Alright, platinumed the game the other day (how many GAF'ers have done this?

), so I feel qualified to write up a mini-review:
+ Decent amount of content; fairly lengthy main quest, large map, lots of side-quests and events, lots of secrets, etc. You'll get a lot of game time out of this if you decide to go for the platinum
+ charming graphics, colorful world, and unlike many others, I think this game has its charm (many thanks to its great translation)
+ provides a decent challenge while not being über-frustrating
+ fun bosses
+ The character creator is awesome, and it's great fun to make characters and download other gamers' creations
+ Once again, the writing's great, and several comments made me laugh; I also loved how the main quest dialogue changed depending on what mode you chose (the Spelunker Mode changes made me laugh the most, since everyone assumes Spelunker is a incapable, worthless weakling :lol )
+ The game gives off a very polished facade aside from the temple slowdown
- Some of the minigames are incredibly hard and will make you want to tear your hair off, the main offender being the two Dash Circuits
- A bit too many missable events, locking you out from earning swords and generally pissing you off
- Some of the later temples have too much slowdown, which seriously impacts on the responsiveness of the controls (which is extremely frustrating on Spelunker Mode)
- The game pushes the 8-bit gameplay a liiiittle bit too much, which makes the game a bit too simplistic
All in all, this game's worth it, especially if you can find it cheap (bought it day 1 here in Europe for 27). If you grew up with similar games (e.g. Zelda on NES), you'll feel right at home. If I were to grade this, I'd give it a
7+/10 or perhaps an