So it seems like Clinton will probably win, it's just a matter of how big the win will be.
As usual, it best to point out Trump still holds a small chance to win. If you care, vote.
The charts below which are based on 20,000 simulations from our model as of Friday afternoon2 attempt to explain this by laying out four broad scenarios:
A Trump win, including cases where he loses the popular vote but wins the Electoral College.
A narrow Clinton win, wherein she wins the Electoral College, but wins the popular vote by 3 percentage points or less. (Or wins the Electoral College and loses the popular vote.)
A Clinton win in the Obama zone, wherein she wins the popular vote by 4 to 7 percentage points the margins by which President Obama won the elections in 2012 and 2008, respectively. Clinton is all but certain to win the Electoral College if she wins the popular vote by this amount.
Finally, a Clinton blowout, wherein she wins the popular vote by 8 points or more, which would almost certainly also yield a dominant performance in the Electoral College.

As usual, it best to point out Trump still holds a small chance to win. If you care, vote.