So I've had an official Akai Katana art book leftover from a CAVE shop screw-up sitting around for about a year now and I figure it's time to put it to good use. I grabbed one more today from Akiba and I'm putting them up for prizes. You win, I send them to you. Why? Eh, I love this game.
1. Only people playing the US/EU version can participate. Sorry J360 owners but we've had a time advantage as well as Japanese player replays to refer to. People who own both versions are also disqualified.
2. Prizes are limited to Neo-GAF members only (registered as of today) so it doesn't get complicated.
3. I've only got two art books, so I figure there should be two categories:
(i) Overall best Akai Katana Slash score by September 31st.
(ii) First person to break 200million in Origin mode.
(i) should allow plenty of time for people to get good at the game.
4. Evidence has to be uploaded in the form of a photograph. I'll have a henchman check the leaderboards to verify the score, so please submit scores in SCORE ATTACK.
5. There also might be a bonus prize after both winners are decided...
Given the closing of the CAVE shop, it's pretty much a sure thing that this art book is going to be out of print and hard to find soon. So practice up and sharpen yo blades!
Loving this game, but damn getting the first 450+ achievements was a breeze compared to previous from Cave's.
I need a guide tho, I have no idea how the scoring works and how you aquire more katanas and stuff, any help?
So i started playing.
And nothing makes sense at all in Shin/Slash mode.
Original makes sense. repel, explode bullets, collect coins.. Makes sense.
Slash mode, can't seem to collect orbs, katanas, looking at some replays and the game makes no bloody sense. Ah well time to put more time into it.
I don't know, I'm still only at 310G... :-/
Perhaps it's because I'm only playing 1 credit at a time.
As for scoring.
A good way to go is to build up your power meter first and then collect as much iron as possible.
When you have a lot of enemies/bullets on screen, pop your iron and start destroying enemies close-up with your spread shot, not with the laser.
This way they shoot out a bunch of suicide/revenge bullets at you.
Slowly move back to the utmost left of the screen and when you have filled up the screen with as many bullets as possible and collected as many katanas in the process, pop those katanas and fire them into the barrage of bullets.
That should net you a lot of points.
You'll still need to find the best points in the levels and boss battles to do this and adjust your strategies accordingly. But that's part of the fun.![]()
Loving this game. The artwork is so fantastic.
I need this poster. Yesterday.
Should I be tapping shot instead of using rapid shot? I usually use rapid in other games.
Raiden Fighters Aces is mad worth it for that price.
Glad to hear people are hyped on the contest! I'll post up some pics from the art book coming up.
Kind of off-topic, but I really like the art and I couldn't find any information through searching. Could anyone tell me the artist? And if so, do they have a purchasable art book for Akai Katana/artists other work? Would appreciate any help.
On the artbook part of the question - one exists, but the Cave Shop has closed and the only way to purchase it new is to do so in person in some store in Akihabara (which houses the remaining stock from the Cave Shop, with no replenishment of any inventory expected). There's also one copy on the marketplace at the moment, but most sellers on do not ship internationally.
Alternatively, adversesolutions is currently running a contest with two artbooks among the prizes.
Thanks so much!I will keep an eye out for one on ebay, unfortunately can't participate in the contest at the moment.
Just wanted to chime in as I had E3 get in my way for a bit.
This game rocks! I love the rhythm of the game with the way you store/spend energy. I don't know what IGN was smoking when they said it was difficult to understand. Anybody who watched the tutorial should have been able to get a grasp of things easily.
But yeah, great game and I'm extremely happy that it made it to North America.
Press B at the title screen for any mode.![]()
You can also use the bullet reflecting mechanic to position bullets in a way that they're readily available to drag your Energy over immediately after coming out of Ninja mode to grow more energy and go right back into Ninja. If you watch some of the superplay videos, like iconoclasts, you can see how it's possible to get into that groove and do that method over and over through every stage. That's really the biggest thing to learn for scoring. I'm working on this game too, and it's super hard IMO, but still easier than Espgaluda II, which I've yet to crack.
In the trailer I see someone with all the gold circling them but not being absorbed. Do you do this by killing things with Katanas then popping back to phantom mode where you can't absorb them so that they hover around you and grow bigger or something?
Nah you're probably just looking at footage from Origin or Climax mode.
Id like to ask, is anyone else having trouble about achievements not unlocking? I mean today I played Type-3 and finished Slash Mode and I didn't get three achievements. "Beat the game with Type-3", "Beat Nazuna" and "Get 3000 Hits in Slash Mode". Is this a bug or is it just me? Continues are allowed right?
Can't really say I know the conditions for these specific achievements, but did you change any of the game settings? You are normally blocked from earning any achievements if you're not running at the defaults (difficulty, lives, etc).
I just reset my settings to default and Im clearly meeting the conditions for the achievements but they're really not unlocking, any other possible problems?
Are you in Novice mode?
Hi folks, due to a lack of participation in the art book contest I'd like to award one of the art books to Iconoclast, given that two weeks ago he achieved the #1 score for Climax/Zetsu on the Japanese leaderboards which is an amazing accomplishment and a milestone for western players. BUT if anyone has secretly been working on a Slash score for months and has an objection, let me know this week.
I will however leave the Origin contest open!
(ii) First person to break 200million in Origin mode.
So whenever you get there, let me know ;D
holy shit, why no one posted it in the Cave thread? this is an amazing achievement, must be the first time a western player grabs the world record in a shmup (at least with recent games).
Wait a second. Has Akai Katana been on Games on Demand all this time and I was thinking the only way to get it was to buy it on disc? (which I couldn't find anywhere)