elektrixx said:Okay. So I'm clear if I buy the cheapest thing possible?
HiddenSentry said:I'm freakin hooked on this game. Added it to Steam's library and it works like a charm. My Greek city is up to about 16, with primary focus on infantry. Does anyone know how the veteran units work? My Hyapists (sp) are now veterans, and I'm not really sure why.
ChiefKief said:I really really really REALLY love the AoE series, but at $99 for some DLC, that's no dice.
Evil Benius said:There is really no need to buy it all, for $20 you pretty much get a complete game unless you want to play as multiple sides.
params7 said:There would be some MAJOR hype around this game if it didn't come with the premium/F2P BS.
dejay said:Maybe I'm dense - how do I sell stuff in the general store? There's an undo sell button there, but I can't seem to sell anything. I need to sell some stuff to buy some planks, so I can get another warehouse in order to open up some more space to complete a quest. The only other way of opening up space is by destroying some stuff, but I don't want to do that if I can sell it.
LocoMrPollock said:Go to the store, open up your inventory and right click on what you want to sell.
I bought the retail version because I had some credit at Best Buy. It's hilarious--you open up the DVD case and there's a paper card with a code on it, a little poster, and a card with the hotkeys on it. That's it.Evil Benius said:Started playing this last night after hearing about it on the Bombcast and it turned out to be a lot of fun. Ended up buying the Premium Greek pack around Level 5 when I got a blue (was planning on buying it anyway by the time I got to 10). Have not played an AoE game since the demo for II, but it is definitely hitting some nostalgia for me.
Kind of pissed though that I found out about the retail box after I got the Greek pack online. I love to own the boxes for my games, but it seems there is only a retail version with the Greeks and not the Egyptians. Maybe I will just buy it and give the code to a friend to try to get him playing.
mik said:I bought the retail version because I had some credit at Best Buy. It's hilarious--you open up the DVD case and there's a paper card with a code on it, a little poster, and a card with the hotkeys on it. That's it.
ZZMitch said:This game installs painfully slow.
dejay said:It installs very fast, it just updates very slowly
Actually the loading times are really good, so that's the thing I'm happy about.
ZZMitch said:Oh, your right.
Damn you art\art.bat!
bobs99 ... said:Damn this download is annoying me they really need to give more information about how long its got left/ what percentage its on etc. A 2 gig download without that kind of information is terrible.
I have high hopes for the game itself but im worried my machine will struggle to run it, going to have to see what happens I guess. I do remember loving Age of Empires a TON years ago when I played it a lot at someones house, if this fails on my machine I might just get a hold of that lol.
bobs99 ... said:Sweet it runs well on my computer quite suprised at that actually.
I am kind of confused though, how does it work, im online so I assume I can get attacked by other people in my gameworld? It seems like im online but in my own safe little bubble? It almost feels like a single player game in a multiplayer environment!
Which world do gaffers frequent, I wouldnt mind using the chatfeature and playing some co op.
Revolutionary said:Okay, what's the proper way to end a co-op quest with both players being able to return to their city? Everytime my friend and I finish up a co-op quest, it ends up with the person who isn't leader having to leave via another city (I.E. Nubia, etc.), not their Capital City.
Also, I'm started to get pissed off at the amount of premium content. My entire storehouse is filled with items I can't use - mostly blueprints for buildings I can't have more than two of.
Argh! I need to find a deal on MS points...
bobs99 ... said:Sweet it runs well on my computer quite suprised at that actually.
I am kind of confused though, how does it work, im online so I assume I can get attacked by other people in my gameworld? It seems like im online but in my own safe little bubble? It almost feels like a single player game in a multiplayer environment!
Which world do gaffers frequent, I wouldnt mind using the chatfeature and playing some co op.
wwm0nkey said:Tempted to buy the premium greek pack :/
wwm0nkey said:Tempted to buy the premium greek pack :/
inky said:Agreed. I'm holding out for the Celts, but who knows when they'll come. If civs were $10 I would've prolly bought Greek pack already, but at $20 i can't justify what is not going to be my main civ. Hopefully we'll see some offers down the line.
DualShadow said:Does anyone know if you max out all your Tech trees at max level?
PsychoRaven said:Don't think you can. You only get 3 points a level.
PsychoRaven said:Can't blame you. I did. Feel free to add me to your friends list if you want. I play on Athens.
Yea. That's why I'm going to be very selective. I'll probably buy one other civilization at some point. After that no more purchases from me.
Zefah said:This only starting with two civilizations thing is kind of killing the game for me. I'm level 9 as the Greeks, but I'm not really interested in the civilization and don't really want to dump $20 to go premium, but I'm also starting to run into a lot of pay walls.
I wish they had the Celts at launch. I guess I'll just have to hope that I'm still interested in the game when they get around to launching it.
bobs99 ... said:Im going to add you if thats alright? Im guessing your GT is the same as your name?
Anyone feel free to add me, my friends list is full but just send a message and ill delete people as and when.
I dont think ive quite finished the tutorial yet, but im jonesing for some skirmish, these quests are pretty dull.![]()
Metalmurphy said:Why is this asking me for a product code? I thought it was free.