Start by firing the entire Hockey Canada executive for trying to build a team based on Crosby, for starters. If he's truly the best player in the world, he should be able to play with anyone. Handpicking scrubs to play with him is beyond stupid.
There are 2 networks showing the Olympics here and both are showing goddamn Ice Dancing.
Fuck, I know I'm the only person in this country who knows Hockey exists but damn I wanted to see theese games!
Yep he should have stopped most of these.Pavelec is terrible.
I wish we were playing Pavelec.
But as annoying as it is to still be tied, and yeah it's risky as hell the longer it goes on, Canada is still out shooting them like 30-8.
That was amazingly the dumbest thing I've ever heard Healy say.
These Russian in the crowd really want Latvia to win, so Canada can join Russia in the short corner.
Jesus Christ Canada, even if we win this, we're gonna get destroyed by the U.S. So awful.
They also wear hardhats.Literally.
Lol. They would look so much better if only they got rid of those stupid ass stars in the shoulder. EwLiterally.
Haven't these guys watched enough leaf games to know that Latvia is pulling off a legit strat?
Shots against means nothing if they're crappy chances
Only the shots against the leafs are usually great scoring opportunities.