S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl | Review Thread


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Watched some YT gameplay. Looks great tbh, proper sequel. I'm going to hold off for some more patches though since it sounds like some elements aren't working as intended yet.


Gold Member
The highs in this game are pretty high, but god damn the lows are bottom of the barrel-tier.

I just did a pretty neat sidequest involving a dude named Mastiff, no spoilers but there are multiple moments where you can choose who to side with and that felt really good. I was having a good time.

Then I made my way back to town and out of nowhere I get blindsided by five bloodsuckers. FIVE. Then the game spawns friendly NPC's to help me but they spawn a bit away so I run like hell so they can distract the bloodsuckers but they all keep focussing on me. So there I was, standing like an asshole in the dark foggy swamp, in the rain, fighting 5 invisible enemies who are scripted to attack from the side (outside your field of view) so I constantly get slapped from the left or right without even having a chance. They take a TON of bullets and once you're in the bandage-heal-reload stunlock it's game over. Cherry on top is they have some kind of stun attack that basically renders you immobile for a few seconds. There's zero tactical gameplay involved here. You can't plan for this encounter, you cannot evade it. The game pretty much dumps you into a meatgrinder and there's no way out unless you kill everyone.

So anyway, I finally make it to town and the framerate tanks from 120 to like 18 for no reason AGAIN and then I had to repair my gear for triple the amount of rubles I actually got during this quest so the entire thing was basically a gigantic waste of time and resources and I just alt-F4'd. This shit is ass and honestly the game should've been delayed.

This mechanic of enemies spawning on top of you at set intervals feels cheap as hell and is ruining the entire experience.
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What concerns me most about Xbox is that their games, which should be major hits, appear to be rather lackluster, particularly at launch. Indiana Jones is the next title on the schedule, and the developers have publicly expressed their anticipation for these games, which have been eagerly awaited for years. However, it seems that Microsoft lacks a genuine passion for gaming, and their focus appears to be solely on financial gain rather than the development and quality of their games. This raises concerns about the future of gaming from Microsoft, as it appears to be a trend that is shared by many other companies.

How are you criticizing Microsoft for a game not developed or published by them?

Mr Rogers Clown GIF
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I thought the lack of A-life was the biggest complaint I've been seeing

can anyone confirm whether A-life has at least been fixed?
Watched some post patch videos, I’d say the A Life is still very far away from where it was on the X-Ray engine. The UE5 move seems like a giant bust. Outside of very specific lighting conditions, even STALKER Anomaly looks better. Broad daylight is very flat, doesn’t use ray traced lighting and still runs like crusty dog shit. Big sad. I can’t think of any Unreal game that has an in-depth modding scene. I don’t think the engine allows for it.

Everything is still completely empty outside of a 100m bubble around the player, and AI NPCs do not move when they’re not rendered in that bubble. Even the OG STALKER was far more technically sophisticated. This is a cheap imitation so far.
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Just by reading it is not fixed. A-Life is a system of NPCs that interact with the game world at all times. The NPCs in Stalker 2 are static and are spawned when the player is near. To actually fix A-life properly it will take a long time, if ever.
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Gold Member
I’ve never even tried the original games. Maybe I should just start there by the time I’m done this will be ready.

Try this. Its standalone, and free. Its also pretty damn good, which helps 👍


So A-life is broken and likely never getting proper implemented. What a mess. So I guess most folks either did not notice or were not even paying attention. Sure looks pretty though...

Another recent example of a gaming downgrade. So many are content with pretty graphics and 60 fps they do not notice games are far more simplistic today than just 10 years ago.


So A-life is broken and likely never getting proper implemented. What a mess. So I guess most folks either did not notice or were not even paying attention. Sure looks pretty though...

Another recent example of a gaming downgrade. So many are content with pretty graphics and 60 fps they do not notice games are far more simplistic today than just 10 years ago.
There is still hope they will eventually have the full A-life simulation on PC through mods. I think it's only a matter of time because that's where the talent and spirit is found. It's just that there is this demand of feature parity currently holding this game back...
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