Most cases were good enough, the second had some great laughs, such as everything Mr. Filch, but did drag a bit and the third was bordering on too inconsistent at times (at best I've tolerated the worst cases of "well WHERE's THE EVIDENCE THAT YOUR CLIENT DIDN'T DO IT HUH" previously in the series and this had a lot of it) and way too melodramatic in the end, I would place it as one of the weakest of the series so far. The first was a good enough opener and the fourth actually sold me on its premise and made me actually feel cornered while defending Starbuck. Really good stuff.
The final part was good, but the story was weak. It was trying to tie all of this Dark Age of the Law" into too much and I really wasn't sold on that. The overall theme of fighting against public mistrust could be great, but first of all it's a bit of a rethread of Ace Attorney 4 where the fight for a jury system took place (and I didn't think that game pulled it of either). But more importantly, this dark theme never really felt present in the game: There's barely any showing of this mistrust, we are only told that it's present. The court room audience as usually seem to be watching a soap opera unfold in front of them, enjoying themselves and applauding when the rulings are handed down.
I think they totally missed the opportunity to create an oppressive atmosphere surrounding the court system, where the public oozes of discontent at the shenanigans unfolding in front of them, all the way from the prosecution not seeming to be critical of either evidence or witnesses or the attorneys semi-bluffing their way through nitpicking testimonials. You need to experience the problems first hand to give the moment when you together with the hard-pressed Edgeworth finally cut down to the bottom of the issue any real impact.
(Also I think the court system has seen bigger problems than a single prosecutor being sentenced for committing a murder, given events of AA1-4, 1-5 and Ace Attorney Investigations 2

Also, this seems to be a common complaint from having read a few pages here, but the game was very much too easy. Christ, you don't need to tell me the answer to every cross examination and combine it with only having one place at any time to investigate. As I remember from Ace Attorney 2 you sometimes would need to gather more evidence to break Psyche Locks, here it was always possible at once and the solutions were obvious. I mentioned feeling cornered at some points, but there should have been many more of those to make the victories count more. In the end I resorted to never pressing during a cross examination unless I really couldn't find some solution.
So those are some parts I think the game could have tightened up a bit more. I really enjoyed switching main character between cases and the production values were excellent. It made me laugh quite a bit, especially the puns on justice and every time Athena flashed her incredibly smug grin. I'll get the DLC case sometime soon since that seems to be recommended.