8 gigs. We still haven't trimmed some bloat from it, but we're also not done yet.
6-8 gigs Like I said...we have stuff to trim, but we're not done. So it'll be in that range. There is a *lot* of art and that takes up tremendous space.
I think they likely misunderstood some casual comments in the hallway, between Prey showings.
I'm not going to comment too much on where we are or where we are going, but I've said in the past that a lot of the enemies are done and in, and all of the guns are in (most to beta levels). But there's more to a game than 10 guns and 20 bad guys. We're working on some of those parts now.
About 2.5 years since we threw everything out content wise and went forward with a new engine and plan.
Forget everything prior to 2003. It's lost gone, and doesn't even count.
Pretty much had a new renderer by Nov 2002. The content redirection coincided with the tech change and we went forward once we knew things were stable and going to work on the tech end. So accounting for end of year slow down and Xmas vacations, you can assume a pretty much fresh start from 2003 forward.
We hired another level designer a day or so ago as well.
We may hire others in the future as we look at our needs and what needs to be done. We may hire for other positions.
Hiring people is generally a good thing.
I think there are two levels we haven't started yet. And some others are in pretty advanced states, so it mostly balances out. I wouldn't worry too much about it.