I did that but I got stuck at some damn boulders that would not blow upDMPrince said:go between the cacti
I did that but I got stuck at some damn boulders that would not blow upDMPrince said:go between the cacti
LALILULELO said:Made my own "Hero" today who else than the Witch of Vigrid
3D dot Bayonetta to kick ass Retro style..
You, sir. Are AWESOME.
poweld said:Surely
*Bob Pictures*
And if you want to download them...
Bub - http://rcpt.yousendit.com/871878205/b273418e313943ffdf2269b864126127
Bob - http://rcpt.yousendit.com/871878331/6204046726b1fe10051af120b3eb7722
--- here ---Grampasso said:WTF, this game here in Italy (ROME) doesn't exist at all... Gamestop, Trony, they don't even know about the EXISTENCE of this game -.- They look at me like an alien when I ask them to check if it's scheduled to ship anytime soon ç_ç
JoeFu said:I don't get how you're doing so bad at it. I got 32 seconds my first try and got around 24 my second finish. You can't slow down on purpose you have to go as long as you can without crashing because everytime you turn you gain speed. You can crash on the 2nd lap around the trees and still finish under 20 seconds.
Azrael said:This game has locked up on me twice now. The second time was just after I completed the desert temple and wiped out over an hour of progress =/. Need to save constantly for this game.
does it happen during the load screen?Azrael said:This game has locked up on me twice now. The second time was just after I completed the desert temple and wiped out over an hour of progress =/. Need to save constantly for this game.
DMPrince said:does it happen during the load screen?
The one you just listed makes you shield invisible. It's perfect for the car or tank or anything lese that shouldn't be holding a shield.HappyBivouac said:so doand the other one actually DO anything?up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, traingle
HappyBivouac said:so doand the other one actually DO anything?up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, traingle
PepsimanVsJoe said:I'll save everyone the trouble of reading it though by saying that while I got some enjoyment out of the game I ultimately don't like it and consider it a waste of time.
I care, that's awesome news! Still waiting for my copy thoughAnemone said:I don't know if it's obvious, if I've been beaten to it, or if anyone even cares, but the game works great with a Saturn USB controller.
Anemone said:I don't know if it's obvious, if I've been beaten to it, or if anyone even cares, but the game works great with a Saturn USB controller.
Katana_Strikes said:How do you book a monster?
And how do you get into the coloured locked doors in dungeons?
Just done Dungeon 3 which was much, much harder than the previous ones. Boss was a little bit tough, took me a few attempts to kill him.
Asda have it for £25. Annoyingly, it's kept in the budget section instead of the chart section.Adamm said:Sigh....
Went to GAME and it was £39.99, I told them it was £29.99 everywhere, even on their own website - but no, apparently its £39.99.
So i then went to Gamestop, HMV, Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys & PC World and none of them have it?
Why is this game so hard to find?
So now im going to have to order it online and probably wait to Tuesday before i can play it!
This is why people don't shop in the real world any more![]()
Ryn said:Dungeon 5 is kicking my ass :[
Stupid yellow/blue squishy-looking-enemy-things that drain everything and leave me with half a heart left after bumping into them once. I think I got everything except if there's a special weapon, whatever is behind the green door and the room above it, there's a room with a blue/red switch changer, but whichever way I flip it I cannot reach the far left door because the corridors are blocked off by 2 blue blocks (far left and far right) and then 1 red block (middle). Is there some stupid little trick I'm missing here?
Ryn said:Dungeon 5 is kicking my ass :[
Stupid yellow/blue squishy-looking-enemy-things that drain everything and leave me with half a heart left after bumping into them once. I think I got everything except if there's a special weapon, whatever is behind the green door and the room above it, there's a room with a blue/red switch changer, but whichever way I flip it I cannot reach the far left door because the corridors are blocked off by 2 blue blocks (far left and far right) and then 1 red block (middle). Is there some stupid little trick I'm missing here?
protonion said:Red blocks must be up. You can walk right below them! Do not leave without that treasure.
MercuryLS said:I haven't followed this game at all, I've checked out a few reviews and it seems really cool. So what's GAF's consensus? Worth it?
LALILULELO said:Made my own "Hero" today who else than the Witch of Vigrid
3D dot Bayonetta to kick ass Retro style..
Please share, where can I download this awesomeness?!
MercuryLS said:I haven't followed this game at all, I've checked out a few reviews and it seems really cool. So what's GAF's consensus? Worth it?
:lol I feel sorry for your childhood.RelentlessRolento said:Tempted to do a Jill of the Jungle or Commander Keen