Ahhh, Mia, stop stealing bodies, it's creepy. :< Oh my god it's Lotta again lol Honestly I was convinced that Mimi possesing Maya really killed the guy and wondered "huuh does that still make her guilty?" but since Phoenix really was "It WASN'T Maya!" I was convinced. I hope we see fake Hotti again.
Yeah, ever since Morgan started complaining about Maya and her relatives I knew she had something to do with this case. I'm glad she got arrested too.

And about Mimi and Ini, ever since I saw the initial photo with "Ini" crying for her sister, I noticed she had long hair. And then there was the whole thing at the hospital where she used her license card (seriously, why didn't Phoenix told the court that her card was needed for her surgery and because of that she couldn't have obtained it later?), so yup, "oh my god IS THIS TRUE?!"
So Franciska (I know I'm probably writing her name wrong), her animations look kinda weird but I do love her 'dance' when she proves something to the court. Also, awesome, another person that Phoenix ruined his/her perfect record. xD