Thunderbirds Coming To North America
By Andrew 'Talon' Wilson @ 11:55 AM :: GameBoy Advance :: 0 Comments
Quite a few games have surfaced in the past couple weeks before their official press release announcements and not too long ago, an update to Vivendi Universal Games' website has brought forth yet another. According to its coming soon area, it'll soon be releasing SCi Entertainment's Thunderbirds here in North America for the Game Boy Advance. Thunderbirds, which is based off the old English marionette show of the same name, has players taking on the role of the a group called the Thunderbirds (hence the title), while trying to stop a criminal called The Hood from taking over the world. The game has players making use of a variety of rescue vehicles both on Earth and in space, and will feature 9 levels, and modes of play including Flight and Adventure. Thunderbirds is slated for release later this summer.
By Andrew 'Talon' Wilson @ 11:55 AM :: GameBoy Advance :: 0 Comments
Quite a few games have surfaced in the past couple weeks before their official press release announcements and not too long ago, an update to Vivendi Universal Games' website has brought forth yet another. According to its coming soon area, it'll soon be releasing SCi Entertainment's Thunderbirds here in North America for the Game Boy Advance. Thunderbirds, which is based off the old English marionette show of the same name, has players taking on the role of the a group called the Thunderbirds (hence the title), while trying to stop a criminal called The Hood from taking over the world. The game has players making use of a variety of rescue vehicles both on Earth and in space, and will feature 9 levels, and modes of play including Flight and Adventure. Thunderbirds is slated for release later this summer.