Time to get back to it (

) good luck every one!
1. Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Multiplayer - PS5, est playtime: 10+ hrs, hit Prestige 2 on 1/2/25
I have a long history (almost 20 years) with playing the Call of Duty games (my first CoD was CoD 2 for the Xbox 360) so one of the games I got for Christmas this past year was Black Ops 6 and so far (without even touching the campaign, which I will be doing cause I've played the campaign for every CoD I've played except for Black Ops 4 which doesn't have a campaign or Zombies) I'm really enjoying it as I've managed to go from level 1 to being halfway through Prestige 2 in about a week. I'm gonna try and not let this game take up all my time this year but at the very least I want to complete the Season 1 Battle Pass, the campaign, and if I'm lucky beat the story for CoD Zombies.
2. AstroBot - PS5, est. playtime: 13 hrs, 100% completed & earned the Platinum trophy on 1/10/25
I love a good platformer and I enjoyed my time with the prequel/launch game Astro's Playroom (which I also 100% completed & earned the platinum trophy for) enough that I knew I was in for a good time with this game. After it was all said and done I gotta say I wasn't disapointed as well as pleasantly surprised at the amount of cameo bots/costumes that I came across. The only thing I didn't like about the game is that there wasn't a whole lot in the way of speedrun/time trail levels outside of the ones that were (from what I can tell) post launch DLC as that (especially the ice skating/ice levels) was one of my favorite things about Astro's Playroom.
3. Yakuza 3 - PS4 (on PS5 via Backwards Compatibility), est. playtime: 20+ hrs, beat the main story w/15% total in game & 29% Trophy completion on 1/18/25
Several years back I was introduced to the Yakuza series and have slowly been working my way through the series. Of the 5 Yakuza games I've beaten (0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2, & 6) including this game I've got to say that the ending for this game was a bit more anti climatic and was imo a lot easier compared to the other games in the series I've beaten.
4. Tekken 4 - PS2, est. playtime:6+ hrs, beat Story Battle (aka Story) mode with every character on 1/20/25
I've been a long time fan of the Tekken series, but one of the few Tekken games I never owned (only ended up renting it) was Tekken 4. Well a few day ago I finally got the game as part of a PS2 game bundle and upon revisiting the game for the first time since it originally released it ended u[ reinforcing my feelings of the game I had way back then. Which to be honest aren't very good as it introduced one of my least favorite characters (Steve Fox), has imo one of the worst Tekken Force mode (only Tekken 6's Tekken Force mode is imo worse and it's mainly because it's longer than the one in this game), and has imo one of the easiest final bosses (unless you're playing as Steve then it's pretty challenging, but that's because Steve sucks) in franchise history as I was able to beat all 8 Story Battle fights with Lei Wulong (according to the in game clock) in about 5 mins 7 seconds without losing a single round.
5. TimeSplitters - PS5 (PS2 Classics), est. playtime: 2 hrs, beat all the story levels on Normal difficulty earning 11 of 21 Trophies on 1/23/25
It's been a while since I had played this game (late 2001) so I was kinda surprised at how quickly I was able to tear through all the levels in story mode though to be honest there wasn't much of a story. I also think a lot of it has to do with the improved loading times as well as the game's auto aim/lock on system which made run & gunning in a tight squeeze something of a breeze. One thing I do remember back from when I originally played this game (other than the challenge where you gotta break so many window panes in under a set time limit) was that the true challenge of the game was beating Challenge Mode as well as unlocking all the cheats and characters by beating levels within a certain time on every difficulty.
6. TimeSplitters 2 - PS5 (PS2 Classics), est. playtime: 5 hrs, beat all the story mode levels w/all objectives complete on Normal difficulty earning 16 of 21 Trophies on 1/30/25
With all three TimeSplitters games now available on PS4/PS5 I decided that since I had revisited the first game that I should also revisit the second game as it's been nearly 20 years (2005-2006 ish) since I last played this game (first on the PS2 then on the GameCube) though unlike with the first TimeSplitters I didn't breeze through story mode which imo was a lot more cohesive compared to the original game. Overall the game was bigger & better than the original game and I really enjoyed my time revisiting the game, it's got me looking foward to finally playing TimeSplitter 3: Future Perfect (the lone TimeSplitters game I haven't played) as well as eventually trying to earn the Platinum trophy for all 3 games.
7. Sonic CD - PS5 (via Sonic Origins Collection), est. playtime: 2 hrs, beat the game in Anniversary mode with the Good Ending which I earned by getting all the Time Travel stones on 1/31/25
I'm a long time fan of Classic Sonic and up until a few years ago had played just about every 2D Sonic game with the exceptions of Sonic CD, Knuckles Chaotix, Tails Adventure, and the GBA/DS Sonic games. When I did finally play Sonic CD for the very first time (which was around 2012) I remember enjoying the opening cinematic & theme song (which I still do like) and that's about it as I stopped playing after reaching Collision Chaos Zone as I found the zone to be a pain in the @$$ to play through. Plus shortly after starting that playthrough I found out the game had a Good & Bad ending which apparently required going back to the Past in each Act finding Robotnik's Machine & destroying it, but I found the time travel mechanic to be poorly implimented which made going to/from the Past/Future a hassle. I finally revisited the game with the release of the Sonic Origins Collection which included the original as well as an improved "Anniversary" edtion of the game and pretty much all my initial thoughts of the game were re-confirmed so once again I stopped playing at Collision Chaos Zone, but planned on eventually brute forcing my way through the game as I intended to 100% complete the Sonic Origins Collection. Well fast forward to yesterday (1/30/25) I find out from talking to someone on the Backlog Beat Discord server that you don't need to do the time travel thing to get the good ending, you can doing by getting the game's version of the 7 Chaos Emeralds aka the 7 Time Crystals via the Special Stages (which required making it to the end of the Act with 50 rings) so with that in mind I once again jumped back into Sonic CD. Now that I've finally beaten the game with the Good Ending I can say that going that route made for a lot more enjoyable experience especially considering that you can use the gold coins you get in the Sonic Origins Collection to retry the Special Stages. Once I got all 7 Time Crystals I found the game to be a lot more enjoyable as I was able to speed through the game without having to worry about the time travel mechanic. Overall the game is still not my favorite Sonic game as the early levels imo suck and the boss fights are a bit too easy imo, but I did really dig the music and the opening/good ending cinematics.
8. TimeSplitters 3: Future Perfect - PS5 (PS2 Classics), est. playtime: 4 hrs, beat story mode on Normal difficulty earning 18 of 26 trophies on 2/4/25
This was the lone TimeSplitters game I hadn't played back when it first came out so I kinda went into this game blind, but now that I've beaten it I gotta say it's imo the most cohesive & story driven game in the entire series and I really liked it. Now initially I didn't as I wasn't a big fan of the game especially it's default controller settings, thankfully the game allows for custom settings so I was able to tweak the controls more to my liking and made the rest of my playthrough a lot more enjoyable. One of my favorite things about this game (other than the nod to Perfect Dark in one of the later levels) was that it carried on the story from the previous game as well as gave the character of Cortex a lot more personality than he had in the previous games.
9. Syphon Filter - PS5 (PS1 Classics), est. playtime: 6 hrs, beat the game's story mode on normal/default difficulty & earned the Platinum Trophy on 2/13/25
Being a long time Playstation user I've over the years dabbled in the Syphon Filter series, but could never really get into it mainly due to the controls which I didn't find to be all that intuitive. On top of that there was imo a far better steath action game on the system, Metal Gear Solid (a game so awesome I still have my original copy from 1998) so when the series got added to PS Plus Classics for PS4/PS5 I figured I'd finally give it a second chance. Overall it was ok, I liked the premise even though it was imo done better as a side story/subplot in MGS and the voice acting while imo hammy as hell had a little bit of charm to it. My biggest gripe, other than the controls, has to do with how dark/limited draw distance the game had (which to be fair is not the game's fault since it was I believe a early PS1 game) making navigating levels a bit of a chore that led to a lot of back tracking on my part. While I wasn't blown away by the game I do intend on eventually tackling the other games in the series to see if/how it evolves in the later games.
10. Syphon Filter 2 - PS5 (PS1 Classics), est. playtime: 8 hrs, beat the game on normal/default difficulty & earned the Platinum Trophy (which was easier than SP as it they were unmissable) on 2/14/25
I originally wasn't gonna play this game so soon after the first one since I was not a big fan of the game, but my curioustity got the better of me so I decided to check it out. Now I came into this game with low expectations, but with a small glimmer of hope that the sequel would be better. Outside of a game breaking glitch (where Logan would only run in essentially 1 direction and would make boss fights un beatable if it occurred at the start of a boss battle), the rough 3rd person camera that sticks to the main character, and a few levels full of essentially unkillable armor enemies that can 1 shot kill you I actually really enjoyed this game. It was imo a vast improvement over it's predecessor as it had a more interesting, cohesive story & level design than the first game. I also like how the first half of the game it jumps back & forth between Logan & Xing, that there were more stealth sections (also you had the option to either be stealthy or go loud in a number of the levels), and that the controls had been improved over the previous game.
11. Tomb Raider II Remastered - PS5, est. playtime: 24 hrs, beat the game on normal difficulty and earned all but 6 of the game's Trophies on 2/21/25
I have a lot of fond memories & PTSD from this game (the Maria Doria levels, the last 2 levels, and being harrassed by the creepy old butler) as this was the 3rd PS1 game I ever owned (Crash Bandicoot & Lost World: Jurassic Park were the other 2), but the first one I bought with my own money just after Christmas the year it came out/got released (1997) as my sister & I had gotten a PS1 for Christmas. Since I got the TR 1-3 Remastered collection for my b-day this past year I figured it was fitting that I start with the first Tomb Raider game I ever played, Tomb Raider II, and even though it's been over 20 years since I did a full playthrough of the game I was surprised at how much I remembered from my original playthrough. Areas that I remember giving me trouble during my original playthrough on the PS1 seemed to go a lot better than I thought they would, some areas I remember breezing through gave me some (but not much) trouble, and there were still a few things (the shark & spiders) that still freaked me out/brought up some PTSD from my original playthrough. All in all it was a blast from the past revisiting Tomb Raider II after all these years and while I am tempted to 100% complete the game's new trophies I think I'm gonna hold off until I've played all the other games in the collection especially the TR II bonus game/expansion The Golden Mask that was originally included in the PC Gold Edition of the game as I've never played it before since I played pretty much all the classic TR games on the PS1 instead of PC so it should be an interesting experience checking them out for the very first time.
12.Gran Turismo 7 - PS5, est. playtime: 39 + hrs, completed all the base game menu books for Cafe Mode (aka Story mode) on 2/28/25
13. Jurassic Park NES - PS5 (via Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection), est. playtime: 3+ hrs, beat the game on 3/1/25
I'm a big fan of the Jurassic Park series (I saw the movie in theaters like 3 times as a kid), but when it came to Jurassic Park video games, especially the 8 bit, 16 bit, & 32 bit ones I'd only really played 3 of them (2 of the 3 Jurassic Park games, namely Jurassic Park & Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition for the Sega Genesis and the Lost World: Jurassic Park for the PS1) and of those 3 I'd only ever really beaten 2 of them (Jurassic Park for the Sega Genesis & Lost World: Jurassic Park for the PS1) so I was really interested in seeing how the non Sega Genesis games (which I, due to nostalgia & being a vet of "The Console Wars", viewed as the superior games over the NES/SNES/GB games) played. Well lets just say I was not impressed by Jurassic Park for the NES and that the only parts I really liked were the T-Rex battles & the mini levels that required you to dodge rampaging Triceratops. Based on the little previews of all the games in the collection it looks like the first GB and SNES games are gonna be very similar to the NES game, which I'm not too thrilled about but hopefully they'll turn out better than I expect them to be.
14. Sly Cooper and the Thievious Raccoonus - PS5 (via PS + Premium Classics), est playtime: 6hrs, beat the game with 83% in-game completion (did everything but the time trials) and 95% trophy completion on 3/6/25
I originally played this game when it first came out back in 2002 and really enjoyed it, but never really beat it (got as far as the Panda King levels) because my sister (who I had made the mistake of introducing to the game) took over my playthrough and finished the game before I could do it myself so it was kinda nice to finally beat the game after all these years. Now that I've finally beaten this game I'm thinking of tackling both Sly 2 & 3 as I've never really played either game (after Sly 1 my sister became obsessed with the series so she got every Sly game after Sly 1) outside of the rare instance of helping my sister get through a difficult section, but may make a couple of detours before I do tackle them.