To compensate for how bad aiming with a controller they'll usually rely a lot on aim assist or they end up needing to design the entire game around that limitation as well. I guess the second kind of game isn't as bad but I see a lot of the first type where it makes me feel like I'm not exactly playing the always felt like breathing through a straw to me. at least with a mouse you're actually moving your hand similar to how you would move a gun up and down or side to side when aiming. using your fingers is in no way similar at all. detracts from immersion greatly. kind of like VR without motion controllers.
I guess it also work in the other direction too, some PC games tend too focus way too much on precisely aiming. But even with that I just like M&K way better for FSP games.
Ah i see it took to page 3 before we started getting the tiresome steriotypes of 'technical problems' and 'PC's are too complicated' memes.
Well being PC only for the last 10 years, and been PC gaming for 30 years, PC's today are so simple compared to yesteryear. Games barely have problems running in systems these days, i actually cant remember the last time i had a problem running a modern game. Updating drivers and the likes are practically automated these days. Compatability between hardware and software is so high these days that at least for me problems rarely arise.
And even when you do get the odd problem here and there, a simple Google search almost always reveals the solution. I honestly cant remember the last problem, software or hardware wise, that a Google search didnt reveal the solution.
Guys its not the 90's anymore, PC gaming is a piece of piss these days. Its as 'plug and play' as PC gaming has ever been. In fact i'd say its a tiny jump, technical wise, from console gaming. A tiny jump in complexity for the near endless positives of PC gaming over console gaming. Its a trade thats worth it ffs.![]()
Just as stereotypical as people who pretend that there aren't problems and things that can go wrong.
It wasn't any harder to play PC games back in the 90s, I don't know where that idea comes from. People acting like playing on PC is this novelty or that it just recently became a good option is nonsense. PC was always a pretty popular way to play games all over the globe, some market leaned more towards consoles some markets leaned more towards PC.
Some people like to play on consoles, some people like PC, there is no need for everyone to play on PC and PC isn't inherently superior.
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