Ah, alright.No but i have a copy i posted a picture with some stuff a few pages back.
Is there a context to this game being so bad? Something like Duke Forever?
Ah, alright.No but i have a copy i posted a picture with some stuff a few pages back.
Don't bet on it.
I've honestly never heard of that Alien 3 script with the CCP soldiers.
And what? It seems like Gearbox have done exactly that - updated the AvP marine campaigns, and(which has been a running theme throughout the entire series, anyway).gave it a storyline involving the company attemping to gain control of the Aliens for bioweapons research
Gibson's Alien 3 script does much, much more with the fiction than any of the real sequels to Aliens did. I have no idea how they would have filmed it, but it would have been way cooler than anything anyone has tried with the series since (shy of possibly Prometheus).
More footage from youtuber .
*edit* Ha. This guy couldnt even figure out to get in a power loader for a good minute or two. Gamers... doing it smart like! lol
And here I thought I was the only one that appreciated Gibsons attemptGibson's Alien 3 script does much, much more with the fiction than any of the real sequels to Aliens did. I have no idea how they would have filmed it, but it would have been way cooler than anything anyone has tried with the series since (shy of possibly Prometheus).
That footage looks good.
And that looks awful.
I'm guessing the first is PC footage with a 360 controller. The bottom footage is awful lighting, screen tearing, gray washed out textures and awful animations/overall graphics.
And here I thought I was the only one that appreciated Gibsons attemptAs a fan of his work I may need to read it again, but it still amazes me they passed it up for what we have now.
I think the best Alien 3 script would have been the one from Vincent Ward "Wooden Monastery". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_3#David_Twohy.27s_.22Prison_Planet.22
I really like the idea.
Sometimes it' s hard to remember just how much Aliens has influence other shooters. Speaking of I wish A:CM had the health regen of Halo instead of health packs. The game has some minor screen tearing but the game is fun!
Been playing through it and had noticed how washed out the game looked on default but if you put the brightness settings to the near bottom it looks much better and offers more use for the flash light since on default you don't even need it.
It's a solid FPS and one of the better licensed games I have played in a long time. They finally were able to make good Aliens game. If you like the Aliens movies and first person shooters then I really do recommend picking this up when it comes out next week. Or better yet wait a few months because it's probably the type of game that will go down in price pretty quick.
Embargo date for reviews as well as the official release of the game are this coming Tuesday, February 12th.Whats the release date for this again?
Just got a message from EB Games (Australia) that they are selling it today (Saturday afternoon 9 Feb).
Dont want to commit until I see some reviews.
Health regen basically ruined FPSes forever to me bar a few exceptions.
So, finally a good news then
I choose to believe you. I want to believe.
You should haha, I really do like it. I played a little dead space 3 and honestly this is much scarier at parts and it's not even a survival horror.
Don't bet on it.
Might be able to trade the steamkey to break even!When I pulled the trigger on this game for $35 I knew I was going to regret it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Having come to terms with this, I'm hoping I can get some enjoyment riding on nostalgia and franchise-based sentimentality.
Ah, alright.
Is there a context to this game being so bad? Something like Duke Forever?
So, the base single player story will not feature coop? But will have a separate story for coop?
Nah, the single player campaign and co-op campaign are exactly the same. Most of the campaign you play with other characters from the movie/game and Co-op player(s) take the place of them. It works quite well actually
Sucks. I wasn't really interested in it but I used to really like the Brothers in Arms games and it sucks to see Gearbox just release game after game that's not related to my interests (Boredlands 1&2), and it makes it even worse if they just suck (DFE, this).No the game is serviceable just not AAA in my opinion, it does some things really well but it just feels to dated maybe i should look at in a different light but i am just not having a ton of fun with it.
You should haha, I really do like it. I played a little dead space 3 and honestly this is much scarier at parts and it's not even a survival horror.
When I pulled the trigger on this game for $35 I knew I was going to regret it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Having come to terms with this, I'm hoping I can get some enjoyment riding on nostalgia and franchise-based sentimentality.
I am afraid the core shooting mechanics and enemy AI (Gearbox seems incapable of doing AI well in any of their games) are not going to be very good. This is my chief worry. Also, heavy scripting.
These capital letters express my confusion.
This game sounds awful, but I have to see for myself. I'll be picking it up tomorrow. JB has it for $69 AUD already, so that helps (kind of).
Gearbox and Sega suck for putting this out as is - the product is sub par and again not worth 50 bucks or more. It is not as poor as say King Kong, but it definitely ain't no Dead Space (original i mean) either. And I feel gearbox should have at least aimed for somewhere in that range. But hey that's just me.
Oh god. Level 2 is awful. COD in space.
Damn, I thought $30AUD was pushing it with my purchase. I expect to regret spending that money the instant I play it.
So Gearbox has fucked up another IP?
Looks garbage. I thought this game was meant to be BioShock in space with aliens. Shame.