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2012 NBA Mar |OT2| The Manhattan Project Part II: Blow It All Up, Again

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Interesting to see the team in this situation now. One thing about Baron Davis that the Knicks will miss is his calming presence on the court. Even when he looks out of control dribbling he never pancis, now Shump is at PG.

That's a tough call on Chandler.

EDIT: Hibbert fouled the shit outta Shump on the show.
Novak is constantly questioning whether or not he should shoot, even in mid pass on the opposite end of the floor. It is his blessing and his curse.
3/14, 5 TOs in the quarter

I hate the 3rd quarter.
Announcers complaining about the refs only calling contact by the pacers. What's that about?
Pacers announcers? Lin may not survive the game the way he's getting hammered. Hibbert is destroying the Knicks PGs on shows.
Louis Amundson just threw a forearm to Lin's head...

Is there a hit out on this dude? I don't get why he gets hit so much.
JR is just chucking out there.

"Asshole 3's ain't gonna take themselves!"
Deng got crossed over like a bitch. He needs to sit down if he can't even play d. He can't dribble with his left hand and is useless on offense unless Rose kicks it out to him after compressing the defense.

Or if Wade is guarding him

That '07 series still pisses me off. Kept putting 6'4 Wade on 6'8 Deng and Deng would just pull up for midrange shots over him all day, averaged like 30 fucking points that series -_-


Bullshit. Blake is a spot up shooter who can't crack 40% this year

I like Blake but I believe in starting your BEST players. Ramon gives you EASY baskets in transition, dribble penetration and less turnovers (3 bigger problems for this team than poor outside shooting IMO). Brown needs to stop dicking around and let our best PG gel with the other starters
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