So Mara from the Shin Megami Tenesi is up for order for 49,800 yen. He is quite big.
Are they serious? They couldn't make a smaller version? Wanted him. Oh well.
So Mara from the Shin Megami Tenesi is up for order for 49,800 yen. He is quite big.
Figuarts Leo is less than 50 and probably the best figure on the market. Seen it as cheap as 40 on eBay in the past but seems around $50 at the moment.
There are two current scales established for the figures: 6.7 inches, and 5 inches.Gonna drop this question again:
After seeing the new Power Rangers movie in theaters...
Please educate me on what the new scene of Power Rangers figures is like. Toys R Us seems to have 1/2 off Legacy figures, I may grab a couple of those.
So Mara from the Shin Megami Tenesi is up for order for 49,800 yen. He is quite big.
The Neca 1/4 '90s movie version is better but it's around $100 and doesn't ship until May. Plus it's huge which is a big downside IMO. I won't even touch 1/6, lol.
I really wish they'd shrink it down to 1/10 scale like they did with a bunch of their other 1/4. It would probably require licensing shenanigans like their 1/10 Adam West Batman did.
I don't do Ebay but the Figuarts is even under $50 on Amazon with fulfilment by Amazon.
Figuarts Leo is less than 50 and probably the best figure on the market. Seen it as cheap as 40 on eBay in the past but seems around $50 at the moment.
Lessee...for $200 one can get
4 Figuarts Turtles
3 Revoltech Turtles
2 Neca 1/4 Turtles
1.5 Mondo 1/6 Turtles
1 DreamEx 1/6 Turtle
1 ThreeZero 1/6 Turtle
Not hurting for TMNT choices these days are we.
Lessee...for $200 one can get
4 Figuarts Turtles
3 Revoltech Turtles
2 Neca 1/4 Turtles
1.5 Mondo 1/6 Turtles
1 DreamEx 1/6 Turtle
1 ThreeZero 1/6 Turtle
Not hurting for TMNT choices these days are we.
There are two current scales established for the figures: 6.7 inches, and 5 inches.
The 6.7-inch scale line is named Legacy Figures.
These figures have great articulation and feel solid, but suffer from "super buff" styling and do not come with their individual weapons from the show. (With a few exceptions.)
These are currently on Wave 3, so the past waves might be harder to find at stores. They cost around $20.
Here's a review of the Mighty Morphin set.
The Rangers currently available are:
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: All Rangers. (Green comes with Dragon Dagger + Sword, White comes with Saba, SDCC Exclusive Red comes with Sword and Megazord Blade)
Power Rangers in Space: All except the Silver Ranger.
Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Red, Blue, Yellow.
Saban's Power Rangers: All Rangers + Alpha 5. (Red comes with Sword)
The Rangers announced for future release are:
Power Rangers Zeo: All Rangers. (Gold will come with Staff)
Power Rangers Dino Thunder: All Rangers. (Black and White will come with their individual weapons.)
The 5-inch scale line is named Action Heroes.
This is the scale in which pretty much all past Ranger figures fit and is considered the main line. They're smaller and lack articulation compared to the Legacy line, but these usually include their weapons. It is also possible to find enemies and villains from the shows in this scale.
These usually cost $10 or so, which makes them really affordable.
Here's a review of the movie figures set:
Currently, these have the Ninja Steel Rangers, the movie Rangers, and some limited releases for Mighty Morphin at Toys R Us.
At Walmart, they have some two-packs of assorted Rangers with villains and of the MMPR team with their 2017 movie counterparts.
Widowmaker statue from Overwatch up for PO:
Not bad tbh but not 100% sold on it, pics I've seen of the Tracer/Reaper statues weren't amazing or anything
Well, the 5-inch line has essentially every ranger ever, so if you have one of those you like, probs try to pick it up. They're not perfect, but they're still fun.Thanks a lot for the write-up, really appreciate it.
Hmm tricky. I tend to collect more in the 6-inch scale range, and there's a wider variety of Rangers to choose from. But if you say the more limited line is considered the main line then I'm not sure anymore.
Super disappointed in those Mondo Turtles (the one I toyed around with at least). Felt cheap and more in line with something you'd pay 30 bucks at Target for.
Revoltechs are legit, though. I would have gone for those to do the foursome but nostalgia beat me and went with the Figuarts.
I've been curious about the Figuarts Turtles - seems like a good iteration of them. Not sure if I want to mix up my collection though.
I had a Mondo & returned it - it looked really cheap & just felt like a scaled up Neca turtle.
The Figuarts Turtles seem like the surest best. Has a classic design, not weirdly articulated like the Revoltechs, not prohibitively expensive like the 1/6 stuff, and not clumsily large like the Neca quarterscale.
If I were to indulge and do 1/6 with TMNT I'd probably go with the DreamEx stuff. They look absolutely killer.
i asked before if anyone pre-ordered one, they look nice!
Heh, sold Quiet PAK for the ridiculous amount I wanted. Some other eBay buyer was asking me for 2/3 less than what I was selling it for. Glad I didn't take up his offer.
Since Void has been selling directly here, I'll do the same just to avoid eBay/PP fees.
Selling PAKs atm. Free shipping in US. If you're overseas then we need to work something else cuz I hate dealing with sending anything overseas.
All new and sealed.
MGS1 Meryl - $120
MGS1 Solid Snake - $350
MGS1 Cyborg Ninja - $350
FFVII Crisis Core Cloud - $85
FFVII Advent Children Cloud - $100
shredder looks good too, at least in the promo pics.
i think i saw a review of dreamex leo and he said the hands are impossible to remove
Out of curiosity, how much did you offload the Quiet PAK for?
It's nice. Not bad at $150, either. But I can pass easy enough.
Fight me
I was waiting for this! Any idea when it goes up?
Also, new pic of SOC Mazinkaiser.
Once I saw people mentioning some of the flaws it became harder to ignore. Kinda regret skipping on the Riobot one, now.
I was waiting for this! Any idea when it goes up?
Also, new pic of SOC Mazinkaiser.
Once I saw people mentioning some of the flaws it became harder to ignore. Kinda regret skipping on the Riobot one, now.
NECA 1/4
NECA 1/4
These must be pretty big. 10" tall?
Didn't diggeh pick one up from tru?
wasn't he stalking the TRU shipping truck in the morning?He got Raph because he has no self control and just saw him on the shelf and bought it like the animal he is.
wasn't he stalking the TRU shipping truck in the morning?
Holy crap Thanos on Throne ex sold out in 5 min. Wtf
Holy crap Thanos on Throne ex sold out in 5 min. Wtf
The Figuarts Turtles seem like the surest bet. Has a classic design, not weirdly articulated like the Revoltechs, not prohibitively expensive like the 1/6 stuff, and not clumsily large like the Neca quarterscale.
He got Raph because he has no self control and just saw him on the shelf and bought it like the animal he is.
not sure if you want to keep it but locknessmobster may want it if he can cancel his other pre-order. if no one takes it wait a bit before you dump it. it may go up in price.So I managed to grab an F91 Metal Build preorder for $215 and I'm like 99% sure I don't want him but I know he's hard to come by. Should I keep it? Does anyone here need one without markup? Sniped someone's canceled one on BBTS.
LOL*because Raph is awesome and you're the king of no self-control Mr. Hot Toys and Gundam and Mythic Legions BackerKit in the span of a few weeks