Lots of good questions. I'll try and answer all of them as best I can.
1. When it comes to price matching steam, is that only on games that amazon has actual steam codes for? - If we have the game, Steam code or not, we'll match if we are matching.
2. If there are packs that steam makes, is amazon going to try and make similar packs to compete? - No, this puts too much of a burden on our OPS team and generally doesn't result in enough traction to make it worth our while.
3. Do you price match all of steams prices, even when they are not having that elusive summer sale? - Generally yes, but there are exceptions and errors that occur sometimes.
4. Also is this Amazon sale just going to last through July, or into August? Some of your posts reference upcoming deals for next month - With the exception of June, we've had a major promotional event every month since January. We also have a Deal of the Week that runs every week:
5. Thanks for the kind words
