I can tell you that our team internally was pleasantly surprised and that it CRUSHED my forecast. I hope you are all telling your friends that this is a $10 must have, I'd love to see it pick up and stay strong through the weekend

Not all of our games activate on Steam, we're working on getting Steam keys to distribute as an option for all our games but we didn't have time to get the ones for those games working in time for this promotion.
We received word back from Deep Silver on the promo, I'm not happy with the deal though so if we run it in its current state I won't be promoting it here, it will just run on the site.
Roughly 3-4 AM EST.
Hey guys,
First and foremost
This issue has been addressed and I can now confirm the game activates and plays fine.
Sorry I should have addressed this, it has been over a month since this fire drill so I forgot. We were issued a batch of bad keys at one point, we distributed less than 500 of them (within a few hours of the sale starting) before the CS alarms started going off, at which point we pulled the product down and contacted EA.
EA root caused the issue, which had something to do with the keys not being registered on a server somewhere, we purged all of our keys at the time and received new ones which we tested thoroughly before putting back up.
Hope this helps assuage your worry, Nelo, could you toss this in the OP next to Hot Pursuit?