This is breaking my heart.
Yeah it's sad to look at, but when you have thousands of those fuckers swarming you, then you'd be wishing to have some Japanese hornets to torture those damn bees.
This is breaking my heart.
Why are they "Africanized?"
Jesus, they're so big and juicy looking, like a jumbo shrimp.How do they taste?
Reminding me why humans are the most terrifying, as horrifying as seeing how big that hornet is and how it can just trash a hive, some of us just go "you look tasty."In the mountain regions of Japan some subcultures do eat insects and apparently they are a delicacy when fried.
Another fun fact, the Japanese giant hornet is the deadliest animal in Japan with a kill count of 40 people a year.
If there anything stopping them from becoming the dominant bee species? That would be a downer.These exist all because some asshole biologist in the 50s thought it would be cool to crossbreed then had incompetent help that accidentally released them into the wild.
They are nasty shits. They have been documented chasing and attacking someone for more than a mile from the hive. So good luck just trying to put some distance to get them to leave you alone.
you know brothers like those waifus though...I'm down with that bro
Used to be stationed at Howard AFB, Panama. Was on a bus one day by myself waiting by the runway. There was a lone bee. I smashed that bitch. Next thing you know bees are bouncing off the fucking windows trying to get at me.
I was scared.
So is it European bees that have been Africanised, or African bees that have been Westernised? Something a bit off about that name.
what is this Africanized bullshit? They were peaceful and now have become "Africanized". What a loaded racist term.
Wikipedia said:A single African bee sting is no more venomous than a single European bee sting, though African honeybees respond more quickly when disturbed than do European honey bees. They send out three to four times as many workers in response to a threat. They will also pursue an intruder for a greater distance from the hive. Although people have died as a result of 100-300 stings, it has been estimated that the average lethal dose for an adult is 500-1100 bee stings. In terms of industrial honey production, the African bee produces far less honey than its European Counterpart, whilst reproducing more swarms and absconding (abandoning its nest). For this reason, African races of Honeybees are less desirable than European races, except where the proclivity of African bees give Beekeepers no other option due to the African's tendency to invade and take over European nests.
dude whatwhat is this Africanized bullshit? They were peaceful and now have become "Africanized". What a loaded racist term.
Nothing beats the tarantula hawk wasp
Fucking Cazadores!
that documentary made it seem like the japanese bees evolved that behavior. other bees wouldn't necessarily do that
Right, the cooking alive stuff is a highly specialized response. No other species of bee is going to know how to do that.
A wasp in your house is nothing compared to a rhinoceros. You... You don't want that.
Nobody does.
You underestimate the africanized bees. Winter was supposed to stop them into spreading into North America, however they actually made an interesting adaptation, they did basically the same as japanese honeybees, they surrounded the queen and kept her warm in winter, which allowed them to continue spreading. If they can do that, I don't see how the can't cook the hornets as well. It appears they have a great ability in controlling the exact temperature of the hive.
That is interesting indeed. The thing about the hornets though is that you only get one shot, you have to take out the scout before it can drop its pheromone beacon otherwise the hornets win by swarming.
Nothing beats the tarantula hawk wasp
Fuuu. that thing is crazy.
"A tarantula hawk is a spider wasp which hunts tarantulas as food for its larvae. "
Not the hero GAF needed, but the hero GAF deserved.
I've only been stung by a bee once and it stung my earlobe. Completely unprovoked too, I was just minding my own business, walking to my car after a long day of work when suddenly I hear a loud buzzing. The left side of my face felt like it was on fire and my earlobe looked like a small, semi-filled water balloon for a few days.
I can't imagine what this poor guy must have looked like.I am curious to see what he looked like though.
holy shit
Bees? Bees are fine.
Wasps are the bastards you need to watch out for.
Just call them African bees or mixed bees or something else. "Africanized" sounds racially loaded. I am sure the biologists had a snicker when they coined the term.dude what
Just call them African bees or mixed bees or something else. "Africanized" sounds racially loaded. I am sure the biologists had a snicker when they coined the term.
You're joking, right?Just call them African bees or mixed bees or something else. "Africanized" sounds racially loaded. I am sure the biologists had a snicker when they coined the term.
Just call them African bees or mixed bees or something else. "Africanized" sounds racially loaded. I am sure the biologists had a snicker when they coined the term.