Hey OP,
Nice job. I completed your survey but I think your focus on the three main aspects of platform-exclusive games, portfolio of exclusive studios and subscription services have somewhat marred your survey and will skew the responses in such a way as you won't get the information you're actually trying to get.
Firstly, those three facets are not exhaustive and there are a number of other important factors that influence consumer buying decisions that you're not actually testing for in your survey.
This is a really important point that you should consider including in the discussion section of your thesis.
I am a business professor (in management), and just from my familiarity with consumer behavior research, there are many contextual factors that influence buying decisions like console choice. I understand that you are trying to isolate the three factors of your study, but you should not ignore the huge influence of other contextual factors that impact product buying decisions. For example, factors related to the brand (like brand loyalty and brand image) have a considerable influence here. Take Nintendo fans for example, as gamers who have a strong affiliation to the Nintendo brand typically favor Nintendo in buying decisions.
I'm not sure which academic discipline you are in, but if you want to cite some (older) influential articles in the academic study of marketing in business administration that emphasize the impact of branding on consumer behavior, here are a few from the field's top journal (Journal of Marketing) that have each been cited several thousand times on Google Scholar:
Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence
Valarie A. Zeithaml First Published July 1, 1988 JOURNAL OF MARKETING
Marketing Universals: Consumers’ Use of Brand Name, Price, Physical Appearance, and Retailer Reputation as Signals of Product Quality
Niraj Dawar, Philip Parker First Published April 1, 1994 JOURNAL OF MARKETING
Here is a highly-cited article on a related topic in another top marketing journal (Marketing Science):
The Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction for Firms
Eugene W. Anderson, Mary W. Sullivan
Published Online:1 May 1993 MARKETING SCIENCE
Here is a highly-cited article on reputation and strategy in a related field, Strategic Management in the field's top journal:
Reputation and corporate strategy: A review of recent theory and applications
Keith Weigelt, Colin Camerer
First published: September/October 1988 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
Again, this is just something to consider for the discussion section of your thesis. I always like to mention other academic research areas when I write the discussion section of an article, as this often heads off critical comments from faculty on thesis/dissertation committees (i.e. if you have a marketing faculty on your committee for example) and/or if you submit a scholarly article for publication to anticipate a possible objection/criticism from a reviewer or editor.