After beating ALBW, nothingI haven't touched it since then. I hope Nintendo announces more games like Luigi's Mansion 2 for this year.
Nothing. 3DS game releases are getting too sparse and that's bothering me. I want to love my handhelds but 3rd parties won't let me!
Haha, most of the rest of this thread would seem to disagree with you. There's a lot of good stuff out there, and more releasing every month.
You do know there is a flowchart you can jump around right? Because the way you worded that sounds weird. But I have been holding off on any games until Bravely Default.-Virtue's Last Reward - completed all the primary puzzles, now working on unlocking all the routes to get the true ending
Most of the rest of the thread probably don't play 3DS as much as I do. All of those games in "why can't I hold these games" picture are months old. I have finished all of them in their release week (except for AC and Pokémon)
Most of the rest of the thread probably don't play 3DS as much as I do. All of those games in "why can't I hold these games" picture are months old. I have finished all of them in their release week (except for AC and Pokémon)
3DS game releases really are sparse. Last non-shovelware game released in US was Link Between Worlds on November 22nd and next one after that will be Bravely Default on february 7th. There are 77 days, that's right, seventy seven days between those two. My 3DS has been sleeping for 63 days (I finished LBW in just 3 days). none of my previous handhelds have slept that much. There were strong 3rd party support for all of them.
Damn you are a faster hunter if you finished Monster Hunter that fast !
did you try out Phoenix Wright ? i got 25 hours from that
Still trying to finish MHU
Maybe try picking up another hobby?
Haven't played it since before Christmas lol