Tired of ultra quiet dialogue in a touching whisper scene followed by INSANELY LOUD MUSIC OR EXPLOSIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER?!
Apparently Amazon is doing something about it.
This is the exact type of thing that make me excited for the future of AI along with uncensoring JAV videos. Things to make people's lives better, even in small ways, that can be automated and programmed around. Alternatively, Hollywood sound mixers could get a fucking clue I guess, but that seems unlikely considering the history of cinema.
Apparently Amazon is doing something about it.

Amazon’s New Tool Adjusts Sound So You Can Actually Understand Movie and TV Dialogue
Amazon's "Dialogue Boost" uses AI to increase the volume of speech relative to background music and effects.

Introducing: Dialogue Boost, a new function from Amazon that lets you actually understand what’s being said on its shows. The AI-powered feature will let you increase the volume of dialogue relative to background music and effects, and you can customize it to your personal preference, all to create a “more comfortable and accessibly viewing experience.”
This is the exact type of thing that make me excited for the future of AI along with uncensoring JAV videos. Things to make people's lives better, even in small ways, that can be automated and programmed around. Alternatively, Hollywood sound mixers could get a fucking clue I guess, but that seems unlikely considering the history of cinema.