The best ratio of entertaining kids per frame reused:

Captain Power was an awesome show with a mix of live action and CG (so I'm counting it). I heard there are plans to reboot it as "Phoenix Rising". For those not familiar it also had a cool toy line that interacted with the TV series.
Captain Power was the shit.
Digitize them!
Thanks to this thread I'm remembering all these old shows, but it seems most of them were actually from the early 90's...
The Raccoons weren't atleast. Ending theme is still rad.
I only know of Star Fleet because of this totally awesome promo video.
Star Fleeeet~
This is going to be an unpopular opinion but I feel like most 80's cartoons sucked. They were in this weird state of limited animation and product placement to try to support themselves and for that the shows themselves were nothing more than animated 22 minute long toy commercials. Not much thought in making coherent stories or fully realized characters at all. The same could be said about 90's cartoons too, but at least there was some effort made.
As someone who was a kid in the '80s: Pretty much, minus a few actually good shows like Duck Tales.
The vast majority of '80s cartoons, watched today, are cringe city.
The Raccoons ending theme was amazing.
Last year I was driving with my girlfriend, listening to the local college radio station. They played that song, and she burst into tears. It was really funny.
You know, a few people have mentioned Dungeons and Dragons, but was it not that popular? I fucking watched then would go outside and PLAY Dungeons and Dragons when I was little.
Was I the only person who was like, insane about this cartoon?![]()
OP, your list has a shameful lack of Nickelodeon 80s cartoons. AKA some of the GOATs.
- Mysterious Cities of Gold
- Danger Mouse
- The Little Koala
- The Secret World of David The Gnome
- The Noozles
- The Little Bits
- Inspector Gadget
- The Adventures of The Little Prince
- Bananaman (shorts)
- Count Duckula
- Maya The Bee
- Curious George
Some of those might be on the 90s border. Not sure. I just remember them when I was little.
and another not listed so far:
- Pole Position
Yes! I love watching it over and over again. This is the reason I'm such a sci-fi nut. There was talk about bringing it back, but I doubt it will ever happen. Do you remember the Captain Power Bio-Dread Strike Mission? Came with the large toy ships. Interactive just like the show was.
Undoubtedly animated by an Asian based animation company.
OP, your list has a shameful lack of Nickelodeon 80s cartoons. AKA some of the GOATs.
- Mysterious Cities of Gold
- Danger Mouse
- The Little Koala
- The Secret World of David The Gnome
- The Noozles
- The Little Bits
- Inspector Gadget
- The Adventures of The Little Prince
- Bananaman (shorts)
- Count Duckula
- Maya The Bee
- Curious George
Some of those might be on the 90s border. Not sure. I just remember them when I was little.
and another not listed so far:
- Pole Position
This is the reason why GI-Joe got hastily re-edited so Duke lives.
True story. I actually saw the original version where Duke dies years ago at a California meeting if the CFO(Cartoon/Fantasy/organization) one of the members had an inside connection with the studio. A handful of us saw it before it hit theaters.
On topic:
Dungeons & Dragons. This show was so damned good and ahead of its time. I'd love to see a modern remade.
Spiderman & His Amazing Friends reruns.Yes it was. It was part of a "block" with Dino riders (that cartoon with the dinosaurs with missiles and lasers bolted on to them) the X men pilot they never made more episodes for, and something else that escapes me.
Thanks to this thread I'm remembering all these old shows, but it seems most of them were actually from the early 90's...
The Raccoons weren't atleast. Ending theme is still rad.
I only know of Star Fleet because of this totally awesome promo video.
Star Fleeeet~
Then you weren't paying attention. You had Freakazoid, The Tick, Earthworm Jim, Gargoyles, project G.E.E.K.E.R. (sadly didn't get popular), anime was starting to get popular.
And those were the ones I remember off the top of my head that were after 1994 (these were the ones I was watching in college which I graduated highschool 1994). Not to mention 1990-1994 is almost half the 90's right there. Then you had stuff like Animaniacs and not as good but decent Tiny Toons. Also Pirates of Darkwater (which sadly never got finished). Darkwing Duck. And some ones I can't even remember (one had humanized cat characters that flew a fighter plane and I remember they tried a cartoon for a short while with dogs being soldiers).
And I'm not talking quantity, I'm talking quality. The stuff you saw in the 90's was far better than the stuff in the 80's (probably because anime was getting popular).
A lot more of it was also not just there to sell random toys (He Man, GI Joe, Transformers, She-ra). Many had toys come out if they were popular after the show, not had the show cause of the toys (but some of the anime that was to sell the toys was still a lot better than the 80's stuff).
Cartoons never fully went away. You still get stuff today even (though you probably have to get Nick or Disney to get most of them). Transformers seems to always have some different story cartoon going on (well until recently). Even after G1 there was Beast Wars, Beast Machines, one I can't remember the name of the series, a bunch more I didn't pay attention to, to the last one I did pay attention to somewhere in 2000, Transformers Animated I think was the name of that one (a lot of people didn't like it, I actually thought it was pretty well done and people were being too hard on it cause it was aimed more at younger kids). And honestly, most of the Transformers shows I saw after G1 were done a lot better than G1 (seriously, I really cringed when I tried to watch G1 a few years back. I didn't realize it was so bad until I tried to watch it more recently).
Undoubtedly animated by an Asian based animation company.
Grew up in the 80's and damn I loved the shows during that time, yeah they might not all have aged well but back then anything was possible. There was a crazy amount of stuff happening and there were all sorts of big names involved that later did all sorts.
Sadly animation took a blow, if it had continued on the path we would have gotten all sorts of great stuff but everything started to get farmed out to cheaper animators. G.I.Joe for example took a huge hit. Plus you had the blow back against violence in cartoon even if such violence was laughable and no one ever got hit and lasers were the usual thing seen.
I know it's a dumb question but yea what do kids do on Saturday mornings now? And before and after school?
The big problem with cartoons in that era is that they'd been completely hijacked by toy marketers and celebrity promoters. Writing and animation quality took a backseat to "What can we sell?" and "Which celebrity can we build this around?" (or "How can we bastardize Scooby-Doo even more?")
When the '90s rolled around, and people were worn out by a decade of crass consumerism, it generally shifted back to original concepts. (And a flood copycats.)
Sleep. Facebook. Youtube. Netflix. Whatever.
They get their entertainment when and how they want it.
Ruby Spears Superman was GOAT