so basically the adventure time stuff is great and the game part sucks
No reading comprehension whatsoever.
so basically the adventure time stuff is great and the game part sucks
DangSorry, let me fix that. There's text on the back of the box that is Spanish. The manual is only in English and French. The manual however is almost nonexistent except to tell you what the buttons do.
Anyone know if this is going to see a UK/EU release?
I assumed it would come out over here so didn't pre-order the CE from Amazon US, but there's no sign of it anywhere over here.
And if it's not coming out, the US version will work on a PAL 3DS, right?
No news of a UK/EU release.
And no, it will not work. The 3DS is region locked.
I just beat the game in one sitting, my log says I've played for 4 hours 53 minutes. I loved the game, but I love the show so maybe that helps my opinion of it.The last boss/ending are great, it was surprising too haha. As the credits finished and "The End" came on the screen, there was a picture of Fionna and Cake. I don't know if it meant anything, but there is a new game plus. I started new game plus and it was still Finn and Jake, but maybe there's a way to switch?
Regular DS version, maybe?
Play-Asia claims it has no region protection. As long as the game isn't "DSi Enhanced", it should be fine.
should be getting this tomorrow
needs to fucking get here already
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I was rapidly going through the text because I was playing Natural Selection 2 and chatting with some friends, and missed what Princess Bubble gum said after I talked to her. Was something about the Ice King. Can anyone help?
Well, just beat the game. 3DS Activity Log clocked in at 4:39, but there was some downtime, so it was probably closer to 4:15 - 4:30. I unlocked all the power ups and finished at 100%.
Final impressions:
The game oozes with charm and WayForward once again did some great work with animation and capturing the essence of the license. However, similar to Aliens, the game slowly breaks down towards the end. There's a lot of backtracking, and unlike a Zelda II or Super Metroid, the game design isn't strong enough to justify the backtracking, and instead, the item/fetch quests seem to exist just to extend the gameplay. I feel like they were on the verge of making something truly special, but it falls just short.
Post-game reward spoilers:The game does offer a New Game +, where you retain your loot and power ups. As far as I can tell, there's no increased difficulty, so it doesn't really give much motivation to play again, especially considering that near the end of the game, my loot bag was always overflowing.
It's not a terrible game by any means, and fans of the show will definitely find more enjoyment. I thought it was a fun journey, and perfect for casual play, but I also used Amazon rewards points to get it, so I could see where others might regret it if they spend 40 bucks on it.
What part are you at? Will try to remember if I can.
So it's merely an above-average game that uses its license well, with some good ideas that are half-assed in the execution? Sounds like Aliens Infestation to me.
so just 4-5 hours
I hope that Ward is looking at this and I hope he proposes a proper Adventure Time game, with full voice-acting and environments.
game screams RPG.
I haven't seen potential wasted this bad since Pokemon :/
I remember him talking about the kind of game he'd like adventure time to be the two things that stuck out to me were wind waker graphics and a Skyrim like open world.
So it's merely an above-average game that uses its license well, with some good ideas that are half-assed in the execution? Sounds like Aliens Infestation to me.
I enjoyed Infestation, guess I'll like this one as well.So it's merely an above-average game that uses its license well, with some good ideas that are half-assed in the execution? Sounds like Aliens Infestation to me.
Y'alls brains are ridonky donk. This game is so mediocre it hurts. I've been pretty supremely disappointed. The writing, the art, and the music are all great, but it's such a bore to play. Considering that I love both Adventure Time and WayForward's A Boy and His Blob, this game has been a complete let down.
I'm playing it just to finish it at this point. I don't even fight anything any more since none of the enemies are actually obstacles. You can just jump over all of them.
It's a good game. People for some reason expected to be a godlike GOTY contender. Buy it.
So is this good or what? I want to give this to somebody as a Christmas present, but I'm never going to give a bad or meh game.
It's not a good game. You literally run back and forth doing fetch quests. There is little to no level design to speak of. The dungeons are super boring. No puzzles, no challenging platforming, no difficult enemies, no cool boss battles. There is no challenge to the enemies. Traversal is super boring, and yet you spend almost the entirety of the game going back from one area to another getting items. The only thing going for it is the license.
I never expected a GOTY contender. I expected a competent game. It failed at that.
The writing is awesome, though.
It IS a good game. As you said the license does carry but everything else compliments the license. So if you do love Adventure Time The back tracking wouldn't bother you as much. And with the type of game this is, expecting difficulty is your own problem. It's a fan service game for a show MEANT for like 7-13 yr old. Everything else you mentioned is opinionated.
You're right though, if you love AT this is your game. If no I would pass on it.
What does Adventure Time have to do with back tracking? Pretty sure I've never seen them have to walk through the same few areas multiple times just to complete a quest. Over and over and over and over and over again.
And yes, it's all going to be opinion. I'm giving mine. You're giving yours. You saying it's a GOOD game isn't any more or less valid than my opinion that it's a mediocre game attached to an amazing license.
And Adventure Time is a show MEANT for 7-13 year olds, but it's possible to appeal to all age groups.
Just like the show.
And, you know, lots of other games.
I was saying that the game is AT so fans of the series that buy and play this game probably won't mind backtracking that much, thats all.
But I'm pretty sure that's where the difficulty aspect I talked about comes in. It shouldn't be that hard because at its core, it's still a kids game. I get you like more challenging games but looking for one in a CARTOON Network licensed game wasn't smart.