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A single cosmetic pack in Diablo IV will be $28

Sounds like you weren’t interested at all if something so minor as this killed any interest you had.
Most of the people saying things like they are not playing this game over a cosmetic store likely never had any intention of playing in the first place.

Better yet are the ones calling people names because those of us who don't agree with them

Ryan Gosling Lol GIF


And yet there are plenty of highly successful games and highly successful companies that do exactly that.

Do you want to have the best gaming experience possible or do you want the executives to make as much money as possible?

Hmm... Considering we are on a gaming forum that is supposed to be full of hobbyists I'm sure thats a tough question.

This is one of those threads where people act as shareholders of a publisher in order to defend a game they like, without the financial upside.
You will once it becomes clear you have to farm shit for 50h to get a complete set you like.
I seriously couldn`t care less about cosmetic stuff, especially because the base gear already looked worlds better than anything in base PoE for example. Much less would I farm for skins unless the farming is great fun.
If you feel pressured to buy things just because "blingbling"...well.
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Offer a solution, everyone is pointing out the problem that I totally agree with, What is the solution for a game like Diablo 4 to continuously make money.

Release a game that people want to buy.

You know, the way they all used to do it before mobile gaming ruined everything.
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Cool stuff that could have been in-game rewards are being reserved for a real cash shop. You are paying 80 euros and they still take stuff away so they can sell it to you seperately.

Then again, "you are not being forced to buy them" so it's cool.
You don't know if the item would have been made for free to unlock in game if revenue attached to it warranted it being made. This is a false equivalency that if the game didn't have GaaS model, the thing would have been free. There are free skins in the game you can earn, this one was created for the purpose of being bought.
I'll gladly pay if I am getting hundreds of hours of gameplay. Which I am sure I will be. Devs deserve it. I spend $ on cosmetics all the time when I see something cool in Fortnite.

No one is putting up a gun to your head. Not sure why people are upset. It doesn't change the gameplay in any way.
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Don't see a problem tbh. It is as discussed purely costmetic and base sets in the game already look cool with easy transmog options built in as well.

Honestly, even when Ubisoft sold cosmetics in their single player AC games and everyone was outraged I don't understand how that is an issue.

Meanwhile FIFA keeps printing that FUT money...


god that's disappointing. COD pulls the same shit- 20 dollars for an outfit + 5 trinkets you dont' give a fuck about so basically 20 dollars for an outfit
I guess in Diablo IV you pay a 5 dollar premium since you can actually see your character while playing
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Gold Member
There is a middle ground. Buy it as cheaply as possible, play until you finish the main content, uninstall, and never look back. I never understood why people just can't quit these grindfests that don't respect your time or hard earned dollar.


if people didnt buy them, they wouldn't make them, but they do.

its optional for the whales who don't give a shit and just want to look pretty

its optional for everyone else too who just want to play the game.

untwist your knickers and get on with life.


An important reason for playing Diablo is to grow my character, which includes new, cooler and cooler armor NOT just stat changes. I paid full price mf’ers!
There better be enough included material damn it!
No, these are skins, its like buying a Gucci Bag.
Considering how much money people waste on brand items in reality, I am actually surprised we did not get much more cosmetics based on real life items in many games. So actually Gucci, Michael Kors, Armani, Versace, Adidas, Nike... Any game with regular type clothes or sometimes with futuristic Fifth Element like stuff. Only racing games sell cars or packs for money so far, were it is not only cosmetics. Even though one can argue that beyond some speed and controlability difference all cars are more or less anyway very similar.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Its just the Call of Duty model. Battle Pass gets you the core stuff. If you want a few oddities here and there they are sold separately from the Battle Pass.

Battle Pass is a good model compared to the PS3/360 era of dlc.
I get people being upset that after paying up to $100 for a game everything cannot be earned in the game. It is a shitty practice and has been for a while. It would be different if you could get the coolest sets through farming and the whales could just pay to skip the farming. I think that would be a good compromise.


An even better solution would be this crap not existing in a game that will cost you up to $100, but I guess we are well past that point now.
This games primary reason to exist is not to sell copies, its to get you into their in game store. That is THE reason why most triple a games exist today


Wasn't going to buy this anyway until it's $30 or under. Which seem about the right for a game with cosmetic microtransactions

They would probably make 10x as much off that skin if it was 5 bucks...Seems like pretty basic math.

The business model of direct microtransaction purchases has shifted in recent years. At one point devs aimed for a lot of people to spend a bit of money, now the focus seems to be to get fewer people to spend a lot of money.
You can see it everywhere, from this to Fortnite to Rocket League. If everyone is doing it you can bet they have the metricts to show it's the most profitable approach.

The new budget friendly option are Battle Passes which force you to play the game to unlock stuff, ensuring the user base keeps playing and stays active
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
So don't buy the cosmetics.

I really couldn't imagine caring that much in a game like this lol

Or do buy them.. people spend 100's of hours in these games... and while I can't imagine caring for this particular game, it's your money!


The people shouting, "just don't get it", are the ones who JUST DON'T GET IT.

All of these items could have been awesome armor sets and weapons that you could find in the game, that you already paid full price for. Instead, most of the best and coolest looking stuff is going to be reserved for the money-shop.

NOW do you get it?
I think its still much too rocket science of an explanation for the people in defense of this bullshit,you have to dumb it down even more for these people.

We need a new industry crash asap.


always chasing the next thrill
can somebody explain me why the fuck you want to put cosmetics in a game based on fucking loot? what the fuck is the point ? same for PoE.
i will spit at anyone that thinks he looks cool in mummies CC outfit.

in d3 you looked dope because you fucking unlocked the full set. It took time,
what is the point?
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I seriously couldn`t care less about cosmetic stuff, especially because the base gear already looked worlds better than anything in base PoE for example. Much less would I farm for skins unless the farming is great fun.
If you feel pressured to buy things just because "blingbling"...well.
It won’t be just cosmetics at some point. Farming mind stones to unlock gemstones to get a special ladder item? 60h grind or buy mind stones with platinum from the store. It will alter the grind, and skewed to get money not generate fun.

This will happen. It “just being cosmetics” for now is a way to circumvent critics at review time.


Gold Member
Hmmm...less than what one would pay in POE but still...for a $70 game with a battlepass. Here we go again.

To make it worth it, they would need to provide packs that alter the visuals of certain skills in a very visually pleasing way. POE does it right. Skins alone are kinda blah given the isometric camera.
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This is such a non-issue. This is just the way modern games are now, you can be the old man yelling at a cloud all you want, it's not gonna change. If you don't want to buy this stuff, just ignore the shop, it is entirely possible and even easy to do. If someone wants to drop hundreds of bucks on cosmetics - I say go for it. It's none of my business how others choose to spend their money. And if people didn't buy this stuff, the shops simply would have shut down long ago - so there is clearly a demand.
It won’t be just cosmetics at some point. Farming mind stones to unlock gemstones to get a special ladder item? 60h grind or buy mind stones with platinum from the store. It will alter the grind, and skewed to get money not generate fun.

This will happen. It “just being cosmetics” for now is a way to circumvent critics at review time.
Oh come on, that`s a bit too much tinfoil-hat talk there.
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