I just saw a commercial for this game 10 minutes ago.tbh I put more effort in this OT than SEGA did with promoting the game.
I just saw a commercial for this game 10 minutes ago.tbh I put more effort in this OT than SEGA did with promoting the game.
It'd be hard to bring a lot of those themes over, but yeah, it seems to be reveling in the hardware/shooting/badass marine aspect, as well as just recreating key scenes "Look! there's Vasquez' locker! There's the grates the Queen pulled up! Remember the sentry guns?". It's commendable on an "attention to detail" front (weird franchise retconning aside), but I do wonder how much they focused on making it a great game. It's bound to deliver at least some fun-shooting-gallery scenarios, at least.What I'm afraid of most is, that Gearbox seem like FANS of Aliens. That's probably the worst thing that can happen if you want to expand on someone elses IP. Because you never go beyond your own personal interpretation of an IP. And Aliens allready was a huge backstep in terms of Lore and ambiguity. At least it was self conscious enough to mock all the marine macho bullshit... yet this game seems to think it was genuine and seems about as self aware as a rock.
None of the original premise (sexism, rape, sadistic pleasure, militarism and corporate fascism, motherhood) seem to be intact. It's all just shoot a lot of Zombie... err Xenos.
Still, the MP should be quite a lot of fun, even if the animation look straight out of The World is not Enough on the N64.
It'd be hard to bring a lot of those themes over, but yeah, it seems to be reveling in the hardware/shooting/badass marine aspect, as well as just recreating key scenes "Look! there's Vasquez' locker! There's the grates the Queen pulled up! Remember the sentry guns?". It's commendable on an "attention to detail" front (weird franchise retconning aside), but I do wonder how much they focused on making it a great game. It's bound to deliver at least some fun-shooting-gallery scenarios, at least.
Further to what someone mentioned earlier, using the lumbering power loaders against 'normal' Aliens does seem fucking stupid, the more I think about it
It's a pretty risky route they have chosen, given the nerdish fans of the film (myself included). They've tasked themselves with getting the tone just right, not even in terms of overarching themes or feel, but actual specifics (characters, weapons, locations) from a single movie. So much material to work with but it also restricts how much they can fuck with it.
Get out.
alien 3 would have been an amazing film If they let fincher have his way.
but what we received in the end was just a pile of broken garbage, even the directors cut could not save much.
I just really like the fact that it was a bunch of deranged criminals in a closed environment with no weapons against that thing. It had a lot in common with the first movie.
They were forced to use there wits against the alien in the claustrophobic grimy prison planet made for some intense scenes.
I also thought some of the casting was fantastic. Charles Dance, Danny Glover and the brilliant Pete Postlethwaite.
It's a much better movie that a lot of folks give it credit for just because it isn't a bunch of marines going gung ho on a alien planet.
I'm a huge fan of the feel of Alien 3. Great soundtrack, amazing atmosphere. So bleak, it really had an oppressive feel of loneliness and hopelessness. I think it falls apart a bit in the second half, though. But yeah the extended cut improves it.I just really like the fact that it was a bunch of deranged criminals in a closed environment with no weapons against that thing. It had a lot in common with the first movie.
They were forced to use there wits against the alien in the claustrophobic grimy prison planet made for some intense scenes.
I also thought some of the casting was fantastic. Charles Dance, Danny Glover and the brilliant Pete Postlethwaite.
It's a much better movie that a lot of folks give it credit for just because it isn't a bunch of marines going gung ho on a alien planet.
I'm a huge fan of the feel of Alien 3. Great soundtrack, amazing atmosphere. So bleak, it really had an oppressive feel of loneliness and hopelessness. I think it falls apart a bit in the second half, though. But yeah the extended cut improves it.
Alien 3 is awesome. I grew up with Aliens and I have all 4 movies on VHS and Blu-Ray. After looking at them numerous times I'd have to say that Alien 3 is the scariest one. A real "oh crap, what on earth are you going to do now?! *crap your pants*" rather than the "kill 'em all, kill 'em all, kill'em..... err.. OH CRAPPPPP! ARGH!" None the less, I love the first 3 Alien movies.
Back on topic. If you really think about it, the Wii-U version should be the best experience for Aliens, but we'll have to wait and see. I'm cautiously optimistic.
I just really like the fact that it was a bunch of deranged criminals in a closed environment with no weapons against that thing. It had a lot in common with the first movie.
They were forced to use there wits against the alien in the claustrophobic grimy prison planet made for some intense scenes.
I also thought some of the casting was fantastic. Charles Dance, Danny Glover and the brilliant Pete Postlethwaite.
It's a much better movie that a lot of folks give it credit for just because it isn't a bunch of marines going gung ho on a alien planet.
I just really like the fact that it was a bunch of deranged criminals in a closed environment with no weapons against that thing. It had a lot in common with the first movie.
They were forced to use there wits against the alien in the claustrophobic grimy prison planet made for some intense scenes.
I also thought some of the casting was fantastic. Charles Dance, Danny Glover and the brilliant Pete Postlethwaite.
It's a much better movie that a lot of folks give it credit for just because it isn't a bunch of marines going gung ho on a alien planet.
Alien 3 is awesome. I grew up with Aliens and I have all 4 movies on VHS and Blu-Ray. After looking at them numerous times I'd have to say that Alien 3 is the scariest one. A real "oh crap, what on earth are you going to do now?! *crap your pants*" rather than the "kill 'em all, kill 'em all, kill'em..... err.. OH CRAPPPPP! ARGH!" None the less, I love the first 3 Alien movies.
Back on topic. If you really think about it, the Wii-U version should be the best experience for Aliens, but we'll have to wait and see. I'm cautiously optimistic.
It was blue screened rod puppets wasn't it? Not CGI. Either way it looked like shit.Id love a version that doesnt have the awful early 90's attempts at CGI in it and jsut used puppets/suits. Cause i do think its a good film, but that CGI is terribad. Its bullshit they jsut killed off Hicks and Newt tho. I loved Michael Beihns response when asked to be in a flashback cameo in A3, he basically demanded an extortionate amount of money he knew they couldnt pay as a 'fuck you' for killing off Hicks :lol
Anyway, A:CM is looking more and more like a 5/10 every time i see it. I guess if youre a big fan, like i am, bump it up to a 7.
Man you buncha AVP2010 haters are haters. That game was pretty cool.
It was blue screened rod puppets wasn't it? Not CGI. Either way it looked like shit.
I wonder when the review embargo lifts. Release day?
Because it's inevitable.
- Aliens
- Alien
- Alien 3
- Prometheus
- Alien Resurrection
Wrong, first of all, Prometheus is a fuckin' awesome movie. It is true science fiction and a great spectacle. It captures that special "Alien" feeling of the first movie great. That special "unknown" factor that leaves you wondering and speculating a lot. If you pay close attention to the movie it makes perfect sense.
I'm more puzzled that the Wii U version still has no release date.Lol great OT, I gotta say I was convinced this game would sell well on the brand alone but the marketing has been so bad idk anymore :-/
I'm guessing low 70s meta score and the fact there are not even any high scoring, early pre embargo reviews can't be too good either
Man. I lost it.
Man. I lost it.
It does make sense. Of course it's hard to get the movie at first view, but it's got a very interesting story nontheless.
If you have seen the movie and think there are many unanswered questions, feel free to watch this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpEx7pdp2-Q (warning, massive spoilers, do not watch it if you haven't seen the movie but still plan to!)
I found the film boring, silly, and not scary at all. I never felt baffled by it, or thought it needed further explanation, it was just bad. Elba and Fassbender were great though, and it's very pretty to look at.
Get out.
Prometheus is the best sci-fi film since Blade Runner as far as I am concerned. Also, Alien 3 is a pretty good film too.
Prometheus is the best sci-fi film since Blade Runner as far as I am concerned.
Get out.
Because it's inevitable.
- Alien
- Aliens
- Alien 3
- Prometheus
- Alien Resurrection
A3 was a great Aliens movie. If you didn't get the movie then fine. But stop bad mouthing it.
Well, that's ok if it's not your cup of tea. You know, "Alien 1" got a lot of flack from viewers and reviewers alike when it came out. Same goes for "Blade Runner". Just saying.
Anyway, I'm happy that Prometheus did so well and that there will be a sequel.
Count me as one of the people who enjoyed Alien 3.
Prometheus was very pretty to look at but it was the worst film I've seen in probably about 10 years. I had hand cramps for hours after the movie from all the face palming I did.
Co-signed. The Director's Cut is even better.
Movie is seriously underrated.