the people who tested, reported, and pulled away Backstrom are all Canadian i betchaBut what does Peter Forsberg think
the people who tested, reported, and pulled away Backstrom are all Canadian i betchaBut what does Peter Forsberg think
Kunitz redeemed.
Nah Price did well out there. I give him props. But it is easy to stop pucks when you got that D in front.I think Glenn Healy could backstop this team to the gold medal.
Barely any scoring chances for the other team.
so does nasal spray, its not really an issue at all
pseudoephedrine isnt really an enhancing drug as much as smelling salts are
so does nasal spray, its not really an issue at all
pseudoephedrine isnt really an enhancing drug as much as smelling salts are
You'd think the team Sweden docs would do a better job of telling the players what will get them banned.
uh what
Didn't realize, still seems suspicious.Apparently, many migraine Rx contains pseudoephedrine.
EDIT: Don't forget Yogi Berra guys !
Millions across Canada feel this game is in the bag, Torontonians see a 3 goal lead, yellow in opponents jerseys, feeling extra nervous
This is fucking huge. What an idiot, I'm surprised as hell.
Didn't realize, still seems suspicious.
Tournament is over so OEL finally gets to play
I don't understand why you're so salty. We're winning so what we're doing is obviously working. It's not like Patrick Sharp is going to make or break this team.
Agreed. No panic, all composure, solid decisions against every line Babcock matches them up withweber and keith are the stars of the tournament, what a stellar combo
Backstrom's never been a Senator.Us Sens fans can't be too surprised about this. Players who play(ed) for the Senators never show up in afternoon games.
Didn't realize, still seems suspicious.
At 6:30 on game nights in Montreal, as the fans start streaming into the Molson Centre, as the TV sportscasters fidget while waiting to deliver their live reports, as the hot dogs grill in the press lounge, Canadiens goaltender Andy Moog goes through his pregame routine in the dressing room. He takes two Sudafed tablets and washes them down with a cup of waterit is not a question of health but of habit. Moog took Sudafed for the first time six or seven years ago, when he was with the Boston Bruins, because he had a terrible head cold. Since then, his remedy has become his ritual. Four other Canadiens also reach regularly for Sudeys, as they sometimes call them, to kick-start their motors, to get ready to play. For these men a game face includes an open mouth and a couple of hockey's little helpers.
A similar scene is being played out in dressing rooms throughout the NHL. The exact number of players who use Sudafed, a nonprescription drug that contains the stimulant pseudoephedrine, in an effort to boost their performance on the ice, is unclear. Two NHL trainers estimate that before a game 20% of the league's players routinely take over-the-counter medications that contain pseudoephedrine, not to combat the sniffles, as the manufacturers intended, but to feel a little buzz. The NHL, however, disputes that figure, saying the percentage of players using drugs such as Sudafed is much lower and that they use them for medicinal purposes only.
weber and keith are the stars of the tournament, what a stellar combo
What's the reason ?
AhahahahaForget Swedish meatballs, Swedan's new national dish is Swedish turnovers.