It's dumb to think that a change to his follow through is adding 20% to his career average.
Among everything broken with his mechanics (e.g. nonexistent arc, inconsistent foot placement, poor breathing mechanics, complete lack of concentration, and a general lack of care), you think his follow through motion is going to make him a 70% plus shooter. That's dumb.
The dude doesn't know how to hold the ball and shoots line drives.
It's dumb to think that if Dwight had better mechanics on his shooting, that his career free throw percentage would be higher? What?
Follow through is the most important part of shooting free throws.. Wtf? Lol
Nonexistent arc = Comes from his follow through..
Inconsistent foot placement = Wat?? This shit doesn't necesarily matter in free throws.. Players stand how they feel comfortable with their free throw routine/shooting, so even then this would also fall under follow through.. Tim Duncan is a bowlegged son of a bitch, Dwyane Wade stands like he's ready to take off sprinting, Fucking Joakim Noah and Shawn Marion shoot every free throw like if it's the first time they've ever laid eyes on a basketball
Poor breathing mechanics = Like this motherfucker forgets how to breath or some shit.. Are you serious? Yes getting a consistent breathing pattern is somewhat important, but that shit isn't fucking taught, that comes with flow of your routine and is obviously different with each player
Lack of concentration/care = GG, if he had these things then he would change his mechanics
So YES, changing your fucking free throw mechanics could easily raise his % from sub 50 to 70-80%..
Seriously, he would be going from making 1-2 every 4 free throws, to a somewhat consistent 3 out of every 4, and if you don't think that changing his free throw mechanics, or that his mechanics are his greatest impediment, then you just don't understand shooting period.
Chuck Hayes has a higher FT% than D12 - Nuff said