miles of me so I can just pick. Although I can't support the Galaxy because my fan background doesn't mesh with big clubs.
I'll be sitting in 139 with the other SOB's. Good to see the support on GAF!

cool, another gaffer (pkm) sits in the River End too, haven't seen him post in here yet, but he was active in last year's thread

I didnt renew my SOB membership after last year, dont quite like the direction the group is going. Awesome experience watching a game in the RE though, I've sat there once for a Union game and once when the USMNT played Colombia, good times


What's the most interesting team on the west coast to watch? I'm buying MLS Live and will be watching late usually. There is no team within 500 miles of me so I can just pick. Although I can't support the Galaxy because my fan background doesn't mesh with big clubs.

A team to look out for this year is Vancouver. Their squad is composed with attacking in mind, while still maintaining a respectable level of defense (based on the players that I've seen play this off-season).

There's also Portland and Seattle, although I'm not really a fan of anything on Seattle (those green jerseys are hilariously bad and I was never a fan of their commentator, Arlo White).

Other than that, there's always San Jose. I don't know much about them, but I think I read/heard somewhere that they've improved this off-season, so who knows :p


What's the most interesting team on the west coast to watch? I'm buying MLS Live and will be watching late usually. There is no team within 500 miles of me so I can just pick. Although I can't support the Galaxy because my fan background doesn't mesh with big clubs.

1. RSL (not quite the west coast) are a small club, but they have lots of talent and play attractive soccer
2. Vancouver will probably be the most improved team, they have tons of attacking options
3. Portland has the best fanbase in terms of stadium atmosphere, and a really good team

Chivas are a mess, San Jose must prove that they're "interesting" and Seattle are a "big club" imo...
It doesn't really bother me how few of you guys recommended Seattle (bigger market team, like you said, so probably not what Guileless is looking for).

I must commend all of you all for not recommending Colorado though, because screw those guys.
Is Orlando really in the running for a MLS team? Florida is great and all...I just wanted a team closer to the Carolinas. Charlotte, Charleston...something.
cool, another gaffer (pkm) sits in the River End too, haven't seen him post in here yet, but he was active in last year's thread

I didnt renew my SOB membership after last year, dont quite like the direction the group is going. Awesome experience watching a game in the RE though, I've sat there once for a Union game and once when the USMNT played Colombia, good times

Im still around, was given a GAF vacation a couple months back lol.

Yeah im still in the River End too, not sure were exactly since we seat upgraded. Wife handles all that, she prob told me the new sect and seat # but I forget off hand right now.

I dotn think we re-joined SoB eithier. Too be honest we will most likely move out of the RE after this season. Its fun but I find myself watching the game more then participating in the chants etc..


five more days...

Also, ESPN survey:

Interesting charts. You can see how interest spikes during a World Cup year and then kind of levels off or declines a bit until the next WC. But each spike is bigger than the last.

Which seems to suggest that it is most likely international soccer that is driving the interest and MLS is just along for the ride. But hey, we'll take it. ;)

As an aside, I'm surprised the 2009 number is so low. That was the year that the US had their incredible Confed Cup run and ESPN was getting their biggest ever non-WC soccer ratings and at the time I thought "We are really making progress."


drawer by drawer
Alright, I made the MLS-GAF league. Quote this post to see the league code. If anyone wants me to make a H2H league too, just let me know.

I'd love to see MLS be the 2nd most popular league in the US behind the NFL. Realistically though...3rd or 4th would do.

Basically just to get to a point where MLS matches aren't delayed on ESPN2 in order to finish up women's tennis or little league world series games.
Interesting charts. You can see how interest spikes during a World Cup year and then kind of levels off or declines a bit until the next WC. But each spike is bigger than the last.

Which seems to suggest that it is most likely international soccer that is driving the interest and MLS is just along for the ride. But hey, we'll take it. ;)

As an aside, I'm surprised the 2009 number is so low. That was the year that the US had their incredible Confed Cup run and ESPN was getting their biggest ever non-WC soccer ratings and at the time I thought "We are really making progress."

I've always been of the opinion that MLS success is directly tied into that of the US Men's Team. We won't see a true explosion in interest for the sport domestically until our boys have a memorable run in a WC tournament and get far (think semi's). It is backwards of course, but thats America for you.


Basically just to get to a point where MLS matches aren't delayed on ESPN2 in order to finish up women's tennis or little league world series games.

As frustrating as that was (little league bumping the US soccer team was it?), to be fair to ESPN, they will finish up with whatever game is going longer than expected, the sport doesn't matter.
Of course they don't schedule an event where that may happen before NFL games or even college football games, instead there are seven hours of pregame shows.


I don't really feel like I can get into MLS until a team I care about pops up. I am hoping Orlando City Soccer Club eventually gets into MLS as they're hoping. Until then, I'm just kinda non-plussed about the whole thing especially with both Dallas and Houston having squads. I'm be more inclined to root for Houston since Miguel likes them but meh. I never went to a Chicago Fire match when I lived there since they played in BFE.

The Austin AzTex have reformed (after they left to become OCSC coincidentally) though and I plan to go to a few of their matches this year. They're quite a ways down in the pyramid but it'll still be fun.
So pumped for the NBC broadcast. Hopefully Henry and co will put on a show. NYRB was the most frustrating team to watch last year at times.


I signed up for the GAF league...

Am I doing this right, I need a facebook account to sign up for this? Because fuck facebook.

Apparently you do. Just create an account just so you can access this, they can't force you to actually use Facebook...

Alright, I made the MLS-GAF league. Quote this post to see the league code. If anyone wants me to make a H2H league too, just let me know.

Why are we hiding this info, don't we want as many people to join as possible?

After you pick your roster, go to "Create and join leagues" on the right side...

It looks like you can sign up for as many leagues as you want, and just have to deal with maintaining one roster...


I signed up for the GAF league...

Apparently you do. Just create an account just so you can access this, they can't force you to actually use Facebook...

Why are we hiding this info, don't we want as many people to join as possible?

After you pick your roster, go to "Create and join leagues" on the right side...

It looks like you can sign up for as many leagues as you want, and just have to deal with maintaining one roster...

Joined. We'll see how long it keeps my interest this year...
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