Profound sadness. Oh well, at least it will give me time to complete this last AA4 case
You should switch to UK region anyway, saves ~$8
Remember the time the physical release of AA 4 came out before AA3 in PAL land? The benefit of physical release!
Fairly sure it is PST, if the game is out during the standard eShop release schedule...So 9am EST or PST?
They're available on iOS and Wiiware.
They're available on iOS and Wiiware. Not to mention the games seem to be dirt cheap on amazon. I might end up rebuying the 1st game since my cousin lost mine. It was the European version with swag case.
iOS version sucks and there's something nice about the portability of the DS versions over WiiWare. It would be kind of nice if they could package the original trilogy in one piece of software as they did on iOS, but since the whole series can be played right now on 3DS, they will likely not do anything.
The Wiiware versions of the original trilogy are certainly serviceable if you can't get the original cartridges (at least I thought so, anyways).iOS version sucks and there's something nice about the portability of the DS versions over WiiWare. It would be kind of nice if they could package the original trilogy in one piece of software, but since the whole series can be played right now on 3DS, they will likely not do anything.
You still could, but having played the HD iOS port. I would recommend any other version in their place (the iOS version lost some of it's charm).Is it really that bad? According to the game chart posted throughout the thread it seemed like it was slightly marginalized at the worst.
Is it really that bad? According to the game chart posted throughout the thread it seemed like it was slightly marginalized at the worst.
I can't recommend the iOS version to anyone. It's simply too much of a downgrade from the DS releases. The only improvements are the visuals and pricing, but other than that it's worse in about everything else.
-Missing animation frames (no blinking, sometimes people don't open their mouths when talking or are missing one of their talking frames, etc.).
-Sometimes a character does the wrong animation entirely.
-GBA-quality soundtrack for the 2nd & 3rd games (this should be a dealbreaker to you; you must hear the amazing soundtrack this series offers in the best quality possible).
-Pearl's theme is gone.
-More typos.
-Overall performance is worse. Some parts lag for no particular reason.
-Worse presentation, such as the user interface popping in and out every time someone talks.
-Sound effects are off. The "not guilty" cheer is cut-off halfway through, for example.
I wholly recommend getting the DS versions of the games instead, unless money is a real issue for you.
Oh, I have a whole batch of new complaints now that I'm almost done.
I'll hopefully finish it up by the time AA5 gets released.
Well sh*t.-GBA-quality soundtrack for the 2nd & 3rd games (this should be a dealbreaker to you; you must hear the amazing soundtrack this series offers in the best quality possible).
-Pearl's theme is gone.
Well sh*t.
I knew the soundtrack was in lower quality but they completely omitted Pearly's theme? Jeez, starting to regret my purchase.
Apparently they used the "Congratulations Everybody" track in place of Pearl's track.
Apparently they used the "Congratulations Everybody" track in place of Pearl's track.
Apparently they used the "Congratulations Everybody" track in place of Pearl's track.
So AA4 Last Case SpoilersRight before Phoenix uses the forged page, Klavier warns him against it. Klavier knew Phoenix had a forged page. Klavier was in fact in on Kristoph's plan, and so Klavier has escaped punishment. Ergo the annoying prosecutor is again the villain.
Klavier did indeed know that the page was forged, but he thought that Phoenix himself was the forger, which is why he wanted him punished. He trusted his brother - the real culprit - over Phoenix
Pearl's theme is gone in the iOS versions? Why?
Pearl's theme is gone in the iOS versions? Why?
On this note,Klavier and the entire legal system convicted Phoenix of using forged evidence without ANY evidence. It is both ironic and infuriating. No wonder Phoenix gets a little squirrely after that. Also Klavier is a sack of crap of a prosecutor for letting Phoenix be convicted with no evidence. Franziska and Edgeworth would NEVER have let that slide.
Just a guess, but maybe that since it was an App Store release, they had to cut tracks/corners to adhere to the size limitations.
i've been tempted, but as i've previously bought from eShop, it'll screw me over if i ever want to do a system transfer (will have to choose one or the other)
Just a guess, but maybe that since it was an App Store release, they had to cut tracks/corners to adhere to the size limitations.
They had the dude who made the forgery testify that the diary page was one of his works. Also this is a court system where you are guilty until proven innocent. Phoenix had no evidence to prove that he didn't order the forgery so he was guilty as far as the courts were concerned. It fits in with the whole theme of Apollo Justice, that the court system is not good enough and needs to be reformed.
Pearl's theme is gone in the iOS versions? Why?
Well, guess back to the default reason, "Because, Capcom".I've seen iOS apps well over 1 GB in size.
What happened to Midnight PST?
but it's already 2am here in Canada![]()
That's pretty likely, yesEuropean release time = Australian release time?