They're working on it. Reveal at this year's E3 for the 3DS. Includes multiplayerStreetPass and Local :x
I love the two DS advance wars to bits, so I should really go back and play this. Just worried that it'll be a simpler version of what came later, though.
Quality game but 6 quid?!!
This is precisely why the original hasn't been bested it. The games who came later added too much bloat without making it more engaging. The map design in the original is just out of this world. You think you've experienced fog of war, but you ain't seen nothing yet. One of my favourite feature is the branching mission structure. During various points in the game, you get to choose between the OS COs and each has their own map to conquer. Choosing which CO to use will have consequences later on in the game. I love branching game structures because it increases the replay value by so much.
Not much else to say except enjoy!
Why on Earth would they put this on the sinking Wii U but not on the decently selling 3ds?
Because the WiiU is sinking and they want people to buy it? I mean if you're a huge AW fan, this might finally make you buy a WiiU along with everything else.Why on Earth would they put this on the sinking Wii U but not on the decently selling 3ds?
Isn't Days of Ruin the worst AW game? I know they went with a different look, which I personally didn't find appealing.
Still don't get Days of Ruin. Sucked all of the fun from the series. Had they just had AWDS2, I bet it would have sold better.
Because the WiiU is sinking and they want people to buy it? I mean if you're a huge AW fan, this might finally make you buy a WiiU along with everything else.
I don't think a relatively obscure virtual console release of a portable game will increase Wii U sales. So that logic goes out the window. I am a huge AW fan, but I'm not going to drop $250 on a Wii U or however much it costs to play a game I've already owned in the past on the GBA.
Just another very puzzling decision by Nintendo. Here is to hoping a real AW sequel is coming for the 3ds. I'm one of the few AW fans that loved DOR, wouldn't mind another AW in that style.
Still don't get Days of Ruin. Sucked all of the fun from the series. Had they just had AWDS2, I bet it would have sold better.
You missed his point. No one would buy a Wii U for a GBA port. However, the idea is that it increases the value, alongside all of the other things you might want for it.
Because the WiiU is sinking and they want people to buy it? I mean if you're a huge AW fan, this might finally make you buy a WiiU along with everything else.
No, I didn't miss his point. You apparently missed mine though. A release of a relatively obscure strategy title from an ancient hand held onto a home console that has a pathetic user base is poor strategy from Nintendo. Why would you release it on the under performing console that all but the hardest core Nintendo fans consider to be still born, but not put a handheld title on the handheld console they already have that is actually selling well enough. Where is the logic?
I do agree it increases the Wii U's value if only very, very marginally so. It makes far more sense to put it on the 3ds, you know, that newish handheld from Nintendo that is selling far, far more than the Wii U?
But then again, that would be the smart thing to do and this is Nintendo we are talking about here. As others have stated already, here is to hoping for a new 3ds AW's title.
I loved the gameplay of this game so much. The dialog and story however was unbearable and never went anywhere. Not sure if the sequels had actual stories because I wasted so much time reading small talk dialog in the first one I just skipped it all in sequels. Dialog was always something like this:
Character 1: Oh No.
Evil Character: Ha Ha. I will get you.
Character 1: No you will not.
Evil Character: Ha Ha. Yes I will.
Character 1: You can't get me.
Evil Character: Ha Ha. I will destroy you.
Character 1: Not this time.
Evil Character: Ha Ha. You will be destroyed.
Repeat 10 times.
This is probably one of my desert-island games. It will never get old.
one of the best portable games ever
wouldnt make much sense to me on Wii U VC, but game is awesome
Man, i've been looking for something like this for AGES, will try
I don't think Japan ever got a non-compilation release. It would be nice if Advance Wars 2 buyers got a discount for buying the first one, though I'm not expecting it.Kind of a raw deal that Japan is getting 1+2 but everywhere else is only getting 1 and maybe 2 somewhere down the line separately.
Payback for R-Type I / II PCE on Wii.Kind of a raw deal that Japan is getting 1+2 but everywhere else is only getting 1 and maybe 2 somewhere down the line separately.
This game is the BOMB, it's intelligent crack, crits ALL the spots. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. infinite multiverse/10
Still don't get Days of Ruin. Sucked all of the fun from the series. Had they just had AWDS2, I bet it would have sold better.
This is great work! You know you could make a fortune if you could somehow manage to make this into a figurine or something, right?FINALLY an OT about one of the best handheld games of all time, thank you so much for doing this! This game deserves way more exposure, c'mon Intelligent Systems, where's Advance Wars 3DS?!
I spent SOOOOO much time playing the Advance Wars series, the controls are hardwired muscle memory now. I still have the original Advance Wars cartridge my parents got me for my 9th birthday in October 2001, with my original save files and everything. I bought all the Advance Wars series entries since then, have 300+ hours logged into Dual Strike alone. My favourite moment in the series was beating Spann Island in the War Room in 8 days/turns, S rank, with Rachel in DS. My personal favourite CO's to use are Kanbei, Max and Nell in the first three entries, and Tasha in Days of Ruin.
I HIGHLY recommend this game and the entire series (Advance Wars 2, AW: Dual Strike, AW: Days of Ruin). It's flawless. Great AI, great unit design, great map design (even comes with a map builder!), great character design, GREAT campaign, FLAWLESS MUSIC (the character themes are amazing and fits each of them perfectly), perfectly balanced, IT'S ALL GOOD. If you like turn-based strategy, hell, strategy period, THIS IS IT.
I even tried to model the Yellow Comet medium tank unit in CAD last year during my 2nd year, as a practice project. It's my avatar!![]()
This game is the BOMB, it's intelligent crack, crits ALL the spots. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. infinite multiverse/10
Kind of a raw deal that Japan is getting 1+2 but everywhere else is only getting 1 and maybe 2 somewhere down the line separately.
In terms of CO rankings in AW1:
Max > Eagle > Sami > Grit > Nell > Kanbei > Andy > Drake > Sonja > Olaf
Completely agreed. Once again this is just Nintendo proving how inept they are. No reason GBA games can't be released on the 3DS. No, let's release this old handheld game on a console instead. No one is going to be drawn to the Wii U because they can play a few GBA games on it.
Goddamn, is that a 3D model and schematic in your album?! I know you said you wouldn't try to make profit off it but hell, I'm sure some people would pay for unofficial fan models of Advance Wars stuff - I know I would!
This is great work! You know you could make a fortune if you could somehow manage to make this into a figurine or something, right?
Guys, there's a bunch of other threads to critize Nintendo's overall VC policy. This thread is for Advance wars.Completely agreed. Once again this is just Nintendo proving how inept they are. No reason GBA games can't be released on the 3DS. No, let's release this old handheld game on a console instead. No one is going to be drawn to the Wii U because they can play a few GBA games on it.
There was a MASSIVE difficulty spike on level 14 that made a lot of people quit the game. I don't think I've ever seen so many walkthroughs and questions about 1 specific level before. I didn't even beat it myself, but I also suck at these games (despite my love for them) so that doesn't really say anything.
Kind of a raw deal that Japan is getting 1+2 but everywhere else is only getting 1 and maybe 2 somewhere down the line separately.