No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

The following 4 part gameplay footage can be considered to contain spoilers for those wanting to play fresh, but give a good idea of how the game plays. Watch at own discretion. (Gameplay footage part 1) (Gameplay footage part 2) (Gameplay footage part 3) (Gameplay footage part 4)

(Available for download now)

Tenkawa Taiyou from the manga Giga Tokyo Toy Box model + clothing set (Free)

M's mascot characters cosplay set Shimiya Potami & Shimiya Potaru (Free)
White Knight Armor & Weapon cosplay set from Ragnarok Odyssey Ace (Free)

Swimsuit for Shizuku (¥500)
Other DLC (Not available yet)

Currently have the PS Vita version of the title and its pretty well done. For those familiar with the first title will feel right at home in this one.
For those new to the series should find it enjoyable none the less as its fairly easy to get into. Though do suggest having some knowledge of Japanese for the various story choices in the game as they do matter. Plus the sub quests and whatnots Id imagine will be a pain otherwise. Or you can wait till FAQs are made and playthrough using one.
So far no major problems with the game itself. Loading times are slight but not huge, though there is some "loading" or waiting required when it comes to NPCs loading into the areas that your character is in upon first entering.
This game takes place in Akihabara and the developers have done an even better time with making it pretty close to the real location here in Tokyo. Even more so now that they seem to have a lot of cooperation with various stores to have their likenesses appear in game. One of the famous ones which am sure a lot of GAF members would recognize is the retro game store - Super Potato. Awesome too is the background image used for the shop when you enter it is an actual photo of the shop itself. There are other larger chain stores such as Sofmap that has the theme song playing when you are in the store menu window.
Unfortunately the various stores and such for the most part are not physical explorable locations but mainly are menu based with a background of the actual store itself or drawn image.
One of the largest questions Id imagine is why do we have to strip clothes off of people? The answer is generally in the games story you will be fighting "vampires" so removing their clothing exposes them to sunlight which is the only way to defeat them. Though you can rip clothes off of normal people too, but generally the police dont appreciate that
AR Card Printout has been released!