Horse Detective
Why the long case?
My hype is getting ready to climax, I need to see this episode now.
The Marcy episode was underwhelming. Blegh
The Marcy episode was underwhelming. Blegh
Seriously though, I would not mind if every episode of adventure time looked like that from now on.
My hype is getting ready to climax, I need to see this episode now.
The Marcy episode was underwhelming. Blegh
Yeah I kept thinking my computer was freaking out the whole time hahahahaHoly crap dude, that was really tough watching on the internet.
Seriously though, I would not mind if every episode of adventure time looked like that from now on.
Also, Creepy p-bubs is best p-bubs.
easily one of my favorite episodes.
fuck man as far as im concerned pen and his team own animation. he should make a big company and wreck pixar
Gone too long? This season started with a huge two-parter about the Lich.In all the Simon + Marceline backstory, I still don't get where Marceline's parents fall into all of this. Who is her mother? What the hell is Hudson (sp?) doing during those 1000 years? There's still so much of this that is frustratingly being left out. I really hope they address all of this before the series ends. I'm also ready for the Lich to come back, he's been gone too long![]()
Your opinion is bad and you should feel badDid you really liked that episode guys? It was plain awful :/
Gone too long? This season started with a huge two-parter about the Lich.
FIVE MONTHS AGO. Though I realize that's more an issue of how CN has staggered episodes (and I totally understand that they have to stretch things out) than the producers skimping on the Lich. I just like the character and the element it adds to the show. It's not something you want/need all the time but I'd like to see it more often than once every five-six months.
Yeah, in terms of the show he was there just like, what, 12 episodes ago. But in terms of how long it's been since we the audience have seen him it has been a while. I'm sure he'll be back. The Adventure Time Movie is gonna need something totally radical to set it apart from the rest of the series.
Woah now, this is the first I'm hearing of a movie. Sounds awesome. Will it be awesome?
I didn't see the episode yet![]()
but i will use my "episodes should be 30 minutes" compliant![]()
hmmmmm isnt there just 1 more season of adventure time after the 5th season finishes? swear i heard that.
i want some nukes dropped for the last episodes to blow my mind
Don't want to be THAT guy..but isn't this season a bit disappointing? Besides the first Fionna episode I only liked the Birdman and especially the one with Ice King and Marceline. Everything else was mediocre to boring. Or weird and disturbing like the last one.
Cartoon Network just uploaded this Lemongrab video featuring Will Sasso:
What... the... fuck...
Don't want to be THAT guy..but isn't this season a bit disappointing? Besides the first Fionna episode I only liked the Birdman and especially the one with Ice King and Marceline. Everything else was mediocre to boring. Or weird and disturbing like the last one.
What was the first Adventure Time episode? The S1E1 on Netflix doesn't seem right.
For some reason I didn't like this show when it first aired. But watching random episodes now that its streaming I find them pretty awesome.
The actual first episode is The Enchirideon but they aired it out-of-order, so the first episode is Slumber Party Panic / Trouble in Lumpy SpaceWhat was the first Adventure Time episode? The S1E1 on Netflix doesn't seem right.
For some reason I didn't like this show when it first aired. But watching random episodes now that its streaming I find them pretty awesome.
Don't want to be THAT guy..but isn't this season a bit disappointing? Besides the first Fionna episode I only liked the Birdman and especially the one with Ice King and Marceline. Everything else was mediocre to boring. Or weird and disturbing like the last one.
I can't even understand where this is coming from. With the exception of the puppies episode, this season has been so much better than the previous ones, it's in a different league altogether.