Holy crap, that ending for Case 4. & judging by all the reactions, Case 5 is going to fulfill on my expectations on what the hell happened.
Welp, I just beat the DLC. R-EEL-y fun case in its own right, even though I saw parts of the twist coming regarding. I suspectedthe second orca and Rimes trying to save the captainDr. Crab for quite some time, though. A breakdown animation involving penguins would have been something special for sure.
Can't wait for gif versions of the new animations.
Also,is a way better assistant than Athena for the investigation parts.Pearls
PL vs. AA is next, I guess.
fuck timezones then. It's the reason why we're getting things later than fuckin' EuropeBecause it is the 21st in Europe?
Heh, why did you think it would be up at midnight? We even had to wait until 12 PM for AA5 itself when the game was released (and Europe got it, like, 1-2 hours before NA). It should be up at around 11:55 AM.
fffffff this DLC must be really good.
fuck timezones then. It's the reason why we're getting things later than fuckin' Europe
DLC is now available in the US too. 118 blocks, 5.99$![]()
Is the DLC worth buying? It's going to feel really weird playing this after case 5.
DLC is now available in the US too. 118 blocks, 5.99$![]()
Case 2 was pretty boring IMO. 3 is really really good.OMG end of day 1 Case 3!!
what the heck ?
This is like ...so much better than case 2 no contest !
Marathoned straight through, eh? I can't blame you. It's one of my favorite cases.
DLC SPOILERSRimes was probably my favorite 'villain' in the game, even if he didn't actually kill anybody. I also briefly suspected Crab but soon the game was throwing so much evidence in his direction it had to be a red herring.
I have a friend who only started playing the game recently, and was still on Case 2 last night. When would be the best time for him to play the DLC? After Case 3?
Finished the DLC. It was absolutley fantastic. It might even be my favourite case of the game. You can tell this was meant to be part of the main game at some stage. CASE 5 SPOILERS:DLC SPOILERS:Case 5 really should have been case 4 and 5 combined, with the DLC case fitting in nicely after case 2, or even after case 3 as a sort of flashback case.Rime is probably my favourite "villian" of the game. I thought it might have been Crab at first but there was so much evidence pointing to him that I figured it probably wasn't him, the games never make it that obvious. Pearl fit into this case so much nicer then she did in case 5, she didn't just feel like a little bit of fanservice. I enjoyed the singing in the anime cutscenes, it didn't sound bad and the cutscenes themselves were fun to watch.
Rimes is my new favorite character.
Bwahaha, I guesses the twist of case 2 right off the bat. It's what I was hoping for too, so I was pretty pleased.
On to case 3!![]()
I have a friend who only started playing the game recently, and was still on Case 2 last night. When would be the best time for him to play the DLC? After Case 3?
AA5 full main game spoilers and minor DLC spoilers follow
"You're not such a bad guy after all, Detective Fulbright!"
I didn't really follow how time much elapsed during the main game, butis there any chance that this is the real Fulbright? It is a prequel after all.
Nah, it's the Phantom. At the time of case 5, December, it had been over a year since the real Fulbright's death. The DLC case takes place in July.
Yea, it makes the DLC case even more special after beating the main game. Gives a new perspective on things.Holy crap. Main game spoilers, no DLC spoilers:
Bobby just popped up in the aquarium and a chill actually ran down my spine.
Holy crap. Main game spoilers, no DLC spoilers:
Bobby just popped up in the aquarium and a chill actually ran down my spine.