Doh, but I mean they're more obvious in this game for some reason :>
That image artifact is called dithering. It's present on all Capcom 3DS games for some reason.
Doh, but I mean they're more obvious in this game for some reason :>
Doh, but I mean they're more obvious in this game for some reason :>
That image artifact is called dithering. It's present on all Capcom 3DS games for some reason.
Ouch. That's... not a good matchup for Dragonite there. Poor Dragonite.All 3DS games are jaggy messes - you're just now realizing it for some reason. I mean, you said you didn't notice it in Pokemon - I don't see how that's possible.
All 3DS games are jaggy messes - you're just now realizing it for some reason. I mean, you said you didn't notice it in Pokemon - I don't see how that's possible.
Minor plot inconsistency in case 3?
After the killer used his staff to kill the victim, he used it to arrange the body in a way that made it look like the Wright statue that was hidden under the cloth. My question: Why did Means have his staff on him when Wright and CO talked to him at the beginning of the school fair? The only time he could have gotten his staff back was during the mock trial, which was after he talked to Wright and friends, but he's clearly seen carrying it before that time.
I thought about the possibility of a second staff, but if that was the case, why did he keep the staff used in the murder, over this 2nd staff? I also thought about him going back to school early in the morning and retrieving the staff and replacing it another "poll" like object, but it seems unlikely.
That's actually a bug exclusive to the English release. In the Japanese version when you first meet Means, he doesn't have his staff.
That's actually a bug exclusive to the English release. In the Japanese version when you first meet Means, he doesn't have his staff.
Ah, that makes perfect sense! Thanks for clearing that up for me, I really appreciate it.
welp, fuck case 4.:[You couldn't put this minimal trial straight into the next case? Now I just feel robbed of an episode.
welp, fuck case 4.:[You couldn't put this minimal trial straight into the next case? Now I just feel robbed of an episode.
you might not want to play ace attorney 3
I don't remember much about AA3, but weren't thoseNow case 4 in here didn' cases at least self contained flashbacks? Not to mention they had a purpose iirc.Seriously, WTF was this? Worst ''case'' in the series, easily.The only revelation it had was the chamber switch, which is obvious as fuck in the very second the function is revealed the first time. Other than that, it can't even be considered part 1-, nor an introduction for the next one, considering there were less developments than even in any tutorial case. At best it was preview, or a sneak peek.
I feel like I'm getting too distracted by the poor translation in some parts, especially toward the end of case 2 aside from the spelling errors, a lot of things could have been explained in much clearer ways, basically.
I have just started the third case and it will probably be one of my least favorite in the series...
The two male students are annoying, and Gavier or whatever his name is, is back. I hate him.
I have just started the third case and it will probably be one of my least favorite in the series...
The two male students are annoying, and Gavier or whatever his name is, is back. I hate him.
I have just started the third case and it will probably be one of my least favorite in the series...
The two male students are annoying, and Gavier or whatever his name is, is back. I hate him.
I don't remember much about AA3, but weren't thoseNow case 4 in here didn' cases at least self contained flashbacks? Not to mention they had a purpose iirc.Seriously, WTF was this? Worst ''case'' in the series, easily.The only revelation it had was the chamber switch, which is obvious as fuck in the very second the function is revealed the first time. Other than that, it can't even be considered part 1-, nor an introduction for the next one, considering there were less developments than even in any tutorial case. At best it was preview, or a sneak peek.
Case 4 ends oddly, but you do get 2 days of court and a day of investigation so I was cool with it.
The oddest thing about case 4 was the 'to be continued' during the middle of the trial. It made no sense.
That and to be honest, combining them wouldn't make that much of a difference. I can't say I felt "robbed" as most Ace Attorney games only have four cases. It still feels solid and progressive.
I'm still not sure if I LOVE this game, will it get better, GAF?...
It will. Case 2 & 1 are the worst ever. Case 3,4 & 5 are the best ever.
Much, much better.
So what does everyone think of Fulbright as the new detective? I thought he was pretty good. Wasn't as charming as Gumshoe was, but he certainly had own his quirks.
My GOD did Apollo pull out his badass cape for Case 2.
What do you mean by badass cape?
"TheI have just started the third case and it will probably be one of my least favorite in the series...
The two male students are annoying, and Gavier or whatever his name is, is back. I hate him.