yupglaurung said:Haven't had a chance to play the demo yet, downloaded it this morning from the US PSN Store, but I won't be back home until late evening.
Question: this is the E3 demo, right?
Hey don't knock the gunship game. That was awesome too.Xater said:Don't know what some of ou guys have been smoking. This demo was a blast I even liked the helicopter mission What do you expect a helicopter to play like? This was as arcadey as it gets. maybe you should try Apache and see how much "worse" a helicopter really controls.
OK, then I know that it is not the final pass in graphics terms. Plus they redid a lot of the texture work on character models during the final phases.broham said:
Ace of Combat: Modern WarfareZenith said:darn it, I knew they'd CoD-ify it. Hope you all enjoy AC130 missions.
glaurung said:Hey don't knock the gunship game.
Zenith said:darn it, I knew they'd CoD-ify it. Hope you all enjoy AC130 missions.
Meisadragon said:Awwww, it doesn't let me go over 42k altitude.I adore the dog-fighting system, and the game is a massive improvement over Ace Combat 6.
Oh yeah, that's what I meant. No Idea why I thought the right stick was used for rollingbroham said:Go into options and change the controls to original.
Current news coverage says yes, in at least one of the modes.Swifty said:Just wondering, will Dogfight Mode be in multiplayer?
Yep 42k feet in this game. Ace Combat 5 had 32k AFAIK. And oh, the menu music is sooo good <3UnluckyKate said:42k feet ? That's about the ceiling in every ace combat since 4 (since I can remember actually)
Woorloog said:The polarized cockpit looks nice but otherwise the game doesn't look better than Ace Combat 6 IMO. Explosions and damaged planes look nice but that's it. Ground looks actually worse.
What characters? I skipped all the cutscenes in AC6 (first game where i actually did that as it was so damn boring) and since this was a demo, i didn't bother watching the cutscenes.Kinyou said:What about the character models?
Nah, the human stories have been a key element of Ace Combat for ages now. Some of the games have pretty fun storylines.Woorloog said:If better grapchis resources were wasted on better looking humans: /facedesk.
Well than are we clearly looking for different things in AC:AHWoorloog said:What characters? I skipped all the cutscenes in AC6 (first game where i actually did that as it was so damn boring) and since this was a demo, i didn't bother watching the cutscenes.
I guess they're better than in AC6... but it's a frigging arcade flight game, not FPS. If better grapchis resources were wasted on better looking humans: /facedesk.
Dog-fighting mode is optional, right? You really don't have to press L2+R2. All the other issues you mentioned are quite trivial.Icelight said:- The emphasis on Dogfight mode
- The lack of 'oomph' to the missiles
- The lack of a machine gun lead indicator
- The helicopter...
- Regenerating health
- No pressure sensitive square-button for the map on the PS3
This demo has brought the game down from my second most anticipated game this year to a "well, I don't know if I even want it any more" status.
Same here. Assault Horizon takes it to an another level though.Aquavelvaman said:There's a special place in my heart for AC soundtracks
The addition of a live orchestra really helps. I love the old OSTs, but they would be even stronger with a real recording instead of synths. Zero was awesome in that it used a real guitar for the flamenco bits.Meisadragon said:Same here. Assault Horizon takes it to an another level though.
Yeah, to be fair it is supposed to be entirely optional. It was probably just forced on you a few times in the demo since this is the first mission and all.Meisadragon said:Dog-fighting mode is optional, right? You really don't have to press L2+R2. All the other issues you mentioned are quite trivial.
Little doubt in my mind this is the case. It's a tutorial, not really a true mission.Icelight said:Yeah, to be fair it is supposed to be entirely optional. It was probably just forced on you a few times in the demo since this is the first mission and all.
I'm sure there will be.Icelight said:Admittedly, regenerating health may not be such a big deal since AC is best played when one missile hit all but shoots you down anyways(So hopefully there's a difficulty setting for that!)
Yeah I agree with the bolded. It's easy to lose the enemy while dogfighting when your fighter is covering a more than a quarter of the screen. Why didn't they make it transparent for that part? It would have lost a lot of it's cinematic flair, but would have been a good sacrifice for gameplay purposes, which is obviously the most important thing when it comes to games.Duallusion said:Didn't like the demo, I'm sorry to say. Plane and a 'copter are too big (too close) in 3rd person view, didn't much enjoy the close-combat shenanigans (should be an option, not the main attraction), graphics are just okay if a bit rough (giving them the benefit of the doubt though, since it's not the final build?) and that chopper mission just... dragged.
Love(d) AC6 so was really looking forward to this too. Might buy it when it drops in price. Next-gen AC, I eagerly await thee!
MechaX said:Just went through both missions on the demo and... ...huh. I'm actually a little disappointed.
The good news is that the jet mission (on original controls of course) is pretty smooth. Your jet actually controlled pretty smoothly and the dogfights were actually pretty fast. Seemingly, they took out High G-Turns from AC6, so that's actually pretty disheartening. But just nitpicking from a long-time fan, nerfing the machine guns to the extent that they did was absolutely unforgivable.
The biggest mark on the flying mission is the dogfight mode. For people concerned, the best way I can sum up this mode is by saying "It's the win button. But it's entirely optional! ... Sometimes..." The demo actually had a fair amount of ace pilots who could only be taken down by the dogfight mode. Yeah, you could try to do it normally. But 100% of the time, you're going to get backed into a stalemate dogfight because the plane has infinite flares and will just start shooting them out automatically like the game was saying "HEY HEY YOU SHOULD REALLY USE THE DOGFIGHT MODE", said ace takes well over 4 missiles to take down anyway, the machine gun sucks, and health regenerates in this game.
Or, alternatively the ace could just use his dogfight mode equivalent on you. Unfortunately, the game again is not too subtly saying "HEY USE IT NOWWWW" when the guy is glued to your rear shooting missiles until you use it (I'm serious, I actually don't think it's possible to shake that pilot when you hit that phase in the demo).
So basically I'm pretty much showing off to take down redshirt enemies, and the moment that a credible threat comes up, the game essentially forces you to use the win button. That actually left me on a pretty depressing note... So why not start up the Apache mission for something different!
Holy fucking shit at that Chopper level. I have never played a demo where shit started to drag on that badly. At a certain point, I was thinking to myself "Please, for the love of God end this mission please- oh god damnit another bunch of guys with RPGs to shoot down." After about 15 minutes of extremely monotonous shooting while awkwardly flailing around and barrel rolling in a helicopter, I run out of missile ammo and get blind sided by an enemy helicopter in what I think was one of the last stages of the mission. At that point, I didn't even have a desire to see exactly where my checkpoint would take me or even how much the mission I had left. At that point, I was really ready to do something else because that part was not fun.
In the end, I feel like this is going to be a pretty "meh" Ace Combat game through and through. If the Chopper missions get even longer and more boring than the one in the demo, it would easily fall below AC6 in my eyes. The game will probably be solid, but I'm just not seeing anything compelling me to not just wait until the game hits the discount bin a few months after its launch.