Does Don Cherry ever age? He looks the same since I started watching hockey on the late 90's.
Only good thing is he is starting to lose his voice
Does Don Cherry ever age? He looks the same since I started watching hockey on the late 90's.
What the huh?? Stick to the head you know, automatic penalty since forever.
Said everyone in CAN-ADAThank you for believing in me Cherry!
He's actually CG..
Lucky CBC could never afford that because that would be scary.
I hope he lives forever.Does Don Cherry ever age? He looks the same since I started watching hockey on the late 90's.
I am sooooo tired. This is brutal for us psters
But Rogers could.....
Especially for us west coasters. I'm running on fumes here. Fueled by my hatred of visor wearing sissy Europeans.
That number is pretty nasty good.dat Swedish 40% PP conversion
True Captain putting in good work on the pk.
I said pk not pp.Alex Steen?
I'm sure they had plenty of leftovers from other games.Only 11 pucks?