Amazon Video Gamer
hey Tony, when will go live the Borderlands GOTY deal?
2.5 hours
hey Tony, when will go live the Borderlands GOTY deal? - We'll have this for $161.99 ($40.50/copy) from now until the game launches. If you have purchased Borderlands GOTY from us, or purchase from 7/26-7/30 you'll get an additional $18 off this item, making it $143.99 ($35.99/copy). You have to use the coupon before end of day PST on 7/30 though.
2.5 hours
when does the Spec Ops price go down?
Tony, questions you could never answer, but I'm pretty fascinated with what you're doing from a business perspective.
The Hi-Lo thing must be working out pretty well for you considering the time and effort you personally are putting into promoting it. I wish you could share what the difference has been for you compared with the previous EDLP pricing strategy AMZN went with for a long time in digital games. I bet it's pretty damn big. 1.4-2x overall revenues?
And I'd love to know if you're seeing any dropoff in participation as you run more deals and just how much the Steam Sale impacted your sell-through rates.
I know they're all secrets, but you have to be learning some pretty cool things right now.
Divinity looks so awesome. Does GAF like this game?? What's it like or compared to?Just confirmed:
Divinity II Dragon Knight Saga - $5.99 - Steam
Divinity II Dragon Knight Saga - $5.99 - DRM free
Also, anyone who buys Borderlands this weekend (starting tomorrow) will get an additional 10% off ($6) Borderlands 2 pre-order, bringing it to ~$48. Additionally, if you've ever purchased Borderlands from us, you'll get this same credit towards the pre-order of Borderlands 2.
Does anyone know where Amazon downloads games to?
I downloaded around 13GB worth of Dragon Age and when I got done the downloader told me it was unable to open the AFP file. I'd go ahead and redownload it but I figured I'd try to copy the files it did download over to the Origin folder and see if I can repair it that way, but I can't seem to locate it anywhere on my computer.
Does anyone know where Amazon downloads games to?
I downloaded around 13GB worth of Dragon Age and when I got done the downloader told me it was unable to open the AFP file. I'd go ahead and redownload it but I figured I'd try to copy the files it did download over to the Origin folder and see if I can repair it that way, but I can't seem to locate it anywhere on my computer.
7/28 for everything except Borderlands GOTY and Hitman Bundle
Divinity is showing as 39.99, when does the sale start?
I'm starting to think I'm on everyone's ignore list, this has been answered at least 4 times already.
So as someone who has never really played a CoD game post CoD2, would Modern Warfare 2 be a good buy? Or would be be better to splurge on Black Ops for 19.99 instead? I plan on playing both the single player and the multi-player.
Has there been any word on another sale for the 2 Kingdoms of Amalur DLCs?
Hey Tony, couple of questions.
I see the 4-pack at 179.97 right now. Is the price going down today or that was a typo?
If I pre-order the 4-pack, do you know when we'll receive the steam keys? Is it right now, a week before release, on release day? Any idea?
The thing is I would be buying from Canada so I would have to use a different address. I don't necessarly mind doing that for buying a steam game but it's making me a bit nervous if I have to wait a while before getting the key... I know you won't comment officialy on out of US customers but at least if you have some kind of rough ETA for the keys it would help.
Additionally, all pre-orders of Borderlands 2 or the Borderlands 2 Four Pack will get access to the Borderlands 2 Premiere Club, which includes a Golden Key, Vault Hunter's Relic, Gearbox Gunpack, and new Mechromancer class.
I'm also curious about this. If you get BL2 or the 4-pack, when do you receive the steam keys?
Just want to be sure I'm understanding this. It doesn't matter who places the Borderlands 2 4-pack order, all B2 keys from that order come with the "Premiere Club" DLC.
Any chance we'll see Dragon Age 1 alone for 5$?
Modern Warfare 2 was the COD game I liked least. Multiplayer-wise, they ramped up the kill streak bonuses to an absurd level, I felt and more often than not hot death was raining down from the sky. Singleplayer took the COD formula and just amped up everything to 11. If you enjoy COD campaigns, it's alright but a little silly with how it keeps trying to one up itself.
Black Ops followed MW2 in a lot of areas but they did tone down things a little bit. One major improvement in multiplayer was the fact that kill streak kills didn't add towards your next kill streak. This kept things a bit more reasonable in my experience.
Black Ops singleplayer played similarly to all post COD 4 campaigns but they changed things up with the way the story was presented. I'd say it's a little more interesting.
Edit: I guess a lot of what I just posted assumes you are aware of everything that changed with COD 4.
You mean Battlefield 1942 and CoD 2?you obviously arent very good at cod... for those of us who can actually get killstreaks, really love to rain down hot death. black ops ruined that... its completely unrewarding for better players. just like how they nerfed every gun when it comes to damage,recoil, and range. it makes it so much harder to rack up kills quickly, encourages camping, and forget about using a silencer. all this just so people like you can actually get as many kills as deaths. activision figured theyd rather fuck all the people who were good at cod4 and mw2, just so they can attract more and more new players and make more money. its a good marketing move... but cod is dead to me. the even sadder thing is that i switched to battlefield bad company 2 because black ops was such a sell out fail and i loved every minute of it. i got excited for battlefield 3 and didnt even think of getting mw3, but to my surprise, battlefield 3 kind of did the same thing. recoil is ridiculous, and it takes like 15-25 bullets to put someone down. sniping is completely nerfed. bf3 is equivalent to black ops to me... oh well. i guess i just have to come to terms with just playing the classics...
you obviously arent very good at cod... for those of us who can actually get killstreaks, really love to rain down hot death. black ops ruined that... its completely unrewarding for better players. just like how they nerfed every gun when it comes to damage,recoil, and range. it makes it so much harder to rack up kills quickly, encourages camping, and forget about using a silencer. all this just so people like you can actually get as many kills as deaths. activision figured theyd rather fuck all the people who were good at cod4 and mw2, just so they can attract more and more new players and make more money. its a good marketing move... but cod is dead to me. the even sadder thing is that i switched to battlefield bad company 2 because black ops was such a sell out fail and i loved every minute of it. i got excited for battlefield 3 and didnt even think of getting mw3, but to my surprise, battlefield 3 kind of did the same thing. recoil is ridiculous, and it takes like 15-25 bullets to put someone down. sniping is completely nerfed. bf3 is equivalent to black ops to me... oh well. i guess i just have to come to terms with just playing the classics...
You mean Battlefield 1942 and CoD 2?
MW2 being a classic... These are the posts that make you feel obviously arent very good at cod... for those of us who can actually get killstreaks, really love to rain down hot death. black ops ruined that... its completely unrewarding for better players. just like how they nerfed every gun when it comes to damage,recoil, and range. it makes it so much harder to rack up kills quickly, encourages camping, and forget about using a silencer. all this just so people like you can actually get as many kills as deaths. activision figured theyd rather fuck all the people who were good at cod4 and mw2, just so they can attract more and more new players and make more money. its a good marketing move... but cod is dead to me. the even sadder thing is that i switched to battlefield bad company 2 because black ops was such a sell out fail and i loved every minute of it. i got excited for battlefield 3 and didnt even think of getting mw3, but to my surprise, battlefield 3 kind of did the same thing. recoil is ridiculous, and it takes like 15-25 bullets to put someone down. sniping is completely nerfed. bf3 is equivalent to black ops to me... oh well. i guess i just have to come to terms with just playing the classics... - We'll have this for $161.99 ($40.50/copy) from now until the game launches. If you have purchased Borderlands GOTY from us, or purchase from 7/26-7/30 you'll get an additional $18 off this item, making it $143.99 ($35.99/copy). You have to use the coupon before end of day PST on 7/30 though.
Preloads occur through Steam.
Hey Tony,
Love the deals you are doingQuick question about the bolded part. Does that mean that we have to buy the GOTY edition to get the additional $18 off the 4 pack? Or do we get the additional $18 off if we purchase the 4 pack by Monday, regardless whether we've bought the GOTY edition? I've already bought the GOTY from steam during the steam sales last week and was wondering if I needed to rebuy it from you to get the deal to work?
any updates on a dead rising 2 sale?
Side question.
I'm in a meeting about our social media activity.
I'm asking for feedback here. What would make you guys, as gamers, want to visit tihs page:
and more importantly, engage in conversation.
The world is your oyster here guys, I'm willing to try most things (within reason).
I avoid Facebook like the plague. Even Twitter is preferable.Side question.
I'm in a meeting about our social media activity.
I'm asking for feedback here. What would make you guys, as gamers, want to visit tihs page:
and more importantly, engage in conversation.
The world is your oyster here guys, I'm willing to try most things (within reason).
Yikes. People like me? I've never had any issues getting kill streaks and I maintained a 2+/1 kill to death ratio in MW2. I just felt like they took the kill streak rewards too far in MW2 and it turned the battlefield into a clusterfuck of aircraft. I always felt that COD 4 hit the sweet spot for kill streak rewards and everything after that went too far. To each his own I guess.
MW2 being a classic... These are the posts that make you feel old.
Glad you're digging the deals.
The $18 credit is being distributed to customers who purchase and/or have purchased Borderlands Game of the Year.
Side question.
I'm in a meeting about our social media activity.
I'm asking for feedback here. What would make you guys, as gamers, want to visit tihs page:
and more importantly, engage in conversation.
The world is your oyster here guys, I'm willing to try most things (within reason).
Glad you're digging the deals.
The $18 credit is being distributed to customers who purchase and/or have purchased Borderlands Game of the Year.
Side question.
I'm in a meeting about our social media activity.
I'm asking for feedback here. What would make you guys, as gamers, want to visit tihs page:
and more importantly, engage in conversation.
The world is your oyster here guys, I'm willing to try most things (within reason).
you obviously arent very good at cod... for those of us who can actually get killstreaks, really love to rain down hot death. black ops ruined that... its completely unrewarding for better players. just like how they nerfed every gun when it comes to damage,recoil, and range. it makes it so much harder to rack up kills quickly, encourages camping, and forget about using a silencer. all this just so people like you can actually get as many kills as deaths. activision figured theyd rather fuck all the people who were good at cod4 and mw2, just so they can attract more and more new players and make more money. its a good marketing move... but cod is dead to me. the even sadder thing is that i switched to battlefield bad company 2 because black ops was such a sell out fail and i loved every minute of it. i got excited for battlefield 3 and didnt even think of getting mw3, but to my surprise, battlefield 3 kind of did the same thing. recoil is ridiculous, and it takes like 15-25 bullets to put someone down. sniping is completely nerfed. bf3 is equivalent to black ops to me... oh well. i guess i just have to come to terms with just playing the classics...
Any word on a Battlefield 3/Premium bundle sale? I doubt Origin is going to have EA's cash cow up for anything less than $90 any time soon.
Compensate for/manage your recoil and fire in bursts. They're not laser guns.
not worth it... just going to play bc2.