Sorry, we don't carry any of those games.
Sounds like there was shuffling when I updated Nelo, my bad. Rest assured, the deal will happen on Sunday.
Sorry I explained this poorly in my original response.
We have run each game at $5 each multiple times in the past and understand well how they perform at that pricepoint. We want to test the efficacy of bundles independent of an a la carte offer to see how they perform.
This is the reason that currently we're not offering a $5 individual option.
My follow up comment to that explanation was that preliminary data (we only have 1 day) shows that the bundle offering is outperforming the a la carte.
A follow up test will be to offer both concurrently and see how that works. The idea behind testing is to isolate data points and then figure out how to proceed to the next idea, capturing successes and failures so you can build the best possible option.
Hope this helps explain better

Did you get this resolved? It sounds like you may have found a solution.
The Need For Speed deals start 7/8, is this indicated differently somewhere?
Yes, we renamed it, if you look at the first review one of our customers apparently took personal offense to calling a game containing games like "Shank" and "Warp" and "Indie Bundle".
Sorry you feel the deal is insulting. I've actually never heard anyone say they took personal affront to a deal before. Hopefully our upcoming sports deals appeal to you more.