SuicidalSteve said:
Holy crap. Really strong score from them.
SuicidalSteve said:
Indeed. Sadly, even if this game was getting 10's, it wouldn't matter. Too crowded release window, no PR, and a demo that many fans took issue with.EXGN said:Holy crap. Really strong score from them.
Killdozer said:Ultimatum, can you please elaborate?
Jason's Ultimatum said:All you had to do was hit the breaks and make a hard left or right turn following the boss planes in the past AC games. It was pretty much a circling game.
Maybe I'm just fucking Doug Masters.
an 8 from Edge indicates an excellent game. meanwhile, van0rd of gamespot is nowhere to be found after he posted the infamous "5.5" troll review.SuicidalSteve said:
Yuterald said:This would have to be the primary example of disgusting western game design/shooter/COD influence that is present in the game.
I don't think GS's review is a troll. They hit the same talking points. The big difference is that the Edge reviewer enjoyed this arcadier iteration of AC while the GS reviewer was disappointed by it. And of course, reviewers apparently never play multi, so who knows how good that is.Solid warrior said:an 8 from Edge indicates an excellent game. meanwhile, van0rd of gamespot is nowhere to be found after he posted the infamous "5.5" troll review.
SapientWolf said:I don't think GS's review is a troll. They hit the same talking points. The big difference is that the Edge reviewer enjoyed this arcadier iteration of AC while the GS reviewer was disappointed by it.
How can you keep up with the enemies jukes when you have to roll before you can turn? That's the problem I had with going back to the old school setup.BigJiantRobut said:my eyes are rolling so fucking hard right now it hurts
Spent a little bit more time with the game, I'm definitely coming around to it now that I've change the controls away from default - seriously, default was basically Halo Reach's flight controls. Still loving the intensity of the presentation. Still digging multiplayer a little bit more than campaign. Still not loving the rail sequences.
It has, but AH takes it to Afterburner levels.BigJiantRobut said:AC has always been arcadey.
Is this opinion based on your time with the beta, the game, or on what others have said? I personally think it feels about the same but is more intense in ways.SapientWolf said:It has, but AH takes it to Afterburner levels.
Yep!PhoReal said:This was developed by Project Aces, right?
The whole game doesn't resemble Afterburner but the dogfight air strike modes hearken back to that title. The demo is the same as the E3 demo I played in July so I just went ahead and bought the game.DenogginizerOS said:Is this opinion based on your time with the beta, the game, or on what others have said? I personally think it feels about the same but is more intense in ways.
ctrayne said:I haven't finished it yet, but I will say that I miss the old briefings. Those really added to making you feel like a pilot and fleshed out the story. AC5's are my favorite. Those seem to be largely absent in AH.
Still enjoying it though. It's no AC5 or Zero, but it IS a good game in its own right.
What's better, AC5 or AC Zero?ctrayne said:I haven't finished it yet, but I will say that I miss the old briefings. Those really added to making you feel like a pilot and fleshed out the story. AC5's are my favorite. Those seem to be largely absent in AH.
Still enjoying it though. It's no AC5 or Zero, but it IS a good game in its own right.
Both great in different ways. AC5 is more well-rounded and large in scope, while AC0 is very intense and a little more personal in scale. AC0 is a semi-prequel to AC5, but they can be played in either order.Dark Octave said:What's better, AC5 or AC Zero?
I'm at the store right now looking at both of them.
ACESmkII said:Playing Co-op in story missions with people that actually know what they are doing is amazing.
Yeah, AC5's is VERY good, but flamenco beats everything. Especially when paired to jet dogfights. What an unlikely and beautiful combination.BigJiantRobut said:Zero also has the coolest soundtrack - dat flamenco guitar.
Yeah that move is key in multiplayer death match. I finished my last match 19 kills 4 deaths and 1 of those deaths I hit a building trying to avoid two guys behind me. Overall I came in 2nd.robut said:Can't wait to try it.
I'm loving the multiplayer in this. I'm a goddamn shark and keep getting mvp![]()
PRO-TIP: learn the defensive DFM move asap. When the big red reticule is one you and missiles are coming, slow down, level out so that the triangles in the center screen meet then go into DFM. You'll flip around your attacker and have the advantage. I was stuck in sp until I learned it and aced the mission first time I did.
Again, if you're getting shot down learn this!
You have the be level to the horizon. Watch for a bright green arrow with a looping animation, that is what the screen will show once you are ready. The overlapping red and green marks are a guide but you won't get the prompt unless the plane is totally level.BigJiantRobut said:How come sometimes I can't reverse maneuver even though the red and green level indicators are solidly over each other?
ctrayne said:You have the be level to the horizon. Watch for a bright green arrow with a looping animation, that is what the screen will show once you are ready. The overlapping red and green marks are a guide but you won't get the prompt unless the plane is totally level.
BigJiantRobut said:my eyes are rolling so fucking hard right now it hurts
Yuterald said:I don't understand? It's true. Regenerating health is a product of this generation. Gears of War, COD, etc. How can you deny this and roll your eyes? It has no place in an AC game. Unless there is an Ace difficult where damage actually returns then it's most definitely a disappointing change.
BigJiantRobut said:"Disgusting western game design"
Yuterald said:Well, seriously, what else would you call it then?
You're wording makes it sound like you consider all western design poor, as opposed just to certain elements of certain games. Like, "ah, typical disgusting western design." Makes you sound like a closed-minded weaboo, but I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt.Yuterald said:Well, seriously, what else would you call it then?
Lostconfused said:Really regenerating health is the problem here? I disagree. Shitty on rail shooting sections and anything else that doesn't involve flying a plane are the biggest problems that this game has.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Of course I'm not ruining them. I love the AC games, too.
I beat it in two days, but I did the same with AC0 and AC6. It felt about right to me, but I wouldn't mind more.Finaika said:Thanks for the review.
Is the game really that short?