Lakers would have won this game with Fisher.
So would the Rockets.
Lakers would have won this game with Fisher.
So would the Rockets.
Naw. Not with Kevin Martin the Pro Tanker on the team.
WOW PHOENIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 TALK ABOUT A COMEBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm loving it. If laker get knocked i'm rooting for them. LOL
WOW PHOENIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 TALK ABOUT A COMEBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm loving it. If laker get knocked i'm rooting for them. LOL
Kobe seriously shot 3-20?
Did somebody forget to tell him that the Lakers are supposedly not tanking anymore?
You are the weirdest Laker fan I've ever seen.
WOW PHOENIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 TALK ABOUT A COMEBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm loving it. If laker get knocked i'm rooting for them. LOL
You are the weirdest Laker fan I've ever seen.
What in the world...
This is the same man that thinks Fisher will be a HOF and get his jersey retired by the Lakers.
LOL Infer that to my not following the nba, 05 thru 09(stupid college) So my hate for the Suns(celtics) Isn't as rooted as other lakers fans here.
Not an English major I see.
Nisamehe kwa makoso zangu za kingereza lugha yangu ya kwanza sii kiiengereza.
Forgive me for some mistakes my first language is not english.
It's alright.
I don't think you're a Laker fan though.
I think you're a fan of veteran teams and the Lakers happen to be that.
Don't let the hate consume you...True. But kobe and pau are my fav players so it comes off like i'm more of a laker fan. I despise border line hate all these upcoming younger teams especially the knicks and clippers.
Don't let the hate consume you...
It almost did. I decided to chill out after they fired D'antoni. One less hate point in my book and this past streak has put me in my place...........well until the next loosing
I'd fuck kado if he looked like Sessions.
all over his tits
im a cheap date.
come at me bro.
lolkobe was cold because luke walton wasnt there to warm the bench up
ill take you out to in n out
AND I'll let you order off the secret menu
also its not fisher cuh its luke:
The only thing Kado is worthy of at In N' Out is the plain ol' fries. Unsalted.
"People keep telling me when I'm involved we're a tough team to beat; I want to involve myself," Bosh said. "So I had conversations in a non-crazy type way."
"[He'll] be cussing himself out and talking to himself all kind of ways," Wade said. "It's very disrespectful I think.''
There's only one upside to this whole PHX run. It's the possibility of Nash taking the suns past OKC and knocking them out, as he completely out plays YNB.
It would be almost as sweet as the Spurs Sweep.
im a cheap date.
come at me bro.
The rise & fall, emotions of Knicks-age is hilarious. They're not even sure what to think anymore.
Is this gif really that hard to understand?
Also, kado, where you your fade done man, shit is tight.
Calm down people, it's the regular season. No reason for Kobe to stop shooting the kind of looks he got tonight. Kobe doesn't have Bron's "I'm having a bad game I'll just disappear" gene and I'm glad he doesn't.
Half the team probably got hammered last night for St. paddy's day. One of Kobe's white chicks must be Irish..
Come on, I know not even knicks fans are that dense.
Well, about that...Come on, I know not even knicks fans are that dense.
Razor Ramon or the HG version?Kobe looked more true-life Razor Ramon last night.
Fuck was that about?
Hey Vahagn what did you think of Favors / Kanter / Burks?
WOW PHOENIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 TALK ABOUT A COMEBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm loving it. If laker get knocked i'm rooting for them. LOL
Razor Ramon or the HG version?
Wow at that quote from Wade. Is he calling out Bosh for being disrespectful to opponents or himself?