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There is less than a month to go until the long-awaited release of Alan Wake 2 and players were undoubtedly happy with Remedy's recent announcement that the game would feature a performance mode on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series larger frames.
What about the Xbox Series S?
Remedy has now confirmed to the Game Informer portal that Alan Wake 2 will not have the option of a performance mode on the Xbox Series S, which means that it will only be possible to play the title at 30fps.
Remedy Entertainment revealed last week that a Performance Mode was coming to Alan Wake 2 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. There was no mention of this mode coming to Xbox Series S, however, and Game Informer reached out to Remedy to ask if the mode was skipping the console. Remedy confirmed to Game Informer today that there will be no Performance Mode for Alan Wake 2 on Xbox Series S.
As for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X versions, although they will feature a performance mode, Remedy has not confirmed whether it will run at a constant 60fps or whether it will only be the fps released with a 60fps target, claiming that "we're still fine-tuning that".